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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Sorry to hear about the employment woes. I sincerely wish you good luck in getting things worked out. If this car was closer to home, I would consider upgrading the '52 Roadmaster with this.
  2. It isn't a problem, so much as hassle. If it is less than 15 years old (so, my last generation Riviera is on the cusp), then it has to have a federal inspection and be set to meet Canadian standards (for instance, we required daytime running lights before the US). Generally, if you have a transporter bring it across the border, they will want you to deal with a broker, who charges a chunk of change to deal with the paperwork. If you want to do it yourself, the car needs to make an appearance at US Customs prior to exit. They need a copy of the title for 72 hours before the border crossing. Presumably, they are just verifying against stolen cars and the like being exported. Crossing the Canadian border is easy...just pay the sales tax (don't get me started on sales taxes for used equipment) and away you go. I guess it comes down to personal experience - the cars I have purchased locally that I could see and make a decision about, and not have shipping costs to add in, have been the deals I have been the happiest with. Cars that I have brought from a distance have been less positive experiences...I didn't see the cars myself (one I had a very thorough description though from a forum member) and paid to have them shipped - different companies each time, but hassles existed with the shipping each time. Particularly for cars that aren't high value, shipping makes a significant change in the price - it is different paying say $2k to ship a car that costs $20k than one that starts at $1k or $2k.
  3. Ratty? Shredded may be more like it. It's not a huge flaw, although it would cost some money to replace. I agree that it would be nice to see the entire car properly represented. As soon as you see something like that, what else is there? Sounds like it may have been a back yard rebuild (perhaps due to the teenager driving it?), which may be high quality, but may not. June 2009 Old Cars Price Guide puts a #1 at $21000. NADA's high retail is $28,400. Even without a premium for a 4 speed, $20k bid not meeting reserve and BiN price of $50k seems leaning toward the outrageous.
  4. Aw shucks...thanks guys. It was hardly battling the elements...a bit cool, but no rain or snow or anything like that...with a cup of coffee and cookies after we got everything loaded up and the truck and trailer out of the yard. Bob...I think you may be on to something - The Lamar - a statuette based on the Buickman image Lamar has...to the BCA what the Oscar is to acting. Dave - thanks for the chuckle. Every now and again, I try to remember to quiz Joseph on what he learned that day. Just to set the record straight, it was a Junior Literary Award that Teresa won...not to diminish it, but I understand that is given to any youngster who has an article published. It is a concept that is cherished though. Lamar - I've still got my fingers crossed....
  5. I'd hardly list it as a barn find. Nice car overall...I'd love to have it, but a "reasonable" reserve with a $50k Buy It Now? I could be wrong, but that seems a bit pricey to me, especially for a car that needs an engine repaint.
  6. Yes, it's about 2 blocks away...on the NW corner is the Second Cup, where we occasionally go for coffee. NE corner is the new MB Hydro Building. SE corner is the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, SW corner is some shops and a small parking lot...there's another place in there that we sometimes go for a coffee break. There are no buildings there currently that make sense to have been a car dealership. On the other hand, I believe I am also close to Manitoba Archives...if I could make some time to get over there, perhaps I can get some era shots. This working for a living kind of gets in the way though.
  7. Even the dry areas have some shine...overall nice interior although the dash could use some work, decent exterior, and a rare transmission. The mechanicals on a Buick straight 8 are pretty straightforward generally. Even if you had to rebuild, I think it would be a decent price. Stuart - I too have to wonder why it is still available. I don't have anything from the '30s yet, but The Boss much prefers the '33. It's a long way off to boot.
  8. $3000 last year getting a car here from Canton, Ohio. There was an extra $500 charge involved largely because they are greedy buggers, possibly because they are dishonest, but your options get limited in a hurry crossing the border if you don't have a week to go and get it yourself.
  9. Mongeonman, timing isn't good for me right now, but I am somewhat interested...at least I wouldn't have to deal with the potential border hassles. I'm sure I've seen information on another thread somewhere.... I'm not a big fan of white, but there just aren't that many Reattas for sale north of the border. There is a convertible not far away, but I already have a convertible driver. It would be nice to have a coupe that I'm not overly excited if I happen to catch some rain.
  10. Here's the grill on a Special. I couldn't find the one on eBay to compare.... It would fit, since they are the same body, but if it is different, it wouldn't be "correct" or "authentic". Here's a Skylark: Perhaps my car is missing the tri-shield emblem in the grill, or perhaps that was only on the Skylark. Either way, the basic grill is the same.
  11. Thanks John. From having had the Montana serviced there, I am certain the rear shop area is what it would have been quite a few years ago. I believe it is cinder block construction, between your photos and my recollection.
  12. Hear Hear Willis! NTX put it together - I am in a mid-sized metro area (on the order of 750,000 population). There are a few local Buick guys other than me, but we have limited local information and support. The BCA offers that network, not to mention Buick-specific advertising targeted to other Buick lovers.
  13. Earl - I have similar advice as Dave. Patience is a virtue. It does look and sound like a great car, it just needs the exposure now. You do have to consider that you are in one corner of the USA and a lot of folks look at that as thousands of dollars to transport, depending where they are. Up here in northern regions, it is the time of year that we are buttoning down and putting the cars away for the winter and storage becomes a premium issue. I wish you luck selling it. Rather than eBay, Craigslist might be a better route for getting additional exposure. On those sites though, you don't want to sound too desperate...lots of buyers are wary due to the myriad scams out there, so if it sounds too good to be true with a desperate seller, they may back off.
  14. Straight 8s are beautiful. I just love driving my '41. They are a very smooth, quiet engine. Of course, in stock condition, these cars aren't necessarily geared for Interstate speeds, but 55 mph speed limits are no issue at all. The Craigslist search is a good idea...sorry for not thinking of that earlier. At least that will give you an idea of what is out there overall. Good luck.
  15. Now if we had known about this before the BCA National, we might have been able to put it in the trailer and drive the Wildcat home...oh well. I really need to put up another shop building on my property...then space wouldn't be an objection to my desires.
  16. First posting is deleted...hmm. I like that pewter one. Need to something about shop / garage space though and getting a car here. Actually I do have space if the Rainier spends the winter outside. This is what The Boss drives and it does have a remote starter...hmm. It would be ideal to find a local / nearby car though. Driving a day with the trailer wouldn't be out of the question, but the border sort of gets in the way of some of that. Sigh.
  17. Info on this car came through the Gopher State Chapter. I had seen it, but the price is too steep for me at this very moment, regardless of condition...especially now that my trailer is full.
  18. Nice job of sneaking the Rainier into that last shot.
  19. Dave Corbin should be able to help with the numbers. Your first question depends on how you define each of those terms. The cars then had a frame number and an engine number. The frame number would be called the serial number on the data plate, but it wouldn't match the engine number. Which number was used to title the car depended upon the jurisdiction it was in.
  20. Hemmings Motor News: Auto Classifieds - Hemmings Auto Classifieds feature cars for sale nation wide. AutaBuy - 1935 BUICK REST-O-MOD For Sale Pre War Buicks For Sale - PreWarBuick - The Largest Vintage Buick gallery on the web - PreWarBuick.com - there's none here right now, but probably a better bet for a stock one. Have you searched Craigslist? From the quick searches I did, there seem to be way more rods / customs than stock available. Good luck...I'd say a good choice for appearance.
  21. Do you, or anyone here, know the dimensions or have a photo? I have at least one Special script emblem that isn't for my '62...I have no idea what year it would be for nor whether a fender or trunk emblem.
  22. I may be able to get you some.
  23. Have you checked out the 1930 Buick Yahoo group? Someone there may be able to supply you with a motor.
  24. Oh man...I wish I could have that...oh well. The Boss probably wouldn't want it, but it would be too cool to have one.
  25. Please do John. Charles had asked me for photos of the building, but I haven't been able to make time to get over there with a camera.
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