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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. Thanks. It was listed as just a 4 door sedan. Like I said, I on a learning curve for these years plymouths
  2. What is the difference between late from April 1 and early before April 1 mean when looking for gaskets? has anyone ever used this gasket maker ? http://fcrcmachine.com/remflex-exhaust-gaskets-dodge-plymouth-1932-l4-198ci-intake-exhaust-6034/
  3. It is a PA Here are the numbers 3147292 with an H under it and also these appear 72931. I have zero experience with a 32 plymouth but I am about to get some as I made the swap for the car which now only leaves the GM 49 Buick in the garage full of Mopars.
  4. I am searching for a price on an exhaust and intake manifold gasket for a 1932 Plymouth and they mention pre April and after April. What is the differences? And how does one tell what you have? And while we are on it who is a good supplier of parts for this year? If I make the trade for this car I am going to be needing a gasket set to start off with.
  5. Working on a trade for a 32 Plymouth PA and need to know the cost / time factor of repacking or rebuilding the weepy main shaft of the water pump. Also replacing the exhaust manifold gasket. Parts source?
  6. I wish they had put that dash in the 65 Fury. Just so plain in comparison. 383-4 spd with AC must make your car extra special ! Compare yours to a 65 Impala SS or a 65 Galaxy 500 and the Chrysler wins hands down for interior styling. But it seems every month I am tracking down a new squeak or rattle with as much steel in these interiors and they could have done a much better job with window isulators. Looking at your 300 it is very easy to see where the inspiration came for the 67 GTX
  7. My 65 Fury and 63 Dodge 880 (Chrysler Newport) is like that. Worse is the 63 needs a steering box rebuild which I plan on starting in the next few weeks so you have a couple inches of side to side play thrown in too. Go from driving a 60's Mopar with that "pinky" power steering and get in that 50 Chrysler and it is like piloting the Queen Mary in difference.
  8. It seems 64-67 big block mopars have climbed in value as the 67-71 mopar muscle cars have gotten out of reach. But these yachts get not much love while their one size smaller brothers get the bucks. Lots of people still thinking 383 speed. I like these huge dominating presence on the road mopars with their mile long trunk and that 383 will get you moving. Really distinct color. But being a 300 the car will have zero road feel and "holy crap I just changed 2 lanes with a sneeze" power steering. I sure would be going over the function of that power top and the overall condition because you can really eat up some $ on repairs and a new top install. If it is ripped or wearing thin knock off 1500-2 k just for that.
  9. 78-80 today. Have the Fury convertible out. 26 tomorrow night with a 25 mp wind. In Texas we call it a "Blu'norther"
  10. One of the projects for this year is to swap out the worn steering linkage on my 1963 Dodge 880. With that I would also like to rebuild / replace the extremely worn steering box and it's 2 inches of wheel play. Would not mind just swapping it out with a rebuilt unit and then rebuilding this one as a spare and learning experience. I do not have an interchange manual so if anyone can help a guy out and tell me what years will work? Pretty sure it is most of the 60's chrysler products that do. And any leads on the best prices for parts. Thanks
  11. Thanks for looking but I already bought one back in August. A 1931. Sooner or later I am going to get to sorting it once our driving season ends. Weather here is still in the 70's during the day but winter is coming hard tomorrow night. The car I bought developed a pronounced 1.5 inch lean (squat) to the passenger side at the rear when in transport which I really need to do some research on to figure out why. Need to do the annual car shuffle today and move her down to the work barn for winter that has smaller 1 car bay easily heated. Then LOTS of gasket changes to slow down the oil leaks !
  12. OK, went for a nice 20 mile ride and at 55 mph with a 170 thermo in and she rested near the max of the "good" zone on the factory temp gauge. At this point I pulled over and used my new handy laser temp identifier and sure enough, the back of the block was at 200 while the front was at 172 and the radiator was at 156. So looking like a water distribution tube issue. The new one arrived today as my gut told me it was screwed after looking at the rest of what was changed out. So will get into that sometime soon. Going to let the evapo rust coolant mix do it;s job for a month longer and hopefully get the remains of that tube out easier.
  13. Good for you Earl. I was told by the detective working this that my car was resold at least a couple times after I had it and they wanted to be sure I actually got it. He also tried to cancel the title once according the FL DMV AFTER I HAD THE CAR No clue what this guy was thinking. But lucky I am so far and hope it holds. All the paperwork is in order.
  14. I hope Earl was paid what he was owed but if the sale of the car through this schiester took place the last 6 months it would be the exception. Why are we arguing apples and oranges? Does it really matter what the wording is on a crooks website? He was a POS and stole peoples money.
  15. Evidently it has just gotten REAL with the PD. This is a month old https://www.abcactionnews.com/money/consumer/taking-action-for-you/lakeland-classic-car-dealer-under-investigation-and-under-fire-from-customers
  16. Yes that is them and I remember Earls car. Send him my way if you can get in contact with him
  17. Now that is one heck of an idea I never thought of considering the crap chink condensers we are getting. I need to remember this for my Franklin. I do keep spare points and condenser but not the wire. (I have been warned if I install pertronix in a Franklin I will be banished to Corsica) My 46 Dodge did an odd thing to me yesterday where it just shut off. Coasted to the side of the road where it then started up again fine. Drove home fine after that. Was thinking condenser. Might just try this to see if it is the condenser before i swap it out.
  18. Evidently the crap just hit the fan with records seizure. Detective said she was really overwhelmed by the sheer number of fraudulent sales being found and was happy they could clear one off the books. Very lucky I am it sounds like. But most of the shenanigans evidently started the last 5-6 months. They know of at least 3 people that "bought" my Buick at this point, funds transferred.
  19. If you are in the process of buying a car from them or have a car on consignment with them better call the Lakeland, FL police. I was just on the phone with them this afternoon and evidently my 49 Buick I bought (and titled) from them was resold by them a couple more times after I titled it. They have impounded 85 cars he had in the shop and are trying to sort out the real owners right now. Too many "owners" claiming the same vehicle. The swindle is approaching 9 million right now. Lots of money sent to buy a car and no car shipped. Lots of cars sold and no money sent out from consignment sales to owners. The owner was arrested. Michael Calhoun. Was also on the phone with the rep from the FL DMV handling the case to prove my ownership (title) and he let me in on the details. Doors have been shuttered and barricaded. Cars locked down. All records seized. If anyone needs the contact number of the detectives handling the case send me a PM. I can also give you the number of the person handling the title searches for the FL DMV if your wondering if you actually own the car you "bought".
  20. Now to really throw a wrench in the works, If one was running pertronix now you have no condenser correct ? Being no points to burn no condenser?
  21. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00M0TLQ66/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  22. And here I was thinking it was just clogged. Did not think about it rotted out. With a 160 thermostat it stays in the mid range on the factory gauge but a 180 has more on the high end. My laser thermometer will be here monday. Maybe the evaporust did too good a job ! If the tube is shot hopefully what is left will at least be free to get out thanks to the rust remover.
  23. Looking to change out the head lights in my 2 run around bomber plymouths to LEDS. See some kits out that but 300 bucks is steep considering I did it on my 63 Dodge for about 50 bucks. Smaller housing is all. Can't find similar in 7 inch. Any leads?
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