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Steve Braverman

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Everything posted by Steve Braverman

  1. Four new balanced tires, and the death wobble is gone.
  2. Looking for one in excellent condition.
  3. I would contact Rhode Island Wiring. They probably have the harness available in the correct guage and colors. Their products are beautiful and fit perfect. I rewired my '32 with their harness. Prices are very reasonable. www.riwire.com
  4. I won't post somebody's name online, but the car you saw in mystic lives in New Preston, CT.
  5. What kind of wheels does it have?
  6. Thank you again. I'm going to be on the hunt for one of those books.
  7. Knee-Action, could you post a picture of the cover of that accessory book? I'd like to find one.
  8. Not sure that this would make any power improvement without other internal modifications.
  9. It may have been an option. Or, it may have been such a hassle to remove and install that they all got tossed in the weeds on the side of the road during the first tire change. In either event, I would like to find one for my Dad's panel truck.
  10. I asked about this last month in the Chevy Truck forum and got no response and hardly any views, so I thought I'd ask here. Does anyone know what the spare tire lock for these trucks look like? There is a bracket on the fender for a lock, but almost every truck is missing it. I've been searching google with no luck. The closest I've found is this photo, but it's too small to see the lock clearly.
  11. Doesn't look too yucky. Any chunks or pieces of metal? If not, just refill.
  12. Thanks, I had looked at their web site with no luck. But after digging a little deeper into their catalog, I found them.
  13. Who sells canvas tire covers for 4.75-19 tires? All I can find are leatherette covers for Model As.
  14. While they may not be the same, I believe all Franklin starters from series 10 and up are interchangeable.
  15. In the process of mounting these tires, you will probably use some curse words you didn't even know you knew.
  16. Send your old ones to Apple Hydraulics for rebuilding.
  17. I think the hand pump is missing.
  18. This one was never in the HHFC registry. http://www.ebay.com/itm/141352226103?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  19. Can we see the back? What's the diameter?
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