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Everything posted by BearsFan315

  1. Well after a few weeks of working with the seller, setting up transport, and getting all the ducks in a row, the truck was finally delivered Yesterday afternoon !! a Few pictures attached below... Now to get started, for details on this project see my post here: http://forums.aaca.org/f190/1930-chevrolet-ad-universal-canopy-express-329877.html#post1043419 Let the fun (or fustration) Begin !!
  2. Being a fan of the antiques for a long time now, I have always enjoyed looking at, reading about, and checking them out whnever I could. Always thought it would be cool to won one, in its original state. Granted the Hot Rods are cool, but the originality and simplicity of the original state has always intrigued me. I have scanned the classifieds, the online ads and auctions, in general jsut seeing what is out there not being in a rush to get anything. Recently gcame across an ad for a 1930 Chevrolet Universal AD - Canopy Express Truck/ Huckster partially restored and it caught my attention. Was unique in a way all its own. So I contacted the seller and inquired... Well after a few weeks of working with the seller, finding and setting up transport, and getting all the ducks in a row, the truck was finally delivered Yesterday afternoon !! It is now it it's new home, My garage Few pictures attached below of the delivery and unloading. My plan is to restore it to a factory original state within my limits and capabilities. Hopefully with some guidance and direction from my new friends of the local AACA Chapter here, and My New online Friends (You Guys) I will get this knocked out. I am in no rush to get this done, but would like to work on it steadily and patiently. Now to figure out where to start. My plan is to catalog and take inventory of what I have on hand. While i do some research and try to figure out HOW this thing goes together. As it is currently in pieces. Once I have an inventory I would liket ot dry fit everything together to see what i have, what i need, and what needs to be done. Then I can start to disassemble, fix, work, replace, or repair parts that need attention. then completely reassemble the truck and do the fine detail work. I know, I Know it will take lots of time, and of course $$ MONEY $$, and LOADS of PATIENCE and homework. I plan on being around a while, and enjoy it once it is complete. Any and all feedback, support, guidance, reference, information would be greatly appreciated !! have not had much luck finding a lot of info on any of these. If you have any questions, feel free to post or PM me. I will do my best to keep you guys updated on the progress with pictures, of course
  3. Just to update everyone, I was able to find a gentleman to transport for me, he was making a run to my area to pick up a car and offered to pick up my veicle and deliver to me. Very good guy, great communication, and reasonably priced. And experienced at what he was doing. Delivered QUICKLY, actually had to have him push back a day so I could be there to assist with unload !! here is what Showed up at my house...
  4. Well got a Transporter, did a superb job, very good guy !! This is what showed up Yesterday afternoon at my house :-)
  5. Looking at a 1930 Chevrolet AD Model 1/2 Ton PickUp, How do you change the Tires/ Tubes on this model. Do you need to use a Rim Spreader/ Tool. I have a pictire of teh Tire& Rim from the Chevrolet and also the tool I believe I need. Can anyone confirm or correct me in my thoughts. All Help would be Appreciated. I do NOT have the Chevrolet in my Possession Yet... But looking at the pictures does not look like the rim has a Split, but could be optical illusion or hidden.
  6. BearsFan315


    Only thing cooler then watching the video is actually being there while this is done. But when the pour you stay way back , and it is HOT !! and casting facility are pretty nasty especially rough sand casting. But it is really cool, our company has been getting into the lost foam method of casthing, as it is a wuick variable casthing process that gives you pretty darn accurate products. You can cast in holes that you used to have to machine, saving lots of time. As for the software I did not know if they used an off the shelf software for design or had their own in house software.
  7. BearsFan315


    Very interesting, like you I am a Designer/ Drafter and we work with casters & molders around the world to create castings for our products (industrial Pumps & Equipment). Like you stated everyone wants a 3d model as they run the flow analysis and FEA on the models. Also we have several vendors that we work with similar to ProMetal that can do short runs, making just 1 or a few of an item direct from model in a very short lead time. Granted it is a little costly but you need it you want it you pay for it. I love the design realm as it allows you to see the part as it will appear when complete you can create assemblies and see it all together, form fit, and function !! What software are you using for your work ??
  8. Thanks, so what other bolt ons are of better statue for these year/ model engines. And direct fit or mod required ? Adapter kits ?
  9. I am looking for a Carburetor for a 1930 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Truck Straight Six. From my reading and reaserch looks like it came with a Carter Model RJH-08 150S Chevrolet Number 886300. Can anyone confirm this is the right part, and if so where I may be able to purchase one, would like to get one rebuilt if possible, ready to install.
  10. In the hunt for a radiator cap for a 1930 Chevrolet Truck Straight Six, 1/2 Ton Model. Not sure where to begin or what it should look like, I have seen various models. Any and all help would be appreciated.
  11. Yes we have exchanged emails as you stated you took the scenic route up 13, nice ride, but slow and steady she goes. Shorter milage wise, but not any shorter timewise. Long 17 Mile ride across the bay, with two tunnels and nothing but water around you !! I think I may hae found a carrier/ transport, he has a 4 truck fleet and specializes in transporting PROJECT VEHICLEs, as well as antiques, classic, and exotics. He seemd to very knowledgable about how to handle them, including the spare parts. Did some research and he is rated pretty high on the review sites for transportation. He himself is on the the actual drivers, as well as the owner.
  12. Yes I have a roller (1930's Chevy Truck) to transport, it is partially restored, needs to be completed and put back together. Everything is on board crated & secured in the truck. Would be going from Zip 06444 to 23707, both the seller and me the buyer are willing to work with transporter to load/ unload as well as meet in nearest town/ open area for ease. I can possibly make arrangement to meet within a few hours of here to meet, swap transports. I do not own a transport or have the equipments to do so, but a friend has offeref to drive within a few hours with his equipment if it will help me out, but can not travel long distances. Jim I truly do appreicate you honesty and assistance in all this being on the road you know way more then a lot of do about all of this. I trust your expertise and experience !! Run is pretty much from intersate 84 in CT, down to 95 all the way here, then 64. pretty much all interstate, unless you ride the coast along 13. (stop n Go) Speed Up - Slow Down!! I have gotten a few quotes for $900-1250 fully insired, enclosed trailer, door to door, all included.
  13. well I have been reading this thread as I am in the need of an auto transport. Looking to transport from CT to VA really soon. I have read the boards, dome some research, called a few companies, and prices are all over the place. I am looking for an enclosed carrier for a rolling chasis, non-running antique. does anyone have any suggestions, comments, or thoughts. I have quotes from Amerifreight, AutoLine, Reliable, Intercity, Alpine Auto, Get it Done. range from $850 - 1300 !!
  14. may be interested, finalizing the transaction to get my first antique... so $65 shipped anywhere in US ?!?
  15. Makes sense... or at least it sounds reasonable. would have to pack the items so as not to damage any items that have been restored/ rebuilt, i.e. the engine, tanny, and other gear. May be a larger task then expected :/ sounds like wrapping packages for christmas.
  16. Got a general question, how would one go about making transportation arrangements to transport a PROJECT vehicle. Say a car that is in pieces ?? Rolling Chasis, Body Panels, parts, Engine, Spare Parts, etc... Looking to relocate one to Virginia to do a rebuild and would like to know if anyone has done this, if so how they done it. Or is there a company that will do this for me ?? Estimated costs would be nice as well.
  17. Oh Yeah, just realized that my title was a little misleading... I am actually looking at hte Chevrolet era 1926-1932 !!
  18. Pretty cool, and like when a car stays in the Family per say, even if not direct family, at least it stays in the Antique Car family, those of us who appreicate and value them. Also anyone know of Transporters ?? may need one that can pick up an antique in pieces, project car. Rolling chasis & frame, plus many other parts and pieces ?? let me know
  19. Yeah, I heard othe money pit, but figured it would be a good hobby for me, since i do not really ahve one. Plus i am taking my time in looking for what i truly want, would hate to get into something and then decide that is NOT really the car/ truck i really want. Also i am still fully employed, and have kids in school. Figure take my time look around, learn, and if something comes up snatch it. No rush !! Figure I have time to work and restore, and truly enjoy. Also something to do once the kids graduate in a few years and move on (maybe).
  20. Hello to you all... My name is jerry, located in Virginia, and a newby to the site. Antique enthusiast, love them for their simplicity, beauty, history, and the stories they tell. I am a DieHard GM guy, Mainly Chevrolet !! Have not got my own antique yet, but scanning for the right one. Looking for something in hte range of a 1926-1932 Chevrolet Truck or 2d Sedan.
  21. Good day to you all... I am an avid enthusiast of antique cars !! I am also a Die Hard Chevrolet Man I have been doing lots of research, reading, and homework in regards to antiques. I am really interested in a Chevrolet from 1927-1932 range. I know that there were changes in those years, aminly going from the 4 to a six in 1929. Also believed the 1929 got a Mechanical fuel pump vs the Vacuuum Pump. My question is what year is the best to get into ?? I am looking to get one that is a runner (In running ocndition and needs TLC) so that I can drive it, enjoy it, and then restore it over time. I really like the 1928 Pickup, however seems those guys are few to be found. I am interested in the small 2 door coupes, just in the debae of going after a nice 28 or moving up to the 29 or early 30's with the v-6. This will NOT be a show car, dialy driver, or anything of hte sort. Really looking for a nice sunday driver to drive on a beautiful suinday afternoon on a short trip and turn a few heads, and truly enjoy the beauty of an antique car from the good ole days. Things I am considering is the availability of parts, manuals, etc... to restore as well as find places that can do restoration work. Also anything else that I should consider in my acquisition of an antique. i know they are money pits, and you will never really get everything out of them that you put into them. I am in to the antique because of the history, beauty, simplicity, and the stories they hold and tell !! Thanks for any and all info and feedback you guys can provide. Also any shops, restoration garages, people in the know near south eastern Virginia would be GREAT !!
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