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Everything posted by JohnBoyle

  1. JohnBoyle

    book value

    For what it's worth, my copy has pretty good photos considering they are original factory photos and not shots of current cars.
  2. Yes, it is. It appeared in a host of films while with PAR. It was Red & black, changed to off white for The Great White Hope in 1970. The next year it appeared in the TV movie Powderkeg, the pilot film for the Bearcats! TV series. That was its last screen role that I know of. A late friend bought it from PAR and it's still in his family's collection. I wrote a story on the car for the Stutz News, the magazine of the Stutz Club.
  3. If the owner (new or old) doesn't want to rebody it, a well-designed two-tone paint job could hide some of the length.
  4. I can't help you with a designer, but The Splendid Stutz indicates it was shown to Stutz dealers in late 28 and introduced in early '29...so early 1928? You could also contact the co-author of that chapter, John Grunder, I'm told he is THE Blackhawk expert.
  5. There are two unknown to the club Stutzes in the Spokane area. I wouldn't be too surprised if the total population is close to double what club membership is. Remember there are some in museums and with non-club owners.
  6. Stutz Club member Richard Mitchell will show Dennis Gage some of his Stutz' on My Classic Car. Saturday, 830 AM on the Velocity cable network. You can also watch episodes here... http://www.myclassiccar.com/
  7. That's true of many vintage cars. But...in some cases (like vintage Bentleys and Rolls Royces and race cars) a re-body doesn't always affect the price. If I was in the market for a open Stutz, I'd certainly consider a rebodied car. If the body was made accurately and with care, I'm not sure if it's important if you're buying it to drive and not as an investment. But I'd take that it has a newer body into account when making an offer on the car. But I wouldn't run away or dismiss it out of hand. To be honest, a quality new body built by a good shop in the last 30 years is probably preferable to a original body last restored in the 50s when prices were low and the care of the rebuild often reflected that. I'd wager there are plenty of chicken-wire and newspaper/bondo specials out there.
  8. Here's a 27 for sale at what looks to be a good price: http://hymanltd.com/vehicles/5399-1927-stutz-vertical-eight-speedster/
  9. If you're looking for one with the block lettering 1970s "Stutz" logo, ebay would be your best bet. The collector car accessory firms would only have them in the original Stutz designs.
  10. The engine is a 223 ci Ford straight six. The transmission is a Ford 4-speed with a low first gear, based on the trans, I'd guess the pair came from an early 60s Ford truck. Custom chassis, a cut down Ford axle and a early Mustang rear. Four-wheel drums. The engine has a rebuild tag on it from a L.A. shop, so Barris bought it used. All the bodywork is heavy-gauge steel. It weighs 2900 pounds...which is 1000lbs. less than a real Bearcat but it has more than twice the horsepower.
  11. Yes, one other. It is owned, unrestored and in non-original colors, by a Stutz Club member in Michigan.
  12. A local TV station did a feature on my car as part of their Saturday morning show. Thought you might enjoy seeing it. http://www.khq.com/clip/10727022/motorin-with-matt-1914-stutz-bearcat<o:p></o:p>
  13. JohnBoyle

    Stutz lense

    If it was reproduced by the late Paul Freehill, club member Brian White may have the molds now.
  14. A friend has a 1933 Stutz sales brochure for sale. It's in good/very good condition. It's B&W only and features some of the factory photos seen in Splendid Stutz, but they're much larger and clearer. He wants $150 for it. If you're interested, PM me and I'll provide a phone number. John UPDATE: Sold....
  15. Bump Due to some luck and last minute arrangements, I'll be there. Some room s are still available...while the host hotels seem to be fairly full, but there are others in available...west of downtown. Anyone else who frequents here going?
  16. Really, the photos aren't THAT bad. Remember: - the club had to self-publish the book and there are still some left (I don't see them doing a new edition until they're all gone). - it was done in the pre-digital days, And finally...m -any/most of the photos are 80 years old. Cut them some slack, it wasn't a effort with a big money publishing house behind it. Still, I'd love to see a new addition with more color photos of correctly restored members cars.
  17. I'm sprucing up my '14 Bearcat replica before the driving season. I'd like to paint the black radiator area...an antique car specialist told me regular paint is fine if it's not put on too thick. I'm told that NAPA used to carry a special paint but no longer does so. Any specialist products out there? Should it be flat or satin?
  18. Which would be? I do see the air cleaner, however there is a photo of a similar setup in Josh Malks' latest book: Cord Complete...which tells me it can't be totally heretical if Malks included the photo. After all, they are meant to be driven. But I'd like more input.
  19. I was looking at this 810 on this dealer's website. http://www.hymanltd.com/search/details.asp?stockno=5061&suffix=0&recordcount=16 Can someone address how correct the interior is? I can't say I've ever seen a dash not in body color....and would a Westchester have leather seats with contrasting piping? I'm not looking to be critical of the car (it looks very nice) but rather just general question about correctness. If something is not stock...I'd be interested in knowing specifics.
  20. I'm looking for a heel/boot trough casting for an early Bearcat. It's a dugout in front of the accelerator pedal. Former club member Raymond Drake said he had a casting but he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
  21. Do you have an approximate year he would have purchased the Stutz? Also, was it new? I'd guess the nearest Stutz dealer was in Omaha or Sioux City. Unlike mass market models, every small town would not have had a Stutz dealer. You might try an old City Directory (probably at the Omaha library or historical society) to see if/when there was a Stutz dealer in the area. If he was a family man, the car would have likely been a touring car....not a Bearcat or Roadster. The model line up changes from year to year, but in the pre-1920 era the firm made a line of 4 and 6 cylinder touring cars that were even more expensive than the $2000 Bearcat.
  22. Despite the well-written history by the auction company, buyers must have had some questions or reservations about the car for it to sell $100,000 below low estimate. Personally, I'd worry anytime it's stated that the car was raced (and wrecked?) in period. Still, it seems a good buy at that price.
  23. RM will be selling a Bearcat at auction. It is (or was in 2011) owned by a club member and was displayed at the 2011 cub event at Indy. It's a great car with an interesting history. If it sells in the expected range, I believe it will be the most valuable Bearcat sold since the ex-Tony Koveleski Bearcat sold a few years back. http://www.rmauctions.com/lots/lot.cfm?lot_id=1063797
  24. A very nice looking Speedway roadster just sold for $70,000. http://www.kruseclassics.com/index.cfm?id=209&auc_code=A13&lot=324 Seems like a good buy. Does anyone know if the Bearcat name is correct for this car?
  25. It brought $77,000 at Barrett-Jackson's Las Vegas event. Photos here: http://www.barrett-jackson.com/application/onlinesubmission/lotdetails.aspx?ln=741&aid=524
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