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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. Took me awhile to find a picture and really hoped for a better one but until I do this will have to do. The bolt holds a stamped metal arch that reads "empty" & "Full". There is a stamped pointer clamped onto a rod coming through the oil pan that has a cork float on it's end. Howard Dennis
  2. Allen, send me price, pictures and contact details and I will contact my friend whose car needed this. Howard Dennis
  3. Various Antique Car Parts for sale this week: https://www.ebay.com/sch/ddennis/m.html?item=123181276542&rmvSB=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Howard Dennis
  4. Anyone need an early Hudson radiator emblem for their restoration? https://www.ebay.com/itm/1910s-1920s-Hudson-Automobile-Cloisonne-Radiator-Emblem/123145370836?hash=item1cac093cd4:g:gmsAAOSw4Q5a-Q-w Howard Dennis
  5. Anyone need an early Chrysler emblem for their restoration? https://www.ebay.com/itm/123145072706?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Howard Dennis
  6. Anyone need a Chrysler or Hudson Emblem for their restoration? https://www.ebay.com/itm/123145072706?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Howard Dennis
  7. I decided to find this switch this morning since my photos aren't clear enough to show what this could be. I've either thrown it out or misplaced it so I looked online hoping to find one like it. This Connecticut switch is the closest I could find. It is listed as having a removable key/lever and that answers my own question as to why it had such an odd lever. My switch (from memory) had a hot center terminal that the lever snapped on to and at the top of the switch body 2 and maybe 3 positions that the power could be transmitted to. I'm curious if anyone has or has seen a similar switch. My car/truck by serial number should have been equipped with the very new Atwater-Kent coil distributor battery ignition. But, my chassis was sold without a body and was meant for commercial use as a delivery and Maxwell at the time 1917 and on into 1921 lists magneto ignition as standard on trucks. Since my chassis is the only known survivor of this program found so far I'm trying to determine if that odd switch on my dash might indicate it came originally with magneto ignition if that is what that switch is for. Howard Dennis
  8. I think this whole post somehow went south. I'm looking for possible reasons and purposes for the switch shown in the first picture. The second and third pictures show the restored dash for my car and the fact that it had a functioning headlight and ignition switch to answer the first response. I removed the original blind rivets to restore the dash and after these pictures were taken I filled in the holes and it now looks totally original. My car Is a "late" 1917. Howard Dennis
  9. The dash panel has a switch that is a combination headlight switch with the keyed center turning the ignition on and off. Howard Dennis
  10. Probably should have done this years ago but I was just going over old photos and noticed a switch on my Maxwell's dash when I first took possession of it 11 years ago. It had been a parts car and was a basket case so at the time there was no wiring for me to check out its function. It is pictured just to the left of the hole for the dash panel. Is it just an accessory switch or would it signify being used to switch from battery to magneto ignition? According to serial number my car would have been one of the first to switch from magneto Ignition to the more modern Atwater-Kent coil and distributor but I have found several items that either were custom ordered or did not follow the norm so I can't be 100% sure it didn't have the earlier magneto. Just curious if anyone knows why the switch may have been used. Howard Dennis
  11. hddennis

    What is it?

    I didn't want to post this here because I was positive it had nothing to do with a Maxwell : Howard Dennis
  12. https://www.ebay.com/sch/ddennis/m.html?item=123131364816&rmvSB=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Check other items as well. Howard Dennis
  13. Thanks Layden, I knew someone on here would recognize parts of this so called prototype! Howard Dennis
  14. Anyone recognize what this chassis started life as? https://www.ebay.com/itm/173315206115?ul_noapp=true Howard Dennis
  15. jpage, Thanks for the response and source. It may help a future searcher. I ordered some brass cast reproduction triples from Lang's Antique Auto Parts. They were so tall I couldn't stretch my canvas over them no matter how hard I tried. Since I just barely missed fastening what I had I decided since nothing else would work maybe I could flatten my existing fasteners. I placed the canvas on a steel block and smashed them. It may have shortened the life of this canvas but for the time being I'm able to fasten two pieces of canvas on the same double fastener. Thanks also to all the other responders with sources for fasteners. Howard Dennis
  16. Thanks Guys, that was my guess also but was hoping someone could come up with proof we are right. Funny you should ask my body style, I guess you would call it open as it was sold new with NO body! Howard Dennis
  17. Cleaning garage out and ran across a section of toe board I saved from restoring my 1917 Maxwell. I'd forgotten why I didn't throw it away. It is stamped with large letters FBCO-M. Anyone recognize this or know why it would have these marking?
  18. Cleaning garage out and ran across a section of toe board I saved from restoring my 1917 Maxwell. I'd forgotten why I didn't throw it away. It is stamped with large letters FBCO-M. Anyone recognize this or know why it would have these marking? Howard Dennis
  19. they list the same ones I have. Howard Dennis
  20. Working on the canvas top for my Maxwell and even though I bought the double fasteners the top has two spots that are too thick because of seams to allow the fastener to turn and lock. Does anyone know if an extra long fastener is available? Howard Dennis
  21. I found an old add on Google showing a McCord gasket board and # 38 was listed for an Overland 75 & 90. Hope this helps. Howard Dennis
  22. Trying to find a good usable armature or complete Simms-Huff Starter/Generator for 1918-20? Maxwell. Brass data tag should read Type HM or Type M or Type SMS. Having a hard time finding information on how long this style was used but we need the large octagon Starter/Generator that is straight 12 volts and not the earlier start on 12 volts run on 6 volts. Howard Dennis
  23. Trying to find a good usable armature or complete Simms-Huff Starter/Generator for 1918-20? Maxwell. Brass data tag should read Type HM or Type M or Type SMS. Having a hard time finding information on how long this style was used but we need the large octagon Starter/Generator that is straight 12 volts and not the earlier start on 12 volts run on 6 volts. Howard Dennis
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