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Juha Paavo Kaita

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Everything posted by Juha Paavo Kaita

  1. My friend is a member of Moon club. So far he has not had much luck. I quess it is that distans. This Diana which I am talking about is in Kajaani, Finland. Shipping here is no more a great problem. I would like to see all prewar projects to completed so that is why I promised to help my friend. I have visited Pennsylvania quite a few times since I have a friend living in York Springs. David is my Packard truck man. Juha
  2. My friend is restoring a 1927 Diana. He is almost done but is missing a pair of original rear fenders. He told me that a Moon from same year used the identical pair of rear fenders. Is there anybody who could and would like to help my friend? Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  3. I got a copy of this photo from a friend of mine. To me the car looks like a 1936 Buick. Would like to hear from you professional opinion. The photo was taken in Vehmaa, Finland. We are not sure who owned the car but we know the place the photo was taken. Stay healthy and enjoy spring Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  4. There has been a Chevrolet truck from mid 1930´s of which I have only some serial numbers. I guess the first no. is engine no. and the second is serial/type/model designation: 4867316/246. I also know that the owner has paid vehicle tax the 21st of September 1936. Is it possible to tell something based on the serial numbers of this vintage truck? Any information is greatly appreciated. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  5. Here is another photo of Chevrolet car which I think shows a 1937 Chevrolet Master Sedan. There is some registration documents available from this automobile. It is dated the 21st of March 1938. The serial no. of the Chevrolet is 515/153933/B80378/TS-797. Is it possible to tell something about this car based on this serial no? Hope they have documented the numbers right. During the winter we had to cover the radiator to keep the temperature of the engine on right level. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  6. I found this ad which was published in a newspaper called "Turun Sanomat" in the 16th of February 1926. On the list of passenger Chevrolet car you can see "Sport Touring". I wonder if this term was used also in the US.
  7. Chevrolets were sold in Turku (Finland) area by "Turun Autohalli Oy (Turku Autogarage Co.). There are some digitized dicuments telling to whom they have sold Chevrolets during years 1925 and 1926. For passenger cars they use two body designation; Touring ans Sport. Touring is clear for me but what do they mean by "Sport". I did not find that body style from "The Classic Car Database" web pages. The company also sold some trucks and they were marked as "trucks" and not "kuorma-auto" which is Finnish word for truck. I enclose two photos of Chevyes which were once in use in Vehmaa Finland aand which I think were sold by "Turun Autohalli Oy"- Chevrolet was the second most common make of automobile after Ford. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  8. Hi, I sent to my friend in Holland and he thought the car in the photo could be 1925 Gray. But it sure have some similarities with Star, too. Most of the Stars were sold to Finland under name Rubgy. I know ar least one Star project near Helsinki area. Juha
  9. Hi, I am trying to get the automobile shown in enclosed photo to be identified. First I thought it could be Buick, then Willys-Knight but with closer look it doesn´t seem to be so. A odd thing with this car is that it is missing outer door handles or they are at the top of the doors. I found some photos which show this kind of models among Durant products. So could this be Durant or Rubgy? Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  10. Ho, That was a good point. I didn´t notice that earlier. I guess the handles are on the top of the doors. Juha
  11. Hi, This photo was taken in Rautila, Vehmaa, Finland sometimes round 1920´s. My first thought was that the make of the car is Buick but then someone in this great AACA told me that the car could as well be a Willys-Knight. Now I hope to hear your opinion about the photo and the fine automobile ithe photo shows. Best wishes from Sipoo, Finland Juha Kaitanen
  12. Hi, Thank you for your quick reply. You may be right here - now when I take the second look with that in mind. Juha
  13. This photo is taken in a village called Rautila in a commune called Vehmaa in a land called Finland. To me the car looks like a Buick from mid 1920´s or a bit earlier. Would like to get your opinion about the photo. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  14. Phil, Thank you for your reply. I think this photo was taken in 1920´s. The life of Metz was prolongerd by modifing the body for practical use. I have seen one Model 22 in Turku, Finland. The car was later import and the restoration was not all finished. It was imported by a friend of mine who lived winters in Florida. He then sold the Metz to a car museum which now is closed. Do not know the destiny of the Metz after that. Juha
  15. This photo was published in a Finnish speaking FB page. To me the car looks like a Metz from 1913/1914 but they have nade some body modifications; windshield and rear part of the body with extra seat. Would like to hear your opinion about this photo. Metz automobiles were imported to Finland by Sergei Nikolajeff J:or in Helsinki. Orient Buckboard ars were imported by Otto Brandt in Helsinki, too. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  16. Do you still have the cable? Is it for your own use? Best wishes Juha Kaitanen
  17. Hi, Thank you for your very detailed reply. In 1920´s automobiles were equipped with two register plates. The big one was the actual register plate and the small one was a plate that was changed every year. On the small plate there was a tear and the register symbol. In this case T-2137. This small plate was a sign that the yearly tax was paid. The letter T stand for "Turun ja Porin lääni" province. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  18. Hi, I enclosed a photo of Essex automobile in Finland. I think the car is from 1923/1924 but would like to hear your opinion about the make of the year and the model since I think you have more knowledge about Essex automobiles. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  19. Hi, Thank you for you reply. The Model T which were imported to Finland were assembled in Copenhagen Denmark or is Stockholm Sweden. So they may differ a bit from those manufactured in the USA. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  20. Hi, I enclose a photo of Model T which I think is from 1925/1926 but I am not very sure. That is why I ask you to take a look on the photo and tell me you opinion about the make of the year.
  21. Hi, Thank you very much to both of you for the good information you so quicly provided me. It is interested that so far we knew that "Sergei Nikolajeff J:or in Helsinki imported Metz automobiles to Finland in mid 1910´s. It sure would be interested to knew how this Plan Car ended to Finland. Did it come as a whole or in boxes? Maybe it was originally ordered by some Finnish immigrant in the US and brought it to Finland in running condition.
  22. I enclose a newspaper ad which was published on Finnish "Uusi Aura" newspaper n:o 5 the 8th of January 1914 page 7. Among other things there was for sale a very little used Metz automobile. The ad says that the car is equipped with 2-cylinder 12 hp engine and the body is for two passengers. Isn´t it so that all Metz automobiles were equipped with 4-cylinder engine? Could it be so that the car for sale is actually a Orient Buckboard with 2-cylinder engine? Any information is greatly appreciated. Best wishes to you´ll for year 2019! Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  23. Hi again, This is the Peerless which I saw for sale in Nakkila. Year 2007 the car was owned by Mr. Markus Järvi near Helsinki. He sell classic automobiles so he doesn´t own the Peerless any more. In thaat article they tell among other things that in 1929 there were 60 Peerless automobiles registered in Finland. In 2007 there were only 3 or 4. Our national veteran car club membership directory lists only two Peerless; 1927 and 1928 Phaetom. http://www.iltalehti.fi/autot/200711016788125_au.shtml
  24. Hi, Thank you so much for your post. If I remember right there was one 7-passenger Sedan for sale about 10 years ago in Nakkila. I think this car was dark blue in color. Then I think Mr. Rannila in Northern Finland has a Peerless from 1910´s. He has his own private car museum. Mr. Rannila used to own a Russian made Zis convertible which was used by Josef Satlin. The Zis was restored here in Finland and later sold back to Russia/Kreml with very high price. Juha Kaitanen Sipoo, Finland
  25. Hi, Thank you very much for your very detailed reply. I shall forward your answer to the achive so that they can add this information to their files. I enclose some other photos showing different sides of the Peerless. Photos were taken in 1930 as you can see from the register plate - small number 30. Juha
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