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Everything posted by ex98thdrill

  1. Yeah it won't rust and it's cheaper to replace right?? I'll tell you what Wayne, I send you some pictures of the tires that they used to run on their trucks, and you'll think that the tires that you throw away are brand new. The first thing that the truck in this post needs is some HORSE power.
  2. ... and the Afghans and Uzbeks were the same way. I remember seeing them put bottle caps over their lug nuts to dress up their vehicles.
  3. We (my Dad and I) have a '29 Whippet Model 96-A Coupe. I know in the case of our car, that isn't off one of those. The mounting base on it is different, but it may be off of another year or model car. That ornament looks more like it bolts to the nose of a car, and not the radiator cap as in the case of our car.
  4. When is judging school scheduled to take place?
  5. Not a problem. Although it wasn't enjoyable, I have no regrets for what I've done, I'm proud of it, and I'd do it again if it needed to be done,
  6. We've always used the stuff that Bill Hirsch sells and haven't had any problems.
  7. At this point, get the chassis done, get it drivable and presentable, and then once you've reached that, worry about what to put on the back later. My father and I have found more car parts by putting something on a show field and talking to the people who come to lack at our iron. Once the truck is out in the public eye, you might just have someone come up and tell you that they know where another one is, or ask you if you're looking for parts. We've bought and sold cars and parts that way.
  8. Boy I must be lucky. My dad and I have 15. If we were in your shoes, we'd have been gone a long time ago. As long as your wife doesn't talk to my wife and my mother, my dad and I should be okay, but on the other hand, having a limit of 3 is better than having a limit of 2. I've got 5 cars in my house, my dad has 3 in his, two barns full, and my wife's Malibu and my mom's Caravan sit outside year round.
  9. Yeah Diz, you're right. The only reason that I went to Vegas was to go to the car museums, visit the race track, enjoy the warm weather, and see a few shows. I didn't want to sit on a beach, or take a cruise. As for the gambling, I didn't. After spending 8 months gambling in the middle east, I thought I'd avoid gambling in Vegas.
  10. It's funny you mention that. When I first came home from the Middle East, my wife and I went to Las Vegas for a very needed vacation. When I was out there, I went into a few museums where I saw some cars priced high enough to give you a nose bleed, and the quality of the cars weren't any better (or as good) as what you see at your local cruise nights, let alone at an AACA meet. I went to one Museum where a guy had two '59? Ford Starliners with the retractible tops that weren't junk, but they weren't perfect. The owner claimed they were both worth in the $100,000.00+ range. I guess one of them was the very first one built and the other one was the very last, but for $100,000 I didn't feel the car was that nice, nor were they something that I would need that bad for that price. I don't know if it's the heat, or the intense lifestyles of the highrollers, but from what I saw, prices on classic and antique cars in Las Vegas is insane.
  11. How far did you have to go to find that?
  12. Any of the 64-1/2 Mustangs that I've seen had 13 inch wheels (6 cyl).
  13. Once you get your Senior Award, the only awards that go on the vehicle itself after that are the AGNM Award, and the AGNM Senior Award if you're eligible.
  14. It almost seems that if the mechanics were to approve a vehicle before it went into full blown production, a lot of these problem vehicles would've never been built. The best way to alleviate these problems is to get the engineers out of their office and out there working on these things. I think after some of those guys broke a few knuckles, things might be different ......if they're smart.
  16. If you can get more information on the truck, you may want to post it with SPAAMFAA (Society Preservation And Appreciation of Motorized Fire Apparatus of America). They have a website, and perhaps it may sell quicker if you go that route as well.
  17. Personal knowledge from me is that you had the Ford Mustang II (V8) where it required pulling the battery in order to change the spark plugs. On another side of the coin, it sure is frustrating when you have a new car that is built using both metric and standard nuts and bolts. I'd rather have something that is either all metric or all standard, but not mixed. ...and we still have the issue with the computer and emmissions equipment on our newer and future AACA eligible vehicles.
  18. We painted an engine with regular paint, and it didn't hold (it dried up and flaked). We have been using Bill Hirsch paint and have not had any problems.
  19. Back in High School my classmate had a mid '70's Chevelle that was so rusted, that he had hooked chicken wire through the rod that held the headrest up to keep the exaust system up as well.
  20. I remember back in '79 Hershey wasn't raining, but it was at least ankle deep in mud. That was back in the day where my father couldn't afford to take time off of work, and we'd leave early Saturday morning (about 2:00 am) drive to Hershey, see what we could until the vendors packed up, and drive back home (6 hour drive). By Sunday afternoon, we were dragging. As far as mud, you can talk about the good old days, but despite the memories, who in their right mind would want to contend with the yellow field the way it was back in 2000? I missed the paved flea markey last year, but I am looking forward to it this year.
  21. Yeah back then. The last time I Daisy on TV, she was showing her age.
  22. Speaking of the Walton's, what was the woodie wagon that they had in the later years of the show?
  23. 1. Barracuda (Heart) 2. Crazy Like a Mercury (Alan Jackson) 3. Chrome (Trace Adkins) - 2002.
  24. It's a good thing that I wasn't the Platoon Sergeant. If that had been my guys finding them, I'd have stopped, radioed the motor pool, and called for the wrecker. That would be an explanation and a*%chewing well worth it.
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