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Diagnostic Codes


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Yesterday, I was driving my '90 when the Service A/C light came on for a minute or two (in Florida). The A/C works fine. When I run it down all the way the air is very cold. I tried going into the diagnostic mode (OFF and TEMP UP buttons) and this is what cycled through: No E code, 64464,64824,65524,Ec?. I tried the forum SEARCH, but can't decipher the codes. Any ideas? Thanks.


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You were simply reading wrong what you saw.

64464 was actually B446H Low Refrigerant---- History

64824 is actually B482H ABS brake pressure problem-----History

65524 is actually B552H BCM keep alive memory error----History

What that means is at one time these codes were present but not now, nothing to worry about.

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My A/C is fine and recently converted and charged. In spite of this, when I go through that first cold period going into winter, and when I first start to use A/C in late spring, I get the same message that you got. It will sometimes be pesky, but then it stops. Others seem to have similar problems during this time period.

My mom lives in Sarasota, and commented last week that it had been extremely cold. Check your codes as it's easy, but I'm thinking that the problem relates to an unusual weather change that you have had.

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