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    Pinehurst, NC, USA
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  1. If the car was repainted, from my understanding of the category it would not qualify for the AACA Historic Preservation of Original Features (HPOF) class, so from an AACA perspective it is not considered original. Is it restored? We already have 2 different viewpoints on that question
  2. There’s a lot of good info in those books. Good luck with your search. Let us know if you find something you like and purchase. Photos are always welcome here. Having said that, here’s mine
  3. Not for the US market. They were available in Germany. Maybe other European countries as well.
  4. Very nice! Perfect Fathers Day gift for the father/man who drives one
  5. You do not have to pay the exorbitant service maintenance fees at a MB dealer to maintain a MB. I have found experienced and capable independent European auto repair/maintenance shops at the many places I have lived over the years in CA, WA, VA and NC
  6. I have a ‘87 560 SL since 1994. Fantastic car, fun to drive and mechanically very sound. Parts can be pricey because it’s a MB. No major mechanical issues over the years in part due to keeping on top of regular maintenance and regularly driving it. Obviously it’s not a ‘70s 450 SL, but it is in the same line. I think all of the later SL models (450 and 560) are under appreciated
  7. Crash, when you get to 14 posts you can pm. You’re at 12 by my count. Good luck with your sale
  8. It will cost you some $$, but get it appraised by a professional appraiser? Some here will warn you about that with questions about the expertise of some of the appraisers. You do have a starting point with the unsigned cars, but probably no comps for the signed car that you have. If you do auction it off, the market ( auction bidders) will ultimately set the valuation of the pedal car
  9. I live on the east coast so I am not offering to look at the van for you, but I grew up in the SF Bay Area and worked for a few years in the CA Central Valley. Your 1st post says the van is owned by a church and the van is located in Turlock, CA. The title lists the Church address in Hayward, CA which is in the SF Bay Area. Turlock is located in the CA Central Valley about 81 miles away. Is there a disconnect here WRT location of the church and Van? Maybe something to ask when you call the church. P.S. If no one here offers to look at the car for you, do you want it enough to fly out and inspect the car yourself? There are plenty of flights between MN and CA
  10. Rocketraider and Jack M, my wife says you are both a BAD influence 😂😂. Actually Lake Pinehurst and Seven Lakes are not far from where I live. Of course, I would not want to end up on that other thread with photos and comments on bad towing rigs
  11. Damn! Now I want an old wooden boat 😥
  12. Not that I am aware of. Maybe he came down for the US Open that starts next week?
  13. About 5 miles of driving I see this Bel Air in the distance. I caught up pretty quickly and the 2 of us drove together for another 10 miles trading the lead along the way. How often nowadays does one randomly comes across another old car from the same era that is not part of an organized tour, cruise or parade? Not often I suspect. It was a great ride and nice surprise!
  14. Decided this morning the 53 Packard needed some exercise. Always interesting where the Cormorant and Hula Girl will take me
  15. HaHa, I remember back in the 60s/70s going to games at Dodger Stadium. EVERY car in the parking lot had one of those on their antenna!
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