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Everything posted by MarkV

  1. Ok, in the membership directory, it is split between 1948 LC and then 1948 LC 876H56 Cabriolet and then 1948 LC 876H57 Coupe, So, what are the differences between these? Mine is the second one.
  2. 1st od goes from 0-40 and is rough at the lower mph's. If your OD is still rigged automatically and you have that 'o' pushed in, that might be your problem. And the Overdrive solenoid pin, might be stuck to the on position if it is no good. Having the 'o' pushed in/out would not make a difference.
  3. Is the overdrive operational? Is there power going to it? because, I do not leave the 'O' lever pushed in if I am not using the overdrive, even though mine is operated by a switch.
  4. Bleche White! But, I always do it before I wash the car, so, if there is any excess, it will get washed away, I use it on all the cars. I even used it on my dirty vinyl interior on my Mustang and it did wonders, it looks like brand new now!
  5. Post a scan of it! Will it hit the newshelves? Like Barnes and Noble?
  6. 15k?!!! That is insane! You can find some pretty decent restorable Connies for that much! And if you wheel and deal, maybe cheaper! There doe not look to be much left of that one! Especially since the Columbia and seat are missing and it is dented in and trim is missing, which as we know, none of those are cheap! We are not talking about a Chevy here!
  8. What size brake hoses can I get for my '48 connie? and where can I get them?
  9. Mine is green 2 tone, but of course mine is a '48, how many had 2 tone like my '48? White/bluishgreen?
  10. I am a Star Trek fan besides being a classic car fanatic and I just saw this at trekmovie.com, tell me what you think! Oh, and remember, when you are looking at this that this Star Trek movie takes place in the 23rd century! http://trekmovie.com/2008/04/09/produer-talks-iowa-shoot-video-of-scene-being-shot/#comment-569729
  11. Why just these choices?
  12. Why just these choices?
  13. Are your orig. turn signals plugged in to one of those orig. units? Because, temporarely, you could plug in one of the aftermarket turn signal levers that have a button that holds the lever a certain way and makes the turn signals all go on at once.
  14. Are your orig. turn signals plugged in to one of those orig. units? Because, temporarely, you could plug in one of the aftermarket turn signal levers that have a button that holds the lever a certain way and makes the turn signals all go on at once.
  15. What you could do, which would probably be better if you did not care about originality, would be to replace the vacuum wiper system with an electrical/mechanical one for a 6volt, the electric ones run far better, especially when you near a stop sign they, will continue to run unlike vacuum ones, which slow down and stop sometimes.
  16. A way of making more money with less production costs, I like reading the hardcopy and looking at all of the printing and looking for a great deal!
  17. There are three possibilites: It was a COMPLETE stolen vehicle Parts from it were used from the stolen one The dealer got the car from the thief and neither they nor the 2 owners from that time knew anything Here in CA in the old days, they would have to write all of the registrations by hand and we had alot of cars today and then, and if the guy got his payoff 30+ years ago from the insurance company, he has no claim on it, also, that insurance company could have been bought and sold 20 times by now and may not have the records, so, why should a 20,000 car be returned to the guy when he never put that amount in and it was only worth 2 or 3 thousand at the time of the crime, that is an 18,000 profit! Off something that was long gone, if the guy takes it, he will be the thief!
  18. I forgot to mention, that all it looks like it needs is a good wash and wax! That is what I did to my '48 when I found it, and it was outside with a very old if not orig. paint job!
  19. Oh, please don't chop it, hotrod it or sell it, because, you have a great looking car there that was also a family car, that you can pass down through the generations of your family, just like grandpa's pocket watch or whatever, the same principle applies to cars.
  20. I am probably going to have to run for the hills after I say this, but, I have heard that many V-12's have problems and overheat, and I do know that they are highly expenssive to completly rebuild, I say, unless you want to make it a 100 pt. show car keep the existing engine in there and drive it until it dies, which will never happen unless you don't take care of it. Use your money on the other stuff first and get it running good with the existing engine and looking good for your drives. My '48 has a Merc. flathead V-8 from '48 and it runs good and it has good performance, as good or better than the v-12. And no one, except Lincoln guys ever notice the difference!
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