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Good flick... *DELETED*

Guest F14CRAZY

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Guest F14CRAZY

I don't wish to mix in politics, terrorism, gun control, any other Michael Moore films, etc. Roger and Me is about Flint and GM and doesn't really have any politics

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Roger and Me is about Flint and GM and doesn't really have any politics</div></div>

Perhaps you should watch it again then. The whole point Mr. Moore was trying to make was that he felt GM wasn't practicing good corporate citizenship by shuttering all the plants in Flint and moving production to low-wage countries.

The film illustrated the effects of those decisions on the people that for generations had devoted their lives to the company and the destruction that it created in the social fabric of that benighted city as it struggled ineffectually to recover.

The casual disregard of the executive class who made those decisions was amply demonstrated as well.

Alf: You forgot to mention Academy Award winner, and a best-selling author, not to mention saving a man's life. grin.gif

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Guest F14CRAZY

I said that because I didn't want a debate relating to democrats, republicans, liberals, September 11th, etc. It's about GM and Flint.

I think it was more about economics that politics. There wasn't any intervention by the government and it was a free enterprise thing.

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Guest F14CRAZY

A Riviera and a Lesabre billboard were also shown.

Graffiti was being made against "import" car brands. Too bad that the import brands are moving into the US while GM moves out.

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I saw <span style="font-style: italic">Farenheit 911</span>, but I didn't like it... nor did I dislike it... I just didn't have an opinion. I don't know whether there was any particular reason for that nonchalance. Most likely, it's because I had already known some of it, and wasn't surprised, by the rest of it. tongue.gif

As for Buick City and/or Flint, Michigan... I've never been there, so I can't really say much, excepting, that my ignorance on the matter, would probably be the reason, why I don't care to see that movie.

But it's refreshing to know, that the populace, has an interest in the American Motor Vehicle. Whether GM decides to outsource, or not, doesn't concern me, at the moment, if it will save the company from going under... but I do feel that it will be necessary to come back to Flint, when the profits from such a foreign endeavor, will allow it to happen. That, coupled with some good leadership decisions, will allow for a good company. Otherwise, I <span style="font-style: italic">will</span> have some of the same disgust, that some of you have, with the outsourcing thingy. wink.gif

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Be careful of ANY film designed to manipulate your opinion. These are NOT documentaries. Producers will often try to make the public think their manipulation film is actually a documentary, when it IS NOT.

A true documentary DOCUMENTS what happened in an event or sequence of events, with NO editorial opinion expressed. I've produced many of these for the Air Force, government, and non-profit agencies, and I can tell you that true documentary producers, writers and directors go to tremendous lengths to keep opinions out of the final product.

Let me tell you some of the ways you can spot a psuedo-documentary and how a producer or director will interject visual or verbal information designed to evoke an emotion or change your opinion:

1. WEATHER -- In "Roger and Me" Michael Moore would show the 'oppressed peoples' in snow or cold weather doing something difficult, but the 'rich elite' would be shown at a springtime party or social gathering in bright colors, enjoying themselves among other people taking leisure, or they would be shown in a wood-clad warm office in a suit and tie, as if they never had to deal with poor weather. Did you ever wonder how he could go from a winter scene to a spring scene in an instant, when Michigan weather would require these events to be shot months apart? A true documentary would follow a logical timeline, not jump around to manipulate the viewers' emotions.

2. SIMULATIONS SHOT TO LOOK LIKE NEWS -- One of Michael Moore's tricks (and other producers like him, such as Oliver Stone) is to use a free-moving camera to look as if it was shot hand-held by an amateur actually showing a staged event to give the impression that the event was 'caught live' or made to look as if the subjects didn't know they were being filmed or taped. They will also interject other elements, such as making the tape or film look grainy, such as the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assasination. Believe me, I can take any piece of tape or film and make it look grainy, old, slightly out-of-focus, change it from color to B&W, and do 100 other things to make it look authentic, or originally shot by an on-the-scene amateur. With digital editing, you can also take things out of a film, or put things in that were never there, and 99.99% of the public would never know it.

3. NARRATION -- Be careful of emotionally-charged words being read by a narrator. One person can be a 'dedicated supporter' while his opponent can be a 'radical religious zealot.' Words mean things, and they can change emotions when used over just the right scene or event.

Michael Moore has never shot a true documentary in his life.

I'm not trying to express a political or social opinion here--just let people know that they are often being manipulated without knowing it.

It's one thing when advertisers do this to try to get you to buy Tums vs. Rolaids or Toyota vs. Buick, but when they are trying to rewrite history or change social or national policy by making a fake documentary, that is something else altogether.


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Guest F14CRAZY

The other day my government teacher said that the US economy is between socialist and capitalist. He made the point that though there's not tons of government control, the government has over 200 parts in a pizza (FDA, health department...)

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