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stubborn tree sap

Joe Werner

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I would use a product called Goo Gone. It is citrus based & has an oily feel to it. You can let it soak for a few minutes (in the shade). I use it all the time & it has never caused a problem for me.

This is from their web site. http://www.magicamerican.com/products_gg.shtml


Can I use Goo Gone to remove tar, stickers, grease off my car?

Goo Gone is safe on your car exterior, using instructions for hard surfaces. It's safe on your upholstery and carpeting, using the instructions for carpeting. It's safe on the vinyl and glass, but may remove the tint from the tinted side of windows.

For all those gooey, sticky, gummy, greasy cleaning problems. Removes chewing gum, grease, tar stickers, labels, tape residue, oil, blood, lipstick and mascara, shoe polish, crayon, bumper stickers. Works on carpets, upholstery, clothing, wood, and cement.

Most drug stores sell Goo Gone.

Good Luck


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I've had great success with the orange oil hand cleaner that is readily available. I discovered it when I was able to get Christmas tree sap off my hands without removing my skin. It was like a miracle. Then I tried it on my driver and it worked just as well and didn't hurt the paint.

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hello..i have detailed cars for 16 yrs and the best thing for tree sap is denatured alchol ..i know sounds odd but it works..will remove the wax on your car but your going to wax it anyway..use a soft clean cloth and rub in different direction lightly..it will work

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