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Postings About Our Reattas and the problems, although minor


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I have had my Reatta for about 7 years now and have had absolutely nothing but good times with it and have totally enjoyed it. It is the best car I have ever owned and the most enjoyable.

I am now in the process of attempting to sell it and have found there are a lot of people interested in our cars but refuse to buy them because they to have found our Reatta site and visit our discussions about brakes etc. I constantly have to try to convince them that I have had no problems at all with mine.

This is just a suggestion. If we ever want to, or have to sell our vehicles at a decent price and want the value of our classics to go up and fast, I suggest we start telling all the enjoyable stories and things we have to say about our cars and that there is no perfect car and that the Mercedes Benz is the most repaired car in the world.

We are running down the value of our classics by the negative posts we allow and it is time to start the positive. I myself am tired of apologizing and trying to convince people that I have no problems with my Reatta and I never have.

Very sincerely and honestly

Will, a very proud Reatta owner

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I have not been around this site very long BUT? I don?t think anyone has maliciously soiled the reputation of the Reatta? I think there have been many, myself included, that have benefited from the posts that reflect potential or actual problems, big and small. This forum is mainly a ?help me? driven place? as such you will see things that are wrong? either because of age, use, misuse or design errors?

In any case I think it should be beneficial to your sale that such a place as this exists where almost anyone can post a question or comment and have MANY very knowledgeable people respond? KennyV.

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I have had my '89 for 1 1/2 years, and logged 16K miles. It is undoubtaly the nicest car I have ever owned. For a 17 year old with 101K, it has had very few problems. Probably due to the care given by the previous (original) owner.

The issues that I have had have been fairly minor, but have been able to correct them with the help of forum members replying to my questions, or by reading previous posts. Have not encountered the dreaded "Brake Problem", but thanks to reading about it, I feel I can handle it.

That said, in my opinion, the "negatives" have been a great help to me. I do agree that there is room for the "positives" also. It has been a pleasure to read of the young man who is doing a tremendous job of improving his Reatta. This forum, in general, seems to consist of more senior members. Its great to see younger folks involved.

As far as improving my car's value, I don't see ever selling it for a profit. To me, that's not what it's about. My hope is that it will outlive me and I can pass it on to my 3 month old Grandson. By the way, the seed was planted when I first met him at 3 hours of age. My first words to him were "Can you say Reatta". Hope it worked.

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purchased our reatta in 1990, my wife drove until 1999 with no major issue, we then ordered a mercedes clk, car has been in and out of dealership 30 plus times, stuff you would not dream up, wrong gas tank etc. this car is gone as soon as warrantee is up.the reatta is my weekend car,166,000 miles and I just replaced the starter,harmonic balancer,rear brake lines myself,haven't been under a car in 30 years and without this club, reatta would have been gone in 1999. I am still amazed we have part list on line with pictures,any thing that is possible to go wrong,has already been listed with the fix.there is no easier 16 year old car to own

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Probably everyone involved in this Forum has been exposed, in the past, to the games that a potential used car Buyer will engage in, in an effort to negatively impact a used car's Selling Price.

If it isn't "these ten things" that sicken the potential Buyer, it'll be "those ten things". Regardless of how <span style="font-style: italic">anybody</span> slices it, the Reattae are:

- assembled a-la-Pininfarina (unique as all-get-out in that regard),

- limited in available supply,

- one unique looking unit -- (And, in my experience) held by the general public as: "what the heck is that??!?" (That's a "positive" in my book...)

- (In my experience) Generally bullet proof -- for sure you have to perform ALL the necessary, timely routine maintenance...but any savvy vehicle owner undertakes timely routine maintenance. (Am I Right??!)

- As a proud Reatta owner, I cull nothing but positive vibes from this BCA-Reatta Forum. I'll admit to being new to this Forum, however, I've yet to read a post which denounces the Reatta....or any other Buick for that matter.

The postings to this Forum have directly resulted in my accomplishing Reatta system repairs, which would have been further complicated, in the absence of this resource. It's my opinion that this Forum is All Good!.....and valuable to any Reatta Owner.

<span style="font-weight: bold">Additional Car-Selling Strategy:</span>

In this geographic area (Pacific NW) I've had startling success when I've advertised my (pampered, pre-owned) rigs For Sale in the Buy 'n' Sell publication - out of Vancouver, BC.

[Note: If you want further insight with respect to advertising with B'n'S, send me a Private Message (PM).]

With respect to advertising in the Lower Mainland (Vancouver, BC) I know of several Canadian folks who think nothing of a trip into the States to hunt-down and pick-up the "rig of their dreams". [For instance, later today I'll drive to central WA, to pick-up a (cutey) '92 Riv, which I closed a deal on last week, on my 1st visit.]

You'll (eventually) have a savvy, motivated used car Buyer at your door. You'll recognize 'em. They'll be the individual who views your rig, sees it for what it is (a "peach"!) and negotiates with you for a fair price.

Selling a car can be a frustrating time. I kinda' wrote-the-book...

Here's wishing you all the best with the exercise.



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As stated by another post, a forum such as this should be considered a plus rather than a minus. As with just about anything, problems seemed to be talked about more than when things go well. I've been a member here for almost as long as I've owned my car, 1998, and I would say the "tone" of just about everyone has been very positive. Yes, things do go wrong with our Reatta's. But lets face it, our cars were very complex at the time of they were built. Even by today's standards they are still complex. The newest Reattas are fifteen years old! As with anything that has moving parts, as they age, things break. GM gave up on the car almost from the moment they canceled production. The dealer network knew little about the car when it was still being sold and today the dealer know even less. Independent shops don't know anything. I know, my Reatta has been in the shop since October because the engine just stops. They are no closer to finding the cause than they were when I brought it in. I'm I going the throw my hands up because my car has a major problem? No! Does this make it sound like all Reatta's are just going to stop? Of course not. The point, I'm sure someone here is going to come up with the answer how to fix my dear friend. For people who say they don't want to buy your car because of all the problems they see here on the forum, just respond, that this forum is like a doctor's office. For the most part, people don't go to the doctor until they are sick. The doctor gives them drugs to get well. The advise they get here is like a drugstore for Reattas. Where would we all be without drugstores?

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Thanks to all of you that are responding to my post. This is what I was trying to accomplish. I too have had some minor things to take care of, but it is the most wonderful car I have ever had and am sad to have to part with it, but I have no place to store it.

I wanted to get the word out that these are wonderful vehicles and as you have stated, "it is like a drugstore for automobiles" and we do get solutions for our concerns.

I hope everyone responds, we need positives and more of them. Life isn't always a bed of roses so let's add a much positive as possible.

Be safe and happy always


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Guest joereatta

An inexpensive part could stop any vehicle! The difference with this formun is that you can get a decent dianosis of the problem and how to fix it relatively inexpensively. Forums such as this will seem overwhemingly negative but the fact is that we (reatta affectionatos) want to keep our 15+ yo vehicles on the road and in tip top running condition. Where are the chevy calvalier forums?I've driven mine for over 40k and enjoy the hell out of it. It is not my daily driver but use it for what its good at, highway/turnpike driving to and from philly to the poconos most every weekend during non-winter weather months. Of course the reatta forum will be filled with the problems that folks encounter in maintaining their 15 year old vehicles. That is not a bad thing . . .it is a good thing.

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Guest F14CRAZY

Ha I know. But search ebay or autotrader...these used car lot dudes and their "bulletproof 3800s". Only bullet resistant motors I know of were like WW2 era radials. Could shoot holes in them and they'd still run.

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"Just stops". I assume no codes are set. My immediate thought is "ignition module". Probably is easier for me since I have spares and can just swap.

Think a late Delco unit (all of mine are Delcos now) would a good thing to pick up at a yard.

When you look at a late model with everything in the one PTM, that is difficult. OTOH the Reatta is really made up of a lot of simple devices. Yes, to the unititiated, it looks comples, but once you learn to seperate out the individual circuits (and the service manual does a pretty good job), usually what is left around a problem is pretty simple.

Of course the worst kind is an intermittant that is there sometimes and not sometimes. Then the only real answer is instrumentation (why I built an ignition break out box) but you need three things for an engine to run if mechanically sound: air, fuel, and fire. If it stops, one is missing/rong.

Thing to do is to instrument a spark plug and an injector and drive. When it dies also check the fuel pressure on the rail. One should be bad.

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I would reply that with 21,700 Reattas out there this Forum would be a testament to just how few failures there are! And much is about preventative maintenance. just my 2cts

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Padgett, that was my thought too. I replaced the coil pack and the ign. control module. You are correct there were/are no codes. The fuel pressure has been tested, and the results were OK, or so I was told. The problems started just after the harmonic balancer was replaced. On the way home from the repair, the car just stopped. It would crank, but not start. It did not even sound like it wanted to start. The good news, I was able to coast into by driveway, and I pushed it into my garage. The next morning it started right up. Took it back to the shop and they replaced the crank sensor. It ran fine for about a week, then would simply shut down without warning, even at 70 MPH. No sluggishness, the engine would just turn off. But would start again after it set for a few minutes. I took it back to the shop and told them to keep it till it was fixed. That was in October! They claim, and I have confirmed, there are not any codes set. The shop has said they can't get it to stop, that it runs fine. Going to the shop it stopped three times. Sorry, I did not mean to "hijack" this post, but was responding to Padgett's comment.

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I really enjoy driving my Reatta, but the constant string of problems on this particular one is getting old. Since buying it in Mid-August for the first time 3 weeks ago I finally made 1 week without a new problem, then even made a second week without a single new problem. I was so pleased with it's bugs being ironed out I took it last weekend on a 700 mile weekend trip bringing with me 3 spare computers, tools, meter and the service manual just in case. It was a wonderful trip and the car averaged 30 mpg based on filling the tank and figuring gallons used over distance. Using and resetting the trip computer on shorter distances with a highway speed of 71mph averaging 29.5 over 100 miles with AC off, 26.5mpg with AC on over 100 miles (used AC once on the trip), at 56 mph speed over 70 miles averaging of 33mpg, and at 48 mph 10 mile averaging 36. Stop and go dragged the mileage down into the teens.

The negative part of the trip started when I drove from the back of the house to the front, packed up the car and 20 minutes later went to start it to leave on the trip and oddly the battery was dead and it wouldn't take a charge, so I had to buy another one. I was so lucky it didn't happen on the following startup. On my trip one horn stopped working after about 5 seconds after the car alarm went off the second time, then the car started leaking a little antifreeze from somewhere, I smell it and it started using it but I don't see any visible leaks yet, the hydraulic pump for the brakes started pumping much longer to get to pressure to cycle off (It didn't bother me since I have a spare ABS unit which l didn't have time to replace yet, the ABS in the car has other issues) the door chime started a slow death (weird sounds followed by silence) but none of this really bugged me until the last day of the trip when one of the two new one month old window motors died with a gear failure. I'm losing ground now with the number of problems the car has, I just can't get myself to work on the car as much because after 7 months and over 2k in parts alone it should have become less problematic and I still didn't fix some expensive repairs it still needs. I hate to say it after owning more than 60 cars in my life this particular car gave me the most trouble by far.

Despite this, I still think it's a well made quiet comfortable great car ahead of it's time. I really like the Reatta and like it even more after owning one and would keep it for many years but this particular one has to be a fluke with it's problems. I keep thinking it will get better but this one is bumming me out. Believe it or not if I found a deal on another one such as a 91 I wouldn't mind having it but at this time I can't since this one already drained my surplus cash. This board is a fantastic source of information and discussion.

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