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Juha Paavo Kaita

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Everything posted by Juha Paavo Kaita

  1. Hi, I believe this is a 1929 Peerless. It was once owner by a vetenarian Bernhard Åström in Helsinki area. I would like to hear your opinion about the make, model and make of year. The original phot is owned by Swedeish Literatur Soociety in Helsinki. In the archive there is quite a few photos of this very same Peerless. Peerless automobiles were imported to Finland by "Laatuvaunu Oy". Juha Kaitanen Finland
  2. Hi, Thank you to both of you for quick and professional reply. Juha Kaitanen
  3. Hi, This photo of automobile was published in FB-page here in Finlland. The page is for postcards and old photos showing seeneris of city of Turku. I am trying to identify the make of the car. To me it looks quite large - maybe 7-passenger Touring. The steering wheel is on right side of the car. So the make can be European or early US. Somebody said that it could be Essex but it looks little too large to be Essex. Any ideas of the make of this early car is greatly wellcome.
  4. Hi, The parts from rusty chassis will not fit to the runnnig chassis. I think the running chassis used to have a some sort of Flying Cloud body. George Svede (419-756-7245, 543 W. Straub Rd, Mansfield, OH 44904-1837) has factory records. By sending him the vehicle no. and engine no. you could find out what your Reo used to look/equipped with when the car left the factory in Lansing. That will cost you 20 to 40 dollars. If your friend ever plans to part out the rusty chassis let me know (juhakai@wakkanet.fi). There are few parts which I could use for my Model G truck. Juha
  5. The rusty chassis is Model G from 1926 but the rolling chassis is younger. Maybe 1927 or later. I own two Model G from 1926; a 4D Sedan and 2tn truck. Are you going to restore both these fine Reos? What kind of parts are you looking for? The dash makes me think that the 1926 chassis could be from Speedwagon with 6 cylinder engine. Speedwagon could be bought with 4- or 6-cylinder angines. Also the way gauges are situated on the dash plus the steering column bracket makes me think that the chassis is late 1926 production. Juha Kaitanen Finland
  6. Hi, Few years ago I bought a "Aprowlite Standard" tail light via ebay. I was going to use it on my 1926 Reo Model G truck. Now I noticed that the tail light might be originally from Indian motorcycle. Am I right? Can anybody tell me what would "Guide #220" tail lamp look like? Juha Kaitanen Finland
  7. Hi, I own a 1926 Reo Model G 4D Sedan. Some earlier owner has lost the ignition key and because of that has bromen the ignition lock. I wonder if in your Reo the starting button knob and ignition lock are OK condition. Is it possible to get a photo of this piece? I am also interested in the floor plates which go round the gear shifter and startting knob.I would be interested in this part. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Finland
  8. Hi, Few years ago I bought my T6-4D Sdean from 1926 from Huston TX. It is quite original inside. Outside has been restored-rebuilt.
  9. Hi, Thank you for your note. I have visited your block page and made some remarks. According to my knowledge engine no. staarting with letter W were actually bus chassis. I have one extra engine which came from a bus and its engine no. starts with letter W. Some of the photos you have on your block page show that the Reo truck you are rebuilding is very similar to my Reo. My Reo left the factory in Lansing in December 1925. My truck was sold aas new in Turku Finland in 1926. The very first owner of the Reo was Aaron Svanberg. The truck was used to carry a blocks of red granit rocks in a stone quarry in Vehmaa, Finland. Later someone tried to make a tractor trailer out of the chassis of Reo. The frame was cut into three pieces but the work was never finished. In a photo above you can see the Reo in 1928 and a pile of parts in early 1960. The front axle was taken away and used to make a trailer. At this time some other parts was missed. Now the frame has been welded together. I enclose a photo of my Model G 4D Sedan. It has been a great help of figuring how different parts go together. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Finland
  10. Hi, Here are some of the parts I am looking for my Model G truck from 1926. Of the spring hangers I need the front spring rear hangers for both sides of the truck. I also need a hood. I think the hood is the same used in passenger automobiles - this I am not sure but it looks like that. Hope to hear from you Juha Kaitanen
  11. Hi, I have a long term project of Reo Model G Heavy Duty Speed Wagon truck from 1926. When I bought the truck it was in very bad shape. Gradually I have made progress but there is still quite a much to do and I am still missing some crucial parts. My Reo is early 1926 model. The truck left the factory in late December 1925. The Reo was sent to New York to Shippers Storage. From there it was shipped to Turku, Finland. The truck was shipped in a wooden box. The body and the bed was locally made in Turku. The Reo was sold by the company called "Pohjoismaiden Autotuonti Oy". This company imported Reos to Finland from 1926 to 1928. I would like to contact other owners of Model G trucks and persons who might have the parts I am looking for; hood, front axle, brake cross axle (on the frame bar), front spring rear handers etc. Juha Kaitanen Finland
  12. Thank you very much for your help. I shall tell this information to the archive which has the photo. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  13. Hi, This photo I found from one archives. They told me that the photo is taken in 1910´s. To e it looks like this could be a Chevrolet from 1925/26 or so. Can you help me to identify the right make and model? Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  14. A friend of mine who is collecting part for Flying Cloude from 1927 found a steering gear. On the housing of the gear there is stamped no. GB 6212. Now we would like to which model of Reo this gear would fit. Hope to have help from you. Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku
  15. Hei! David Lockett from Surrey England used to own same year Northern Silent. He also visited Tampere museum and made plan to restore the car. At that moment the museum was not so eager to the job. I also found a dentist living in Toronto who had proper type of lubricator. He asked 200 dollars but the museum did not have the money. At the moment we thought it would have been quite easy to restore the Northern because the car was in very good original shape. Best wishes from Turku, FinlandJuha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  16. Hi! A friend of mine showed me a history leaflet with a enclosed photo. He would like to know the make of the early auto. Photo is said to be taken in 1910. The quality of the photo is not bes one but hopefully someone is able to hepl us. Best wishes from Turku, Finland Juha Kaitanen
  17. I realiize that the reservoir tank in 1926 Reo is not original. I just would like to make my Reo house clean -not marking its place. On the other hand if the tank makes the car run better and easier to maintain - then I would use the tank. You vcan always make the tank look like origonal equipment. So what type of tank your friend is using in his Pulman? In what high the tank should be in relation to radiator? Juha Kaitanen Turku
  18. Hi! Few months ago I was looking photos of the Essex from 1919 and noticed that the car was equipped with radiator fluid reservoir tank. I own a Reo Model G from 1926 and I would like to have a such tank in my car. On the Essex the tank was made of plastic and had two hoses. I guess one inlet and one outlate - draining. What kind of tank it should be? It would be nice if it looked like "original". Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Happy New year 2014 Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  19. Hi! I own an original - at least I think so - Reo Model G 4D Sedan from 1926. Now I wonder if the car has original step plate. My car has only one step plate on each side and it is solid cast aluminium plate with script Reo. I have seen photos of Reo from mid 1920´s whiich have only one or two step plates and they are not solid aluminium. Is anybody able to tell me how these things originally were? I also wish all Reo fans Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  20. Hi! I just want to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2014 from Turku, Finland. I do my wishing in Finnish with enclosed post card. To me it would be a lot easier if you all would learn to speak, read and write Finnish but I guess it is not possible - at least not very soon. So let´s keep on using English as a mean of communication. I have really enjoyed these forum pages and they also have been of great help for my and my Reos. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  21. Thank you for your replies. The body style is surely 1914. I was once told that new model was put into production after workers holidays - late summer/early autumn. So some of the 1914 Model T were produced in 1913. The body no. of the Model T is 308 553. There is a brass plate on the fire wall. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  22. Local veteran car club here in Turku owns a original T Ford Model 1914. The vehicle no of the car is 308 553 and the engine serial no. is 494 938. Some T Ford owners have told us thet this Ford left the factory August/September 1913. Is it possible to tell the year of manufacture of these early Fords. Can we celebrate 100 year anniversary this year or do we have to wait till year 1914? Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
  23. Hi!Thank you for good remarks so far. It can well be Cahndler. We had quite a few Chandler cars in use here in Finland at that time. I think Imperial was mucj rarer. I shall forward this information to the owner of the phoito and see if she can remembers something about this car, still.
  24. We visited local museum in Sauvo, a place close to Turku. One lady had few photos of cars from 1920´s. Cars that her father used to own. One car was Durant she told. Could this photo show a Durant from mid 1920´s? Best wishes Juha Kaitanen Turku
  25. The remains of poor Reo truck were found some time ago close to city of Turku. It is not possible to rebuild the truck any moore. So a friend of mine is useing the parts to cumtom pickup project. I not sure about the year of make or model so if any of you can help on this it is greatly appreciated. Juha Kaitanen Turku, Finland
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