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selling a car on the internet(scam!)


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I have had two people contact me about buying my car that I've advertised here and on a local TV station web site. Both want to send me a cashiers check for the car plus extra to give to the transport company that will pick up the car. Is this legit? Anyone had this kind of offer? The only way I have been able to communicate with these folks is via email and they don't seem too concerned about the condition of the car. Smells fishy, but I don't want to miss a chance to sell it.


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I have sold several and purchased cars on the internet. What I have done in the past is to have the purchaser copy and fax the photo copy to me or my bank. You or your bank can contact their bank and verify the check. If you really dont want to accept the check they can always wire the money to you or your bank. Be careful with a cashier check, most of them are good but you must verify. In anycase you need to have the actual check in hand before you ship. I dont know if it sounds fishy but use caution

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Just had that happen last week for about the 10th time. Wanted to buy the 91 Reatta coupe with 29K miles I have advertised on Buy/Sell for a friend. I knew before-hand it was a scam but we went back and forth as I was trying to find out their identity. This one conversation originated from different e-mail adderesses each time they replied. I go thru this about 3 times a year with scamers who want to rent a rental I have. Kiss them and tell you to send CASH. They'll go away fast. Is their spelling and grammer bad too?

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Yes, spelling and grammar are questionable. One gave me a phone number, but all I get is "please send a fax or leave a message after the tone". I guess what made me question the offers is that both wanted to send extra money for the transporter. What should it cost to transport a Reatta across the country? (BTW the phone number was a 206 area code. Washington state?) I gave the guy with the phone number my address to send the check, so we'll see. I'll take it to the bank and see if they can verify. Thanks for the comments!

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Churchman, Last year I sold my boat and also bought my Reatta,I handled both transactions using a wire transfer. I feel it's one of the safest methods to carry out a sale. On the Reatta I had the prior owner Fax me a copy of both sides of the title to make sure it didn't have a lien on it and also to make sure it was titled in the state he said it was. Hope this helps.

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"but I don't want to miss a chance to sell it."

"both wanted to send extra money."

I see that you are about to swallow it.

When the bank discovers it is a bad check,

they will go after you. In some cases, charge

you with fraud. You, not the criminal.

Rawja has a good point also.

You need to walk away from this now.

Banks have not updated their systems to verify

checks electronically. You are at risk.


1989 White/Blue

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Hi, Churchman!

We previously discussed the purchase of your Reatta, a couple years ago. I bought a drop-top instead, although I liked your coupe.

Last Christmas, I sold one of my ragtops via eBay. Seller sent a transport, with the cashier's check. My bank put a 3-day hold on the funds in order for the check to clear. I held the title until the check cleared. The buyer was a Buick dealer, and sent a note from the bank prez to confirm the check. My bank put the hold on it because the bank it was drawn from was not a national bank. Our transaction went thru without any problems.

In your case, I would hold the car and the title until the check is fully funded. The offer you recieved sounds like a scam. Tell them "either all cash, or wait to recieve the car until after the check has cleared. If they refuse, it's a scam!

For more info on these type of scams, goto eBay's security center, and you'll see this type of scam is common - word for word. Ebay also has a discussion forum with lots of info from eBay and others about car sale scams.

If it's not a scam, the buyer will do whatever you request to get the car, cash, wire xfer, or whatever.

I know, 'cause I've done backflips to secure any of the 5 Reattae purchased thru eBay. I've logged over 12 flight hours, and 3,300 miles driving in my quests for Reattae.

These cars are much more rare than the scam being posed to you, don't let it go until you have the CASH in your hand!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say any offer that is more than your price to cover shipping is a scam. I have collected about 5 checks from these idiots, called a "Nigerian Scam" from where it started. I have had a few call me, wondering if I received my check, I just say No, not here yet, fools have to pay for a long distance call. After a while, they get a clue, it is always untraceable, how I would so like to meet up with one of these pieces of sh*t and give them a taste of american justice.

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Actually, it is a variation of the Spanish Prisoner con that has been around since the 16th century. It gained popularity again in the 1920's and, more recently, the late 1990's via the 419 spammers or <span style="text-decoration: underline">advance fee scam</span>. Most notably the Nigerians but not limited to them alone.

Traceable, both checks and spam but leading to a dead end.

It plays upon the cupidity of individuals.


1989 White/Blue

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Scam Alert!

Yes, this was a scam. Check was returned to my bank as a forgery. Luckily, I had talked to the bank manager about it before I made the deposit and she made the funds unavailable until the check cleared or was returned. She is mailing it back to me and of course I'm not out anything on it. Not sure what my next step is, although I understand this type of thing is investigated by the Secret Service. The bank is currently suing a number of people that have fallen for similar scams.

Thanks to everyone for their advice and comments. BEWARE my friends!

(BTW, car is still for sale at a reduced price! no cashier's checks please.)

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