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Real USPS Stamps with YOUR car!!

Steve Moskowitz

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Great new program! You can get your own car put on a genuine USPS stamp in small quantities! What a great new idea and a perfect holiday gift. Yest the stamps are a bit higher than face value but to have such a unique item for special mail is worth it. You can virtually do anything within taste as well such as pictures of your family, grand children, pets etc. Zazzle's prices are the same for everyone but AACA will get a royalty if you purchase from our link on the home page. I have attached some samples. They are much bigger than traditional stamps. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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<span style="font-weight: bold">NO</span> , use our link! The graphics fell off the earth but the link works as it is the red x on the top of the page, the home page is ok and on the bottom...I will try to get it fixed. It should be on the forum and home page both! Look to your left...empty square box!

If you go to the Zazzle site directly AACA loses the royalty and you do not get any discount! Please only order from our link...thanks!

<span style="font-weight: bold">FIXED...4:01 pm est!</span>

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you go to the Zazzle site directly AACA loses the royalty and you do not get any discount! Please only order from our link...thanks! </div></div>

I tried to order from your link, No discount. confused.gif

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Swede, maybe I did not explain myself very well. Not enough pizza. Zazzle has no discounts to anyone so if you order off their site directly or ours it is the same price. However, if you order off our link they make a contribution to AACA. As such, our site is not marked up but you are supporting the club and the forum by using our link at no detriment to yourself. Does that make sense? Not sure! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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This is a great idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS JUST GREAT what a nice job they did.

l_My%20SCRambler%201528.jpg They wouldn't make the stamp with the AACA and AMC logo on it so I made the stamp that you see in the attachment also.It went through Ok so I ordered two more sheets. I showed the guys this stamp at the big post office up here today when I was delivering Bulk mail for work. They went nuts as they thought it was great as the car is red,white and blue and looks a lot like the paint schemes on the mail trucks. They also think the hood scoop looks like a mail box !!!!!! They think if one of the big guys sees that stamp that they might want to use it as a regular stamp, time will tell.




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I noticed in reading through the web site that they stated and I quote "Because of the technology we use to authenticate the postage, most postal machines will not leave postmarks on the postage (so the recipient of your letter can enjoy your postage creation!)."

I wouldn't think that the Post Office would be happy with this statement. I had a letter returned once because I had put a piece of tape over an older stamp that didn't have any glue on it any more. The Post Office stated that I could be trying to cheat them as I could remove the tape which was cancelled and re-use the stamp.

I guess I will find out if my Post Office will object as I will be placing an order soon.

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Thanks Steve for that assurance. I guess my Post Office doesn't have enough to do that they can look for tape placed over a stamp. Right!! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

I am going to order stamps for my family for Christmas presents just as soon as I can find the photos I want to use. I am also featuring it in the next Brass-Nickel newsletter - my special holiday edition. Thanks for letting us know about it.

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I have ordered 10 sheets of stamps and should have them soon. I went to their site from the AACA link but don't know if the AACA got a cut from the sale or not ??? I guess they did.

I have many local people and AMC people that want to buy my SC/Rambler stamps.Is there a way that they can be put up for sale by ZAZZLE ??? I'm not looking to make any money off this stamp,It would just be cool to see other people using the stamp besides myself.

It would be great if a book of stamps could be put together with a lot of the AACA cars.




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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Matt, it is my understanding that yes, other people can purchase your stamp thru our site. I will get the details on how that is done. </div></div>

Steve, it looks to me as if the stamps that I had made were posted on their AACA link that people could buy them there. It looks like the last post that was put on that AACA link was done 10/23/05. I don't know if the Zazzle guys are to post the AACA members products or not???

Anyhow I got some of my stamps and they are great,real nice job. My wife used them to mail the bills today,that had never been fun until now.


It looks like I have at least 10 people around here that want 100 SC/Rambler stamps !!!! We will place a order for at least 1,000 of them after the first of the year after the price change on U.S. stamps has taken place.I also have AMC people asking me where they can get them at,this is great for the AMC hobby. I told them all that I went through the A.A.C.A. to get my stamps so I told them about the club.Hopefully some of them might join.

There is also a second stamp I had made,see attachment.


Matt Wilson


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Matt, please tell your friends to access Zazzle thru our link! That will help the club. In the meqantime, I am waiting to hear from Zazzle on an easy way for others to buy already produced stamps. I am positive this can be done.

Matt, email your image to john@zazzle.com and he will put it in our catalgue of images. He said this can be done in 24 hours. <span style="font-weight: bold">Again, please tell your fellow AMC guys to access the site thru the AACA link!</span>

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John from zazzle called me lastnight and we had a nice talk about the A.A.C.A. and SC/Ramblers. He said that my images will be added to the A.A.C.A. site today that way anyone who wants to buy them can and the A.A.C.A. will get their cut.

The A.A.C.A. link will be added to the Hurst SC/Rambler registry if that is OK with you. See http://www.joiesjeeps.com ,you will see the stamp on a fake letter on this home page and read the side bar to the right.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Our order arrived today just in time for Christmas.

Because of the added cost, they are not what you want to use for everyday postage but they are a great collectible for special events. Its a great gift for an old car enthusiest. Di and I ordered stamps with mom and dad's 1965 Ford convertible and my sister's Mustang for Christmas gifts. We also ordered a set with our 1931 Ford on them.

I think the stamps will be one of the most talked about gifts in regards to uniqueness and originality when they are unwrapped tomorrow.


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Guest imported_Bookreader

John and I received two sets of these stamps from Brenda for Christmas and we do not plan to waste them on letters but think we may frame them as they are quite a conversation piece.

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Guest HeyPop

Great! I sent for some just before I left for a trip to SC to visit the kids and they were here when we got back. They came out so nice and it was such a great idea, I sent the info on to MAFCA to inform the rest of the members. It's true the cost is double+ a regular stamp but what a way to promote the hobby! They also look quite impressive on a regular envelope since they're quite a bit bigger than a normal stamp.

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