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bill pritchett

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Everything posted by bill pritchett

  1. Look at my Grand National Winner. I knew providing free drinks and BBQ to the meet judges would pay off.
  2. Hi Wally, I have a 54 TF in addition to other cars. I see you are a member of the AACA. I belong to the New England MG T Register, the local chapter of it as well as the NJ Region of the AACA of which I am the webmaster and membership chairman. We would love to have come to a meeting of our region and the MG club. Please give me a reply at njaaca@hotmail.com or you can go to our website for the NJ Region: http://local.aaca.org/njaaca/ for more information.
  3. Peter, I guess a bunch of us webmasters will be moving to Tuscon so you can support us with the new editor. I hope you have enough room for all of us at your house. I am looking forward to your seminar at Philly.
  4. Peter, I think you have been taking too many drugs to not recognize one of your artistic creations. I am sure I saw that in your front yard the last time I visited you. See you at Philly. Also I am looking forward to your presentation on the new web sites. Perhaps you can record it for posterity or at least for blackmail purposes. I know Wayne Burgess can not wait to get a copy
  5. Hey Wayne, If he doesn't want to wear the Rebooks, he could always use one of the carts from Hershey. Frankly, I am surprised we do not have a lot of those at the national meet. Just think of all the time we could save going between the seminars. Also, I think they would be a lot of fun on the escalators between the two floors and the lobby. We could raise a lot of money for the national meet renting them out. In addition, just picture a drive in restaurant where you could get lunch and dinner.
  6. Wayne, I guess that means I will see you at Philly. I have used Frontpage and it meets my needs fine.
  7. I too noticed that. With the prices at the hotel, it means I will be able to afford a napkin for the box lunch.
  8. Wayne, Don'y forget to connect with the Ethernet via spiritual means.
  9. I have a 50 Olds and when the new Dexron came out I looked at it and read that it was compatible with all transmissions back to 49. So you can safely use the Dexron's.
  10. I agree with your girlfriends. The Irish Spring you had on the Founders' tour could have used some refreshing. You still had the 5 cents price tag on it.
  11. http://sec.online.wsj.com/article/SB122757588574055233.html is the URL to see the entire article.
  12. Wayne, See below for picture of medium. You have to look closely as it is mostly transparent. Medium (before transmission): Medium (with coded transmission): Medium (after transmission):
  13. Wayne, What is a computer? I use my electric typewriter to do these messages and use a spiritual medium to send them. It is much easier since I use an Ethernet connection to connect to the ether used by the medium.
  14. No, they were talking about sending the copy of the newsletter via a CD to someone to print. It is much easier to mail a PDF to the person or printer as it will retain the original formatting with no worry about accidental changes. Also, as you know, email is much faster than snail mail. I got our newsletter editors to do that and they now love it. If it is too large, there are several sites that you can load a large file to and then anyone can download it. You are correct that if people would distribute the letter via PDF in an email, it would be much quicker and easier. Just a note to you that gmail allows up to a 20 Meg file to be emailed so that would take care of a limitation that some email providers have.
  15. Just a hint. Instead of burning it to a CD, you can print it as a PDF and email it.
  16. Hi Wayne, I enjoyed reading your posts. The pizza was good tonight. The tour has been very good so far.
  17. One place to try is the VCCA forum. vcca.org
  18. Two possible sources: From a website: While researching this article I found a fabulous resource for those of you who are restoring a car on the DuPont web site. They have a Historical Color Chip Library which can be accessed by clicking here. If this link does not work go to www.performancecoatings.dupont.com (and click on) >>> Visitor >>> Color >>> Color Chip Library - Historical. You will arrive at the 'DuPont Refinish' page. http://www.tcpglobal.com/autocolorlibrary/ has the colors also. You should be able to cross reference to PPG.
  19. Since I have been unemployed for over a year now, I find the web site keeping me busy. Imagine having to get a job now and not be able to look at the site.
  20. Because I deserve it after all I purchased a ticket. I can win as long as they only sold one with my luck.
  21. Steve, I was wondering how the ticket sales for the Saturn are going as I plan on driving it home after Hershey.
  22. Wayne, I do not worry about those magazine subscriptions as I will soon be getting a large sum of money from Nigeria. I did not even know I had relatives there. The guy is really friendly and I love to send him money via Western Union as it is very fast and the lawyer should be done with the paperwork soon. See you at Hershey.
  23. Has anyone had any experience with Accel Oil that is rated SF and recommended for cars prior to 1988. It comes in 10W40 and 30 weight. The SF rating would be sufficient for the ZDDP needed for our older cars. Any comments?
  24. www.napaonline.com shows the seals for your car in addition to a rebuilt pump for it (and other parts). Take a look there. rockauto.com might also have them.
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