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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. See if this would work: http://www.colletizer.com/store/p72/Universal_Joint_Flex_Disc.html Howard Dennis
  2. Just a reminder that this is going on right now: http://rtbassemir.com/1916-transcontinental-road-trip/2016-road-trip-story/the-maxwell-chronicles/ Lots of pictures and videos. Howard Dennis
  3. I too failed to take pictures but I did have my convertible frame and a sedan frame nearby and failed to notice any major differences. Were there small differences, maybe but at the time I choose the best of the two. It was a long time ago and I may have missed minor differences. I do know if you Google images of 1936 through 1938 Dodge, Chrysler and Desoto convertible sedans the only differences seems to be from the firewall forward. When you look at a Dodge body compared to these others it makes no sense that something so similar visually would be manufactured differently from the others especially knowing how Chrysler Corp. shared so many parts among the different divisions. Howard Dennis
  4. Having owned one of these which was one of 14 known survivors at the time and having removed the body from the frame I'm going to stick with my belief that this was a Chrysler body on a Dodge frame because the body had a sub frame between the floor of the body and the Dodge frame and not all of the mounting bolts passed through the floor, subframe and Dodge frame. Most did but some body bolt holes were into open air and not all the holes in the Dodge frame were filled with bolts. Also the subframe was an X shape as was the Dodge frame but the two X's did not line up perfectly as would a subframe originally designed to stiffen a body floor where it bolted to the frame. Howard Dennis
  5. Thanks Guy's, it's on eBay with no bids, I thought maybe someone could use it. Howard Dennis http://www.ebay.com/itm/391616776097?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. Anyone recognize what this flying goddess fits? Looks too elaborate to be aftermarket, appears to be factory fitted. Howard Dennis
  7. Could still use this for either myself or the brothers about to make this trip:http://rtbassemir.com/1916-transcontinental-road-trip/2016-road-trip-story/the-maxwell-chronicles/ Howard Dennis
  8. Appreciate the thought Chris. I'll just have to tell everyone I'm running "Imported" parts in my Maxwell. Howard Dennis
  9. Yes, I just ordered from England. By the time all the fees and shipping were added I paid $12.64 for 10 ends. Howard Dennis
  10. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Chris, you are exactly right. This is for one of the dashes like you helped me with. I've done about 6 of these and all had the pressed cardboard fuse holders destroyed from age and moisture. I bought a good one off eBay and decided to combine all my spare parts and build up another very authentic dash for my Maxwell. I remembered one of the past restorations had remnants of these ends and thought it would be nice on this, my most original dash to have these style wire ends. Having used them years ago, probably on a Rolls-Royce I re-wired, I remembered they made a very neat connection, especially when soldered before closing. Howard Dennis
  11. If I knew what these were called I could look them up and find where to buy new ones. They were stamped out of brass or copper and the wire is formed in a half circle in one side and the other side is folded over trapping the wire and making a nice neat circle to go on a screw or stud. Are they still available? Howard Dennis
  12. Just wanted to remind everyone of the upcoming 100 Anniversary Road Trip recreation : http://rtbassemir.com/1916-transcontinental-road-trip/2016-road-trip-story/the-maxwell-chronicles/ I was amazed to learn that one of the original sponsors, Texaco had refused to have anything to do with the recreation. I was doubly flabbergasted to learn here: http://www.texaco.com/about.html that they are currently touting 100th anniversary on their website. Don't they realize that daily reports of the progress could link back to this very web page and tie it all together for the benefit of both Texaco and the recreation?? Anybody have any ideas of how to wake up the "Right" people at this company?? Howard Dennis
  13. They do look like drawer rails. First thing that they reminded me of was the parts that screw onto the windshield post of convertible coupes and sedans to hold the molded rubber weatherstripping that butts up against the door windows. Howard Dennis
  14. Yes, Yes, I do. Call me when you get a chance, either you or Doug called me before. I'm at home now Howard Dennis
  15. Rich, Is this the connector you need? Howard Dennis
  16. Since my Maxwell will be packed away for the winter cold weather should it ever hit Georgia which it hasn't in the last 13 years I've lived here and since I've spent my entire adult life (over half a century) working on cars nearing a century old that got that old on a steady diet of this oil I think I'll continue using it as I and these cars go into our golden years. Howard Dennis
  17. I have to agree with Chuck R on the 30W oil. I put it in my My Maxwell's clutch and it seems to have worked on the two trial runs I have made around the neighborhood but I have not tried it out on the open road as my car isn't done yet. I also run 30W non detergent (4 quarts) in the engine. Howard Dennis
  18. Digger914, Thanks for posting that, I just might be able to get that one past her. Really appreciate the help Howard Dennis
  19. I can see you don't know my wife. I couldn't come up with any way of disposing of the leftover water that she could live with. Some people are lucky enough to have an understanding spouse who actually likes this hobby. I'm not one of them. Howard Dennis
  20. Funny you should mention that Larry. That was my idea originally until wife heard of my plan and she put up such a stink I couldn't reason with her no matter what I tried. To hear her I was about to create another Chernobyl ! So I just gave up and want to impact her checkbook rather than the environment. Howard Dennis
  21. Does anyone know where I can get fabric dyed? I need some belting and canvas fasteners dyed to match the canvas top on my Maxwell before they are sewn together. They are white now and need to be dyed gold or tan. Howard Dennis
  22. This commercial reminds me of every time I've ever tried to get help from an insurance company or a warranty! Howard Dennis
  23. You would think so but every time I try to get my hundreds of oriental items covered for the thousands of dollars they are worth I get insane insurance quotes and also demands that I get collection appraised. I have never found an appraiser who will give a blanket appraisal but instead wants to charge $20-$25 per item and with hundreds of small items this gets expensive real quick! Howard Dennis
  24. Just looked at my last post and thought if I'm going to keep this invoice it should be framed with the best copy of this photo I can get. What do you think? Howard Dennis
  25. Frank, I really did stumble across this on eBay and was the only bidder so it got added to my Maxwell literature and I hadn't looked at it seriously for over a year but knew about Kelsey. This recent re-discovery lead me to search the Maxwell Registry and find there are only 3 known Model N's. I also ran across this great factory photo of a Model N Doctor's Car. Howard Dennis
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