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Juha Paavo Kaita

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Everything posted by Juha Paavo Kaita

  1. Hi! I believe the enclosed photo shows a IHC High Wheeler. But what year and which model - that I would like to know from you. Best wishes from Turku, Finland Juha Kaitanen
  2. Here s a photo from same area. The photo has been taken some years later (1913-1914) since the headlight of the cars have been taken off and on the taxis you see some wear. I have identified two or three Opels on the row. If you have any ideas of the makes/model/year of the rest the taxis I would like to hear from you. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  3. Enclosed is a photo of the taxi caps in Turku Finland in 1912. The photo is taken in market square in the very center of the town. The first four cars from the left are quite easy to identify; Opel, Adler, Opel and Benz. Altogether there are 19 taxis. Somebody has written the names of the owners of the car and drivers on the back of the photo. I think photos like these are great documents. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  4. A friend of mine owns a fully restored Dodge Victory Six from 1928. The rims of the car have been welded for several times so they give a bit bumpy ride. Is there any firm making new rims for this type of Dodge or has any good extra old rims for sale? Best wishes from Turku, Finland Juha Kaitanen
  5. I guess The Gliddens used this same Napier while touring in Northern Sweden that is shown in a photo taken in London in 1902. Nowadays it is possible to read newspaper on your own computer in home. Finnish newspaper are in digital form from 1771 till the end of year 1910. Newspapers are a great source for information on early automotive history. Best wishes from Turku, Finland Juha Kaitanen
  6. Hi! I found this intersting article about early automotive pioneer. The article was publiced in a Finnish newspaper called Uusi Aura. It was publiced here in Turku, Finland. Enxlose is a copy of newspaper article which tells about the tour Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glidden took to Artic circle. The artikle tells that the coupe and their car has arrived in Haaparanta (Sweden) Saturday 22 nd of August 1903. They were coming from Luulaja (Sweden). Their journey started from Ireland. Then they went to England, Denmark and Sweden. Their car has 16 hp engine and weighs 1700 kg. The average speed for the car is 30 to 40 km/h. During the last four years the Glidden´s have mostly been traveling. This summer (1903) they driven 37 000 km. Best wishes from Turku Finland
  7. The engine in the photo is manufactured by Reo Motor Co. It is not Continental. Reo used first Continental engines in Wolverines in 1927 and 1928. Later they were used on Flying Clouds. Also this engine is not the same used in 1926 Reo Speedwagons. The engine in the photo is improved T6 with single dish clutch. In 1926 gear box and engine were two different units and the clutch was multidisk (13 disk) type. Is your Speedwagon Heavy Duty? Best wishes from Turku, Finland Juha Kaitanen
  8. Hi! I think I have changed emails with Aga museum. The photo shows the AGA car which was later restored by late Voitto Rantanen in Raisio. The car is now owned by Finnish AGA Co. in Helsinki- Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  9. Hi! This year we had a pleasure to organize Finnish national veteran car rally in Turku. Turku is this year European Cultural Capital with Tallin Estonia. Locally we called our rally "111 Klasis" since 111 years ago the very first automobile was imported to Turku. The car was manufactured by Carl benz in Mannheim Germany - Benz Velo Comfortable 1900. We had 137 vehicles taking part to the rally. You are able to see some of the cars at the address: http://jsaaristo.1g.fi/kuvat/Klassikkoajo_Turku_2011/ Hope you enjoy photos. We had great fun having so many nice and interesting cars in Turku. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  10. Hi! A friend of mine is restoring a Cadillac just like that. Do you have any other photos of the chassi? Where in the US is this Cadillac located? Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  11. Hi! Thank you for you replies. That size of piston rings seem impossible to find here in Finland. There is no firm making piston rings here. I have been trying to order new set of pistons from Egge Motor. The promised that pistons should be ready in four weeks. I have phoned them and emailed them but do not get any information in what state my order is. Four weeks has past long ago. I guess normal business rules don´t count in car hobby. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  12. Hi! I have a Reo T6 engine which was used as a stationary engine. Pistons and cylinders look good but the rings are worn out. Now I wonder if there is any place were I could get a fresh set of rings. I need three compression and one oil ring per cylinder. The ring size is 0.12 - 0.14" (3 - 3,5 mm wide) and 3.28" (82 mm) in diameter. I would like to drive with my Reo this coming summer. Last summer I was not able to do that. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  13. Hi! The engine in the photo is so called improved T6 engine. T6 engine was in production from 1920 to 1926. After this came improved T6 engine. I guess this engine was used from 1927 to 1928. T6 engine has both side (exhaust) and overhead (intake) valves. Among other things earlier T6 engine has multiplate cluch and chain driven starter. Later T6 engine has single plate cluch and modern type starter. Intake valvesare covered with sheet metal cover. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  14. Hi! The Reo is 4D Sedan - closed body. Touring is a open body car. I own a 4D Sedan from 1926 - Model G. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  15. The value of the Reo can´t be much because you are buying a lot of work. This is the case if even if you just decide to keep it like it is just working the Reo to running condition. If you want to restore the car to original shape amount of work is much greater. Peoples idea about the value of their treasures can be very high but the reality is different. If somebody badly wants something he may be willing to pay almost anything. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  16. I own two Model G Reps from 1926. One is 4D Sedan and the other is 2 tn truck. They both have the same engine and aluminum oil pan/crankcase. The Reo in that photo was originally the Fifth Touring/Roadster which was rebuilt into pickup. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  17. Hi Pat! I have two Reo Model Gs from 1926. One is 4D Sedan and the other is 2th truck - Heavy Duty Speed Wagon. These Reo have mechanical brakes and brakes are only in rear axle. Also there are brake shoes on both sides - outer and inner - side of the brake drum. On outer side there are hand brake shoes and on inner side normal brake shoes - brake shoes which you used while driving. Shock absorbers/shock systems did not come with the car from the factory. The owner has bought them as accessory. They have been manufactured some inderpendent company. One make was Lovejoy. There is some sale in Ebay. Perhaps you are looking for something like this. Antique 1920s Gabrial Snubbers- Shocks= strap style - eBay (item 200564197010 end time Jan-17-11 18:16:19 PST) Hope this helps. I sure would like to see photos of your Reo. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  18. Hi! Here is a nice gathering of early automotive family. On the right there is Reo Fifth. For the car on the left I need your help. Out here it is minus 21 degrees Celcius. It should be getting even colder tomorrow. Finnish airports are the only ones in Europe to keep up regular traffic. Folks from the rest of Europe have been visiting Helsinki airport to learn how to get rid of snow from runaways so fast. Good to know something is done well in our artic country. Thank you very much for the good help I have gotten from readers of this forum this year. Hope you all have nice Christmas time and may the year 2011 be happy to all of us to our common hobby. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  19. Hi! Here are two fine cars stopped in front of paviljon which used to be in the middle of Kupittaa park here in Turku. A building was hit by a bomb during Winter War and burned down. The car in the left is Chevrolet Touring from 1925 or so. But the car in the right mystery for me. It is finer and bigger than Chevrolet. Could you help me with this? Juha Turku
  20. Hi! Enclosed is a photo of locally made, proto series snowmobiles. People were quite innovative in those early days and always eager to try something new and risky. Juha Turku
  21. Hi! Enclosed is another nice photo of a sporty car. This photo is also from that box of old forgotten negatives. Hope you are able to share some information about the make, model and make of year of this mystery sporter. Juha Turku
  22. Hi! A friend of mine runs a old stuff store. He found a box of old negatives from a home of one farmer close to Turku. In the box there was few interesting negatives about local Reo history. I do not what links the man with the company which used to import Reo to Finland in mid 1920´s and the company which made bodies. Usually you become interested in these things too late - the person who could tell is not here any more. Juha Turku
  23. Hej! Thank you Leif for great remark. In this same yard there use to be company that manufactured bodies to Reo trucks and buses. So they may well rebody this open Buick, too. Enclosed is a photo of a drawing showing which kind of bodies they used to make for Reo bus chassis. Juha Turku
  24. Hi! Got some negatives from my friend. Scanned them and among other things found this. First I thought the car could be Buick but then I noticed the front bumber. The car seems to be quite new - not a spare tire on the rear just rim. Juha Kaitanen Turku
  25. Looked for serial numbers for Reo in 1905. This is what the record says: Touring, Model A, 2-cylinder, 1 - 400 Roadster, Model A, 2-cylinder, 1201-1800 Runabout, Model B, 1-cylinder, 701-1200 It looks to me that the Reo on the photo is Runabout. So it seems that the car can´t be the 3rd Reo ever built since based on records the 3rd Reo should be Touring. Anyway it would be nice to learn about this Reos later live and the man who used to own it. Juha Turku
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