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Peter Gariepy

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Everything posted by Peter Gariepy

  1. I just registered on the HAMB (again). No, they don't force you to introduce yourself.
  2. Never said they had to include a name. Requiring people to introduce themselves seems heavy handed. Let them introduce themselves if they so choose. In the case of the HAMB... the topic you linked to. I'm not inclined to go down a rabbit hole of anonymous posts. It's just not productive or valuable IMHO. Topics with a title of "New to the HAMB" for example.
  3. A single topic is NOT how this forum as intended to be used as you've outlined. I'm much prefer a new forum (if there is consensus) that allows people to identify themselves and each gets it own topic. NOTE: People can chose to introduce themselves in the general forum if they so choose. Forcing them to introduce themselves is not ideal IMHO. Im also not a fan of perpetual sticky posts. Thats also NOT how the forum was intended to be used. its for TEMPORARY items generally.
  5. You're the one who posted the clickbait topic title "Are There Any Antique Car Owners On Here Anymore?"! So maybe its YOUR WHEATIES? HOWS THIS!? STOP posting topic titles that insult the forum users and its volunteers! What does clickbait mean? Clickbait typically refers to the practice of writing sensationalized or misleading headlines in order to attract clicks. It often relies on exaggerating claims or leaving out key information in order to encourage clicks.
  6. Howard, Are you really defending your use of a clickbait topic title? "Are There Any Antique Car Owners On Here Anymore?"? What next? EVERYONE should post crappy titles not related to the content to get people to read them if they dont get a quick answer to an obscure car or part? Clickbait is INSULTING and has no place on this forum. and to imply on a HIGHLY trafficked and used antique auto forum there are no antique car owners is childish. Nor did you acknowledge the COUNTLESS questions that did get answered on this forum.
  7. NOPE. I disagree. Had you provided a more descriptive title you may have gotten the answer you were seeking quicker. Mike (the user who provided the answer) may have seen your post faster as well. Instead you insulted the forums, its users, and it's volunteers.
  8. Howard, THIS post has an incomplete title: "Twin Coils Identity Sought". Had you put in a more complete title like "Twin Coils Identity Sought - Delco 1854011. Early v16?" would have helped you tremendously. Instead you made multiple posts in multiple forums including "Coil Pack. Not Duesenberg, Cadillac V16?" and "Packard V12 Owners Advice Sought". Some of which got quick answers if not one that identified the part. It also appears you at least partially answered your own question in the very first post in this topic: "This set has the number 1854011 on the diecast bottom which I think might be a Delco number so maybe this fits an earlier V16?". So others may have assumed you knew the answer already. Also, you made the assumption identifying such a unique part would be quick and easy. You've been on this forum since 2004. You posted the following: "Are There Any Antique Car Owners On Here Anymore?" It's not accurate, shows your impatience, and it completely ignores the THOUSANDS of answer a month people provide in this forum monthly. As administrator of this forum I found your hyperbolic title and whining insulting and wrong.
  9. Sounds like Connecticut is the issue, not Vermont?
  10. Stumbled on this in the distillery distract in Toronto CA. Is Fargo just a Canadian Dodge?
  11. Your title is incomplete please revise
  12. https://hershey.aaca.com right column October 3-6, 2023 October 8-11, 2024 October 7-10, 2025
  13. Gary, I get what you’re saying but how do we title it and describe it in a way that makes it different than being general restoration?
  14. It's a technical issue: The CSS file that "paints" the page hasn't loaded. When you reload the page it loaded and the page looks fine. Probably due to a slow internet connection or maybe a slow website.
  15. SCAM RED FLAGS: Paying heed to these red flags will prevent you from being scammed more often than not. The item/price is too good to be true (It probably is) They don't know anything about the item They can't talk on the phone They can't take photos The item is in another location They insist on ONLY communicating via email, text messages or other services like FB messenger or WhatsApp. Payment is their primary conversation and priority. Payment method is shady. (western union, bitcoin, etc.) Payment is to be sent via PayPal or a cash app, but to a different email or phone They want a downpayment NOW because they have another buyer they'll sell it to if you don't. They don't want a check mailed to them, ie because they wont give you an address It belongs to their long lost second cousin/grandmother/neighbor/friend They're in the military and the item is on a transport Seller pulls your heartstrings because they need the money They are unwilling to provide a tracking number as part of the sale
  16. https://www.pre-1940triumphmotorclub.org/register-2/super-9-10/?doing_wp_cron=1685728249.9660789966583251953125
  17. A day doesn't go by that another person posts of a new scam or scammer. I get it. They exist. I get you're frustrated and want to share. But littering this forum with scam/scammer posts isn't going to fix the problem for you or others. Take personal responsibility. Use common sense. There are bad people out there. The forum prevents new users from sending private messages SPECIFICALLY to prevent scammers from joining to respond to "want to buy" ads. You will NOT get a private message from a new user until they've posted at least 10 times. Regardless - just because a forum user responds to your ad doesn't mean they are legitimate. It remains your responsibility to determine if a seller is real/honest. NOTE: Posting your phone or email in a "want to buy" ad is fine, but know scammers will contact you that way, even if they are NOT a forum user. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING IF A SELLER, CAR or PART IS LEGITIMATE Do your homework - this forum will not do it for you Talk to the seller on the phone, or better yet, in person. Alternatively do a video call and have them show you the car or part. If that is not possible find someone in the area who can do it for you. (That's what the forum is for!) Get photos and videos. Photos can be stolen on the internet so validate the photos are theirs, ie. include a business card or drivers license in the photo for example Don't send money without being 100% certain you are going to get the car or part you expect This forum and the moderators are not going to confirm the validity of a potential seller. Thats your job. USE COMMON SENSE! Caveat Emptor "The principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made."
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