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Everything posted by JanK

  1. Life has a habit of getting in the way, but I finally got the rest of the pictures posted on our website. Enjoy!<BR> <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin</A> <BR>Click on Annual Meeting<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  2. Thanks for the recommendations on the reading material. A librarian like me is always interested in picking up more books. (Just don't tell my husband.) <P>HVS, I'll be sure to look up your wife, Judy. Sounds like someone I can have some good conversations with -- on any number of topics!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  3. Ausgezeichnet, Thomas! I look forward to your story.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  4. I suspected that others might also benefit from this trick. (I can't be the only one on this end of the FrontPage learning curve.) That's why I posted my successful execution in the Editor section instead of emailing Peter personally. <P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  5. I'm the changeling in my family. I have always liked things that are old, while the rest of the bunch chased the latest and greatest of everything. I'm the one with an older home, and it's decorated in Mission style and antiques. Is it any wonder then that I accepted a ride in a 1939 Buick Special from a nice, older gentleman? The rest is history, as they say. <P>My one regret is that I have never had a chance to get my hands dirty. My father did a lot of his own minor car repairs, but he didn't encourage me or my sisters (no brothers) to help much. He probably thought he'd get done quicker that way! And for a variety of valid reasons, my husband doesn't do much mechanically with our cars. Not to say that I'd be any good at it, but I'd sure like to know more about what's under the hood. Right now, it still mostly a mystery. That's why I try to follow along on Doug Drake's "Automobile and Its Parts" sessions when they're offered. I learn something new every time!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  6. Interesting, I thought you were at that seminar. <P>Here's the situation: On a few occasions I cut and pasted some text from a Word document to the website. Later, when I looked at the page, I noticed that the text didn't always appear in the template font, and sometimes the font size shifted. I couldn't figure out why this was happening, and more importantly, how to fix it. Peter told me not to "cut and paste" but to "cut and paste special" instead. By that, he meant to choose the Edit/Paste Special menu choice, and then select "normal" from the choices available. This tells the program to ignore the original text font/size and use the website text font/size instead. All I know is that it works!<P>If you want to see several bad examples of this problem, take a look at the Beam Excerpts page on our website -- <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin." TARGET=_blank>www.aaca.org/wisconsin.</A> I don't have time to clean up the old stuff just yet, but I can make sure the new additions are clean from here on out.<P>Just something to keep in mind as you begin to set up your website.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region<P>P.S. I'm not afraid to expose my warts if it helps someone else out!
  7. Peter,<P>Thanks for the advice you gave me at the Website seminar. I just used the "paste special" to cut and paste some text between Publisher and Front Page, and the fonts didn't jump like they had before. Something so easy, yet I hadn't known about that feature before. <P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  8. We pulled into our driveway about 12:15 this afternoon. Everything is unpacked and I've already done two loads of wash. Now I'm on the DF. I must have a problem....<P>I've added a few pictures of St. Georges Restaurant to our website, for those of you who have never been there. I'll add the rest of our pictures tomorrow or Wednesday. (New camera, learning curve, some pictures less than stellar.)<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin" TARGET=_blank>www.aaca.org/wisconsin</A> <BR>(click on Annual Meeting)<p>[ 02-18-2002: Message edited by: JanK ]
  9. JanK


    HVS,<P>Everyone knows you add the flavor to this DF. <P>By the way, you should be aware that your name was taken in vain numerous times over the past weekend. But always lovingly....really! Next time you'd better attend to defend yourself.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  10. Judy, you are a computer goddess and I am in awe of your ability. (No, she didn't pay me to say that!)<P>The Junior site is wonderful. Scott, my eight-year-old already has it bookmarked as one of his favorites.<P>I look forward to seeing what else you decide to add to this website. In the meantime, I'm going to add a link to the Kid's Page on our website, and will talk it up locally as well.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  11. After all this discussion on print screen options, I decided to cut and paste the home page of our region's website into this month's newsletter. (For those members who don't haven't had a chance to see any of it.) Actually, I think it turned out well. I'll see what it looks like when the printer gets done with it. <P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  12. Thanks for the quick posting, Dave. We have to mail out the February issue when we get back to town. This helps a lot. <P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  13. We're on our way back home after the annual meeting. Got as far as Toledo today. <P>We had a great time at the meeting. We took a number of pictures over the weekend, which I plan to post to our website on Tuesday (time permitting).<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  14. Mike,<P>Thanks for posting the info on the AACA hospitality room. For years we didn't even know it existed. That's a shame, because it's a great place to meet many of the "movers and shakers" of the AACA.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  15. Ron, <BR>You'll have plenty of opportunities to catch up with the people you want to meet. Hopefully, we're included on that list, 'cause we'd sure like to meet you!<P>Typically, we breakfast at St. George's, where the food is hearty and ample; hoist a few in the J.C. Taylor hospitality room; and network in the Trade Show area and the commons area just outside. We even manage to fit in a seminar or two. <P>There's always a lot to do, and you'll regret you can't do it all. But you will enjoy whatever you choose to do!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  16. More information on the 2002 Founders Tour itinerary has been added to our website. Visit soon to see what's being planned for you this summer.<BR> <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin/tour_details.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin/tour_details.htm</A> <P>Lodging information is also included at: <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin/lodging.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin/lodging.htm</A> <P>See you in Wisconsin in July!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  17. Okay, I'm officially one of the "old ones." But I'm not so far off the mark, only 44.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  18. I'll do what I can to help. I have some commitments, but could spend some time in the booth. Just let me know when you need coverage.<P>Jan K.
  19. Thanks for posting the seminar schedule. This gives me a chance to look over the offerings and plan my days better. <P>The good/bad news is there are so many good offerings to choose from!<P>I also appreciate the heads up on the date/time change for the Publications seminar. Looks like attending the DF lunch on Friday will be difficult now. <P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  20. Depends on what program you're working in. <P>In Publisher (and I suspect, Word) you would press the PrtScn (print screen) button by itself. Then use the Edit/Paste option (OR press Ctrl and V at the same time) to paste it where you want it. <P>If that doesn't work, try pressing Ctrl at the same time you press PrtScn, followed by some variation of Paste. <P>Hope this helps!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  21. My husband has a favorite story from WWII. His parents had a fairly new Buick that they ended up trading, even up, for another family member's older Chevrolet. As a small child, he didn't understand why they would have thought of making such a stupid trade. (Sorry, he was, and still is, a Buick man.) Well, it turns out the Chevy had good tires and the Buick didn't. The family who got the Buick didn't mind the tires, because they were farmers and could get new tires more easily.<P>During WWII, my grandmother kept samples of some of the rationing coupons, news articles, flyers, etc. and collected them into several albums. She thought it would be interesting reading down the road. She's long dead, but my mother inherited these albums and I've looked at them several times in the past. After reading this thread, I asked her if she could easily put her hands on these albums again, because I'd like to take another look at them. <P>Side note: My mother remembers a "D" gas rationing stamp, which I'll try to follow up on.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region<p>[ 01-29-2002: Message edited by: JanK ]
  22. Vern and I will be there....sometime. We're driving this year and hope to make it by Thursday afternoon.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  23. JanK

    CCCA wake up!

    My husband belongs to the CCCA, and I get to come along for the ride. We don't own a Full Classic at this time, but we sure do aspire to own one. For now, we settle for our classic era 1937 Buick Century.<P>If the CCCA was all about owning a Full Classic, then we wouldn't even be welcome at their events. Luckily for us, the CCCA is really all about appreciating these fine examples of automotive history. Even if we never have the opportunity to own one, we'll still be satisfied members of CCCA. And I'm sure there are many others like us who would be happy to fill out the CCCA membership roles, if they understood what the club has to offer.<P>Jan K.
  24. We got ours yesterday too -- and I didn't even know it was coming. I've just got to figure out their schedule....<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region
  25. JanK

    Car Shows

    This has been a sore point without our Region for years. We have those who insist on closed shows, AACA members only, with AACA compliant cars. We have others who insist on accepting all cars, regardless of age, make or modification. And plenty of opinions in between.<P>For the past few local shows we've arrived at the following compromise.<BR>1. All judged cars must be compliant with AACA classes. HOWEVER, we modified the special interest class to include modifieds, customs and newer cars that were "special."<BR>2. We set up a separate "display only section" for those people who just didn't want to be judged, or who didn't want to be judged "with those other cars."<BR>3. Our region has several established traveling trophies (including Best of Show), and those may only be awarded to Wis Region members. (We lost one of these trophies many years ago, and don't want to go back down that road again.)<BR>4. The president of the region awards a President's Cup to the vehicle of his or her choice. Although the parameters of this award are loose, it has turned into a quasi-service award, and therefore is traditionally given to a Wis Region member.<BR>5. All participants are given dash plaques or meet magnets (dependent on number of cars participating). Dash plaques are getting more expensive to produce, especially with high minimum quantities, so we've changed over to magnets when the numbers don't appear to be there. <P>Good luck on whatever you decide best suits your region!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region<p>[ 01-21-2002: Message edited by: JanK ]
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