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Everything posted by MarkV

  1. my uncle's is taken! I am going to take it for a test drive with my dad next week and if my dad wants to buy it than he will! It sounds like it could be a great car! Any Idea about MPG?
  2. Is it performance, interior, comfort, looks, etc.? What do you look for?
  3. Anyone know any problems, etc. that they might have had? And according to my description do you think it is a good deal?
  4. The one that I am looking at is my Uncle's and it looks like the one in RSSmith's post, except it is a 1989 and it is White with a red leather interior (which is immaculate!) and AM/FM Cassete, the everything works perfectly and it is fully loaded with all the options, it runs perfectly (I am going to take it for a test drive next week) and it has like 60,000 on it or so, it looks great (2 footer) but, will need paint in a couple years, it needs the heater fixed but, thats it, he works for our local Chevy/Buick dealer and he got the car back in 2006 (when he sold the Mark V to me for $500!) and it was a trade in from an old lady (no kidding!) who was 90 and she bought a new Buick and my Uncle bought the '89 from her because they would not trade it in because of the age, anyway, my Uncle wants to get rid of it now, because he wants to get an Avalanche. So, he wants $2000 for it and my dad wants to use it, because it will be good on gas. So, tell me what you think!
  5. Just wondering where you have seen pre 1980 cars in the movies and t.v.?
  6. I am wondering what everyone knows about the 1989 Lesabre 2 dr. I am looking into getting one and don't know much! Tell me what you know!
  7. I wonder if they built the car after 1906?
  8. Hey, my engine runs fine with 60,000 miles w/o a rebuild 87 years later! So, I don't know, maybe I just got lucky! and if it was a 'dismal' failure than Chevy would not be around today.
  9. Well, if he is going to drive other people in it, you are probably better off with a big 4dr. from the early 40's. As some of the mechanical stuff, you can still get in NAPA.
  10. EX. Jeep Commander Studebaker Commander Why do they re-use the names?
  11. Most of them did fall apart, because of the wood construction, I have to replace wood on mine all the time!
  12. Same here! Whatever is available! (if it is safe!)
  13. I Just got my new issue of HCC in the mail and read the article about GM and what is interesting is that they practically skip over the models like the 490 that made Chevrolet a direct competitor to Ford! I have noticed this in several articles that I have read. Meanwhile they mention practically every other model through pics. or the story! In fact it has been very hard to find any article about the 490 let alone one that even briefly mentions it! So, what is this all about?!
  14. No, it uses fluid and a pump.
  15. That is weird, buy one get one for free? Of course they would never do that with 2 caddies!
  16. Check into city hall, they might have records if the guy was in the buisness of making them. Also, call up your local newspaper, ones that existed back then, and they might help you, also, if you could remember the era, your library might have the clipping so, you could photo copy it. Just some ideas! Hope that helps! Let me know what you find out!
  17. No, the 1940 Lincoln Continental had Hydrolic windows (if that counts?)
  18. Well, I'll get you a Falcon, if you give me that '38 (LOL!) you should respond on the other post! (Give me some back up!) 'Please know that I'm not trying to insult you, to call you an "elitist" or anything like that. But signs of it are showing. I don't want this to be seen as a personal attack, it's not. But I ask of you, consider the stuff you presently don't. "going on 80" Certainly you are, you belong in an earlier time, as do I. I so wish I was living in the 60s/70s. Between the muscle cars and the hot rods and rock n roll, I am SOOO jealous of my elders.' I had to copy and paste it because I cant look at my post and yours at the same time! Anyway, I am not an 'elitist' as Davemoon claims, in fact, I am the stark opposite, if it is a good car, it is a good car, no matter what era it is. When I go to car shows, people think that economy car X or etc. is so far superior to the other better cars of the same era or the grand oldies of the era before, which is not true, people think that just because it is an old car that means it is worth something, etc. but, what I am trying to point out is that those are economy cars! With less of a build quality and design than another car from the same year and brand! If it is a good car it is a good car! I am not one of those who says brand X is better than brand Y! If it is good than it is good! I do not live in the right time at all, I belong, in the time when my 88 year old grandmother was my age, 1940! I really don't fit in in this modern era! In terms of morality, standards, dress, etc. 'YES of course we must look after the very old stuff, you mention a "1926 chevy" or whatever it was is sitting out there rusting. YES we must try to preserve as much automotive history as we can! But we can't dismiss the more contemporary vehicles at the same time, and those that perhaps werent the fastest, most powerful, most expensive, and most exclusive! They carry value too! I just don't understand how you can't even appreciate others' love for the vehicles you seem to see little point in even looking at. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, my attitude is something a friend of mine said once "ANYTHING old".' Well, the older cars are now largely ignored, because they are not the popular or 'in' models to have in car circles, now, when my grandfather Willison's (21 chevy and 48 Lincoln)era was in to classic cars, they liked the old ones (40's and before) now, that is becoming a lost thing because, they are not 'worth' the 'investment' or people are just in it for money, and money can't be made there. Meanwhile our history is going down the drain. For example, even though production numbers on say, my 1921 Chevy, might have been similar to a 1960's car, there are far less of the 21 chevy around, because, they were made mostly out of wood! (I have become quite a carpenter!) These cars are being lost everyday because, they are not worth anything and people don't want to waste the time, the 1960's cars will be around for years to come, because of their superior building materials (all metal). 'They carry value too! I just don't understand how you can't even appreciate others' love for the vehicles you seem to see little point in even looking at' They do carry value, I do appreciate other's love for these vehicles, not, once, did I say that I did not. As for me seeing little point of looking at them, there are a million 60's cars (it is really getting old! and boring!) at every car show that I go to, now here in CA there is rarely an un-hotrodded pre 1960's car! So, no, unless it really is a great looking car or in really good unrestored or unhotrooded condition or non lowrider (have alot of those here!) than no. I should probably rephrase, which one would you rather look at, your 1938 (my choice! Can I have it?!) or a 1965 Dart!? The post said 'once crappy' economy cars. When they were new, they were considered crappy I never said they were crappy that has been a misnomer with the angry posters!, it was not until recently when everyone thinks that every old car is worth something, that they were not considered this anymore! Crazy how things work! It would be like oneday, someone considers a 2007 Daewoo worth more than a 2007 Lincoln or Cadillac! See what I am trying to say? Anyway, like I said before, I do not belong in this time, my room is old fashioned with old furniture from the 40's strewn about (I do have a flatscreen T.V. though!) I wear polo shirts and docker pants and nice 'grandpa' style shoes and I jump into my 1941 Dodge Buisness Coupe (an economy car of that era, but, the difference with the economy cars of the 40's 50's and before is that all the major brands had their economy cars appointed with nice designs and nice interiors, Chrome and great dashboards the 60's was the start of what we see now, where they cut down on the good designs and made the economy cars, spartan in the good 'ol days the economy cars from the major companies still looked great, and you got your moneys worth!) and Drive to school! I still believe in the American way and Apple Pie and the rest. So, I am old fashioned!
  19. Now, is that for the signature section?, because I already have an avatar pic.
  20. How do I upload a picture to my signature section of my posts?
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