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Everything posted by Dodgy6

  1. It can happen. I have recently joined the local historic vehicle society and their latest project is bringing a Leyland Badger truck back to life.
  2. Bump, because if you havn't seen this you should. Absolutely incredible! :cool:
  3. Stuff like this just makes you wan't to cry. Came across this while trolling for parts: Vintage Dodge (or similar style) 1920's Radiator suround Wanted | Other Parts & Accessories | Gumtree Australia Bridgetown Area - Bridgetown
  4. No Father's day in Oz till the 2nd of September, but I'll enjoy my Dodge today nonetheless! And happy fathers day to all you blokes who quallify over there.
  5. Ahhh, right. No need for the pic if it is too much trouble. I looked closer at the first pic and now see what you mean - esp your explanation of the wiring. Looking at the bracket where it mounts to the bumper it looks to be a solid piece so I figured it was that way all the way up. (Wrongly it would seem!) Post that pic if you want to though - I'd find it interesting and may come in handy down the track. Good luck with it and it would be nice to hear how you get on with it in the end. :cool:
  6. I happened by chance to come across that thread I mentioned earlier. Things always turn up when you stop looking! Not much help I'm afraid but you may find it interesting. http://forums.aaca.org/f143/i-need-taillight-bracket-1928-senior-306999.html By the looks of the bracket in your pics, (I have not seen one in the flesh), the stem looks like a pretty solid affair. If I were looking into getting one made then someone with blacksmithing abilities might be a good start. The bracket look like something my Grandfather would have been able to maufacture in his forge.
  7. Well I guess seeing I was the last poster in that thread I've been left holding the baby somewhat. I don't know the exact reason it was deemed appropriate to close it and won't question the decision. I have no more information than anyone else on the matter. I am dissapointed it was closed as although it was very confusing at times there was some good information that came out of it and now I will have to try and pursue my last question through PM. That's the way it goes.
  8. I was just having fun too Jack.
  9. Oh, that Dave! I was throwing in a little Cheech and Chong "Dave" reference. Yes, I'm sure the real Dave will be back soon too. He's got bit by the dodge bug baaaad. It's making him crazy! Ok, back on topic......now, where were we? :confused: Oh, BTW Jason, I had never given the "engine/motor" terminology thing much thought. You are of course 100% correct, and we all have out bugbears. I have been guilty of this particular offense but now I see the light..... Sorry Dave, back on topic now honest! In case you miss it amongst all this fluff I asked you about your build card experience few posts back. Ross
  10. I don't like any of it at all. However, what is up with that steering wheel? If, heaven forbid, you kind of get into the guys head and try to see what sort rat rod look he must have been aiming for, that steering wheel is still all wrong, wrong, wrong and horrendous any way you try and look at it. And those tail lights looks like someone has stuck a pair of boobs on the back. Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful....
  11. :confused: She was shad fishing all night???
  12. Hmmph.....looks like a bit of a cold fish to me...
  13. You take that back Jack! Dirty, rotten Toyota basher....:mad:
  14. So, how did you get around the no ownership thing? I'm in a similar situation as far as my cars details and build card go. I only really know the engine number and at this stage cannot provide ownership proof. And I have no chassis number.... Without ownership details the Build card is a no go for me at the moment. Oh man.....my doobie has gone out..... Sorry, couldn't resist!
  15. I'm sure I recently read a thread about someone doing this double tail light conversion. I can't for the life of me find it again now, and I've looked and looked. I've read so many threads on here lately that I may have dreamt it, but I think they also manufactured their own using the original as a template. Seems they may be an unobtanium based item. I would also give serious thought to a repro option.
  16. Ahhhh right.......now I understand why all the Kiwis are coming over here....
  17. Like I said, I really don't know. Perhaps you have your engine installed upside down? Seriously though, there must be an explanation if both your service manual and my book that I understood was some sort of bible for service staion mechanics of the day say the same thing. Maybe one of the blokes on here that can lick a dipstick and tell you which cylinder is down on compression can shed some more light!
  18. This is some info I have. I will not comment on it and profess to have no knowledge of the timing process. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.... Ross
  19. I'll state the obvious by saying that "H" was the designation given to the DA motors as far as I'm aware. No clue as to why they used "H". Maybe it was the 8th version, (A=1, b=2 etc...), of that particular motor configuration. My job can get kinda boring so something I have been pondering today is what reason did they designate Trucks with a "DA" code like the cars? Are they totally based on the DA car design just with the rear portion of the body removed, cab-chassis style, or did they base the truck around the chassis and motor of the DA and start afresh with body panels etc? Or was it that they designated the trucks with the same model number scheme and start with a DA, (Dodge A model), that bears little similarity to the car DA? My knowledge of the trucks is a bit limited I'm afraid and while I have seen plenty of pics I havn't studied them hard enough to figure out the similarities. I just can't recall seeing a pic of a DA truck that from the front doors forward I could say looks like a DA car at first glance. Fenders and lights for one seem to be different on the trucks when compared to cars of the same year. Not trying to highjack, just padding out the thought process a bit!!!
  20. Ray, I lived in the UK for a number of years. As an Ozzie I always found the class thing pretty funny although in Wales where I was for the majority of the time it was not so prevalent. I suppose as a outsider it is a bit eaier to laugh at stuck up people with inflated ideas of their own importance! I loved summer time over there with the long daylight hours - nothing better than a few evening pints in a good pub beergarden, but winter was always very tough for me. Ross
  21. No, Ive been back and forth to the shed about 3 times trying to figure it out!!! I'm just lucky to have both engines in my posession and thought I could help. If you saw the state my DA is in and you were still jealous you would be the first!!!
  22. 30 Chrysler I'll put some info forward here. I very much don't think that that transmission you posted the pic of will bolt up to a Plymouth 4 cyl "U" engine. The round bellhousing is designed to bolt to a clutch housing such as my DA has. The Plymouth "U" engine and trans that I also happen to have, bolts together differently. The transmission bolts directly to the back of the clutch housing and there is no bellhousing between the two. Also, the "U" 4 cyl engine and the DA 6 cyl have different front mounting points. The DA has a mounting plate that bolts to the front between the timing cover and the block and then bolts to the front chassis x-member at two points either side of the motor. The "U" has a single mount under the front that comes directly off the timing cover and down to the front chassis x-member with two bolts about 3" apart. Looking at your engine bay pic where you can see the front chassis x-member (just) you might be able to do some measuring of the holes in it. It may give you a clue. Your x-member looks different to either of my x-members with different holes. Maybe ask some of the truck guys (farrellg, Stakeside ???) on here to have a look and compare with theirs.
  23. Come to Australia. Once your vehicle is registered to go on the road, which will require your vehicle to undergo a safety inspection and possibly an engineering certificate especially if your vehicle has been modified, you are good to go - no annual inspections ever. Of coarse the police or the Dept of Transport can pull you and go over your car and give you a defect notice if they feel it is warranted that you will then have to rectify and present. The only other time you will need to have an inspection is if you want to sell a registered vehicle which will require a current safety certificate.
  24. Yes, Beautiful!!! I do like the double curve on the top of radiator surround on the victory sixes. :cool:
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