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The Old Guy

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Everything posted by The Old Guy

  1. Overdrive allowed free wheeling until the overdrive was engaged. this left the trans in a no load condition that let the synchronizers do their job and stop the gears
  2. There were some insurance issues raised by the board about "drag racing" .and Roberta Vasilow (director of the Performance division) is trying to get them straightened out. I am not sure whether the situation will be resolved, but I am leaving my modified (37 coupe with 455 power) home, and bringing my 40 with the old straight 8. If they have racing, I will run it
  3. A gasket would insulate the module, and make it retain heat. the gel helps transfer heat to the metal base.
  4. Didn;t the 53 -55 have the power brake booster and master cylinder under the floor. You may find that it will be difficult to get everything under there as this pretty well fills up the left side.
  5. The 52 320 engine had a 4 BBL carb. You can exchange the earlier 320 manifold set with the 2 BBL. The unit from the 263 will not fit.
  6. Paul, the next time you get the engine warm, you might take a piece of broom handle , or a long screw driver, and put one end against your ear, and the other against different areas on the block. This makes a primitive stethescope, and may help you localize the noise you are hearing. The first place to check is the fuel pump. They have a spring that holds the arm to the cam, and if this spring is missing, you may find that the arm is hitting the cam and causing you knock.
  7. The National Auto and Truck Museum (NATMUS) in Auburn Indiana has a Futureliner that is being restored by a dedicated group of Buick club volunteers on the west side of Michigan. This one is going to be"correct"! The one that just sold at B-J has an updated drive line.
  8. , The center section from the 55 will fit in your 41 but you will probebly need to put the drive shaft and torque tube from the 41 on the 55 center section. You can measure them, but I don't think they are the same length. If there have not been any changes, your 41 has the 4.1-1ratio
  9. I saw both the Camaro and the Charger at the Detroit auto show on monday. There is no doubt that GM needs some new designers! The Camaro is butt ugly and the new charger is the slickest lookig new car out there
  10. Flint is only 60 miles up the road, and if you have never been to the Buick Archives of the Sloan Museum, you owe it to yourself to go.
  11. If the babbet in the bearing is good, there is no reason to replace it. I rebuilt the engine in my 32 Buick years ago ,and the bearings looked good. I carefully fit the rods and mains by pulling shims. The engine has been through two different owners,and has run 50,000 miles and the latest owner , when questioned about the engine said " I just cleaned it and detailed it,as it still runs like new"
  12. There are units available for trucks that screw on the tranny and the cable fits onto them. They have all different ratios and I just figured out how slow my speedo was, and got the unit and "voila" my speedo is right ( actually it is still a little slow ,so the wife stays off my back about speeding)
  13. The 1940 60 series had a 3.9 as standard and a 3.6 option. The 1940 40-50 series had 4.1-4.4 as standard ( depending on body style) and a 3.9 option. The V8 Dynaflow cars had 3.2 -3.42- 3.6 You are correct in that there were no 3.5 axles available I have a 3.4 in my 1940 Super convertible, and it cruises effortlessly at 70+ on the interstates
  14. A TH=350 is not an overdrive transmission. The cable is for the shift. The TH-350 ,if it is a late one will have a lock up convertor, but if you want overdrive you need a 200-4R. There are numerous after market suppliers that have universal units that can be used for your kick down cable. Lokar has good products, and you can find them on any Hot Rod site
  15. Matt, the one that Don Mayton and his group are doing belongs to the National auto and truck Museum (NATMUS) that is located behind the ACD museum in Auburn IN. That is done as an original,. The one at the auction has an upgraded drive train.
  16. I'll call her this morning, and if her Bugle still hasn't come, will run mine over to her. I am only 4 miles away
  17. Roberta, i got mine last Friday
  18. The 53 322 had VERY high domes, as they had big chambers in the heads. The engineers found that this contributed to excessive pin rattle in the first engines, and they made smaller combustion chambers and smaller domes on the later engines. It may be someone put a 53 engine in a 56?
  19. I have put 100,0000+ miles on my 40 Super, and have not used any lead substitutes. I don't believe it is necessary, but if it gives you peace of mind ,then there is no reason not to use it. Bob's has been in business a long time, and has ALWAYS given good service. ken Reeves at Wheat belt Automotive in Oklahoma is also a good source for used parts
  20. This particular GSX is the most perfect example of the marque. It has won many awards, and if you look at the money that is being paid for Hemi Mopars, you will see that Buick is finally being recognized as a true "muscle car" I think it is crazy too, but there are lots of people our there with way too much money. They are the ones that set the prices, as they have the cash to back it up.
  21. I don't know about the 31, but the later small aeries straight eights, had what looked like a dowel , but it screwed in . You could remove it and replace it with a stud and bolt the rnd down
  22. I am not computer literate enough to put in a picture, so the words will have to suffice MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR
  23. I will also chime in here! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR I also hope to put some faces to the names I have been chatting with on this forum , in Rochester next year. When we get a little closer, perhaps we will need to set up a metting place.
  24. Essentially you are going to build a set of headers for your engine. The Hot Rodders have been doing it for years. It will work just fine and get you a little HP
  25. Using "Bounce " drier sheets acomplishes the same thing as moth balls, but leaves no after odor
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