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The race is on...Rochester here I come

Guest imported_Thriller

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just remember, there is TD, Royal, CIBC and whatever else you have out west. At this point you are committed.</div></div>

Yes, I am committed (or perhaps I ought to be). Actually, I go one better than having a banker...I have a Sugar Momma grin.gif

As for the vinyl roof, yes, it will be replaced. I believe it does get a shot of paint first. John - talk to Rob at Arlington - he has a fellow lined up who does that work for him...there aren't many around who do that any more.

When we discussed the rust under the vinyl roof, my body guy said that they actually rust from the inside due to temperature disparities and moisture...the vinyl traps the moisture inside where it winds up eating the metal. Of course, I would imagine that a poor rear window seal around the outer chrome could also let moisture under the vinyl as well.

Another good point on the copper lines - if they work and last OK under the hood of these pre-war cars, it shouldn't necessarily be the worst stuff use on something more modern.

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Copper fuel lines were used as original equipment for many years at least into the 1960's by some manufacturers; but to my knowledge, only DOWNLINE from the fuel pump, never along the frame. The lines would ofte be bent with a full 360 degree loop to allow flex.

Yes, copper will "work-harden" and become brittle. Yes, I have seen many failed copper fuel lines (normally at a fitting).

Copper should never be used beneath the car (my opinion), as the physical strength of the copper is not sufficient to protect against flying rocks.

I would suggest replacing the lines along the frame with steel immediately.


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  • 3 weeks later...

How's the body work coming? Any progress pictures?

Since its too cold to even think about my cars...I need an update on yours, where the action is!!

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Guest imported_Thriller

As usual John, your timing is impeccable. I stopped by today after work to see how the progress is. The body work on the front fender is done - there is just some rust replacement to deal with yet. The rust replacement on the driver's door is done. We chatted about the lower moldings that have the black and red stripes - I was going to take them home, clean them up, and use model paint or something, but Rob said he was planning on using pinstripe tape in there...made sense to me, so I'll just let them keep them (although it would have been nice to do something myself).

Anyway, here are a few photos....

Driver's door


Driver's fender


Driver's quarter



Passenger fender



It was nice to see her again, especially since there is progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ewing

I can't!

The forecast is for +6 to +7 by Thursday ( that's something like over 40 F... snow melting and cars on the road in a matter of days... ok several days, but I measure it in days now).

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Guest imported_Thriller

We didn't take the car off the frame, so there is a limit to what can be done. My body man suggested just getting a Rust Check undercoating put on to slow down the rust gremlins. Other than perhaps occasional rain / wet roads (we can't expect all sunny skies to and from Rochester), it should see primarily dry weather duty. Hopefully that will do for now. As it is, I'm going to have more than twice into this car what the price guides say it is worth - not that I'm doing the car to sell it, it is just a bit tough to wrap my head around that big a disparity without going the extra mile.

Of course, if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm open to them.

Oh yeah, John, Environment Canada is predicting just above freezing for the rest of the week...if you are that eager, you can start shovelling the snow here at my place grin.gif

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Guest ewing

That's what I did for the Riviera. I had the car undercarriage cleaned and sprayed with that Rust Check 'oil'. They also spray the inner fenders, inside the doors and inner quarter panels, under the hood and such places.

It seems to creep into all the cracks and crannnies, and it gives the underside a 'clean' but travelled look ( if you know what I mean). Its obviously not going to win any concours events, but its good to go on the road without freaking out every time it rains.

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Guest imported_Thriller

The kids had early dismissal from school today, so I booked some time off work to pick them up...turns out I didn't need to. Anyway, since I had time, I stopped off at the body shop again. Progress is being made...the sun is getting more powerful and starting to melt the snow, so I am getting a bit antsy about getting the car ready in time to be able to break in the engine before starting the trip to Rochester.

Anyway, here are the goods.











So, can anyone tell me if the jack looks right from an originality perspective? It doesn't really look like it's seen much use.


Until next time....

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Guest imported_Thriller

Thanks Adam...oh well...for now, it will be shown in driven class anyway, so it isn't a big deal and I'll be travelling with a hydraulic jack or two.

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The rust holes in the trunk look like the rust holes I have in the trunk of my 62 Electra frown.gif Good progress being made. I love watching these restoration threads. </div></div>

It's much easier to love them when you aren't the one paying for them...trust me... grin.gif

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Guest imported_Thriller

Thanks for the confirmation...I'm not too worried about functionality, I was just thinking it would be nice to get to where I have the trunk looking original when all is said and done.

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Guest imported_Thriller

Well, I popped by today as yesterday they called asking for the first installment. After paying, I went to take a few more photos...camera battery dead...sigh.

The passenger side is completely done and down to metal...door fits really nicely. Tomorrow it is going to get some primer so they can see better...hopefully I'll be able to get back there with the camera later this week.

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Guest imported_Thriller

After charging the camera battery, we have progress. Most of the car is in primer, exceptions being the driver's quarter (waiting for body mounts to finish up repairs) and the roof, which as you will see was having the surface rust removed.

The bumpers were back for a test fitting before being re-chromed. The rear is off by a slight bit that will get fixed up before the chroming work.






The resurrection from one tire in the junkyard is approaching completion - it almost looks like one piece again.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest imported_Thriller

Being a good (?) civil servant, I was off work today. It was a good thing too as this morning the body mounts arrived for the Wildcat cool.gif I called up the body shop to let them know I'd be dropping them off this afternoon.

I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone today as they were short 2 folks. Of course, I did get a look at it, smiled, and took some more photos. To boot, my wife came home from work early as there wasn't much going on so she saw it too and my 6 year old, who attends kindergarten in the morning, got to check it out. He was a bit perturbed that it wasn't blue though (since he refers to all my cars by their colour).

Anyway, here are the photos.

For the first time, I'm posting clickable thumbnails...this may make it easier for the folks who don't have high speed...just click on the picture to see a larger image.

The driver's rear quarter - this is the first time I've seen it in one piece - they were waiting on the body mounts for this, but I guess they got tired of waiting.



Now we move up a bit to the top of the trunk.



The rust below the rear window has been repaired.


The base for the windshield had some rust as well. This was repaired without cutting it all out to avoid removing the dash and such and all the extra labour that would be involved with it.


Finally a bit of the passenger side - it appears they were test fitting some of the trim.


I'm excited as there is tangible progress again. Of course that probably means the next instalment will be happening soon too...sigh...oh well, it's only money...and it means we'll have a fairly nice car to be driving.

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Guest ewing

Looking good. Any guess as to when it gets its final top coats?

Are they going to install a new vinyl top for you?

After the body is all blue, are you getting the interior done? It seems to me it was ok, except for the usual split seams??




Can't wait to see it again!

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Guest imported_Thriller



Sort of - upholstery will depend upon timing. The driver's seat is in pretty tough shape...the back seat has just one crack, but now that it will have 3 kids in it, it won't last. If it means the car won't be ready in time, we can add a cushion and a makeshift seat cover for the summer, then remove the seats for upholstery in the fall / winter. For the time being, I'll probably just put a cover on the steering wheel as well, since I'll be needing a better one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest imported_Thriller

I visited the Wildcat again today. I didn't bother with photos as there wasn't much that was obviously different. The guy who is installing the vinyl roof was supposed to come by today, but it didn't happen. Hopefully he'll be there early next week...then the glass gets installed, followed by test-fitting of the trim, removal of the trim, and colour! We're getting there. I'll probably wind up making another instalment on the job next week.

We did talk about timing as I am getting a bit concerned about getting her in shape for Rochester. There is still a bit of mechanical work to get done after the body is all done, then I need to go through break-in and enough driving to get at least one oil change done.

I'm still hopeful, but a bit anxious too. At least I'll have the first week of July off work for a shakedown if necessary.

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Guest imported_Thriller

That's the plan...and the question ties in with Ewing's above and the chat I had with my body man yesterday. But first, the photos as it now has a roof - click to enlarge.



The body should be done in about 2 weeks, then back to the mechanical guys for some tuning and a bit of electrical work. Assuming no major setbacks, I should have the car the first week of June...that leaves me a month for driving it, breaking the engine in, first oil change, etc. I do have other things to do in June, but I'll find time to put a few hundred miles on it and shake it down. For us, Rochester isn't that far (9-10 hours of driving) and we will take two days to get there, so I don't have to push the car hard.

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Well Derek, it looks as though things are starting to show progress. It is always nice when you can actually look and see something different and hopefully better. You can do a lot of the hidden work and know that you are doing it, but until you actually see something you wonder what the hell is going on.

Today is the day you and the little ones should be taking the lovely Suzanne out for a good time and to thank her for all of the support and love she has given you in your great hobby.

So glad to see that progress is truly being made.


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Sounds like a plan. I hope that when you head south, you don't do it alone, and have your cell phone with you. And the timing should be right. Are you going thru the Twin Cities, Minnieaplois , St Paul ? When I travel up to Brainerd, I always time ourselves, so we can make through there in the wee morning hours. to avoid all the traffic. I just made our reservation, for the motel room yesterday. We are getting excited about seeing all the neat cars, and talking to alot of interesting people. And learning alot of new stuff.

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ok, just wanted to know how many cars you plan on bringing to Rochester ? I see that you have many cars, but I take it that only 2 are in running condition. How are you coming ? Hope to look you up in Rochester. </div></div>

We have the Wildcat and the '62 Special registered for Rochester and plan to have them both in the Driven Class. I've been trying to figure out where about half way is...in a sense I'd like to get off the beaten track (i.e. I-29 and I-90 or is it 94?). We're taking 2 days to drive...I was thinking about overnighting in Bemidji, but that isn't half way...I'll have to look at the mapping sites some more. We'll be armed with cell phones (off except in case of emergency) and GMRS radios. I don't know of anyone else coming from here (haven't been able to convince Ewing to come down), so it will just be the family.

Now let's see...did I answer all the questions....

I'm not sure what Suzanne thought of Mother's Day exactly...she got chocolate, so she wasn't entirely disappointed grin.gif It was her birthday on Monday, so I really had to be nice...after all, she is financing all this cool.gif

It is exciting to see progress...hopefully I'll be stopping in again on Friday and will have a further update Friday / Saturday.

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Guest ewing

Oh yea, the time to commit is fast approaching.

I think I'd drive the 38 down. Its not a prize winning car, but its been a steady reliable car. I have the first 2 weeks booked off work. Think I'll move that to the second and third weeks. That will leave my option open.

It looks like hotel rooms are still available.

Derek, do you know if any other guys are talking about going from around these parts ( no pun intended)?


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The more you fellows talk, the more I feel I should go down and offer my support. You see, I'm only a couple of hours from Rochester. I really admire the dedication Thriller has shown in following his dream, and I'd love to see the car closeup--and all the others as well. Maybe you'd even want to stop in Minneapolis and reconnoiter before the final leg of the trip.

I can't resist this: remember the movie Fargo? "You can get laid in Brainerd." It might be pretty close to halfway, too. Just a thought. Was that inappropriate? shocked.gif

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Guest ewing

I always watch Fargo when its on. I think its almost a cult classic by now. Although not everyone 'gets it'. Something like the Night at The Roxbury. A solid half star movie, and a great sound track for evenings out cruising around in the old Buicks [there, I made my comment relevant to the thread,.. I think].

Its been years since I got out on a major car meet away from 'home'.


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Guest imported_Thriller

John, you wouldn't want to show off the Roadmaster? cool.gif Either one would get you a driven award. I only know of one other BCA member here and he was trying to sell his car to MrEarl shocked.gif I don't know of anyone else who is considering going...I'm not sure if Bryan T. would have a Buick to get down there anyway.

As for the Fargo comments, I've never even seen the movie...I need to get out more...Suzanne would have something to say about the quote though...it could be true if we stopped there, I guess.

I spent some time on the mapping sites today trying to figure out where to stop...it looks like if we hit the half way point, we'll wind up in a pretty small place as it would be beyond Bemidji...I left my ramblings at work...Detroit Lakes might be closer. As for stopping in the Twin Cities area, it might be in the cards...we are taking 2 days to go home as well and are leaving Monday, July 17. Of course, I may have a car down for the Stillwater meet put on by the Fireball chapter in Sept. If nothing else, I could drive the Rainier down too and be a bit more comfortable.

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Guest imported_Thriller

Well, I popped in yesterday...it doesn't look a whole lot different, but the front and rear glass is in. I'm not sure I'll know what to do without a crack in the windshield grin.gif

There had been a bit of a communication mix-up about when one of the guys was coming back from a six week training course...it turns out it is this coming week, hence not a lot had changed. By the end of next week, it will hopefully be nice and blue again.

Of course, since I am going on a father / son camping / fishing trip with my 8 year old next weekend, I won't be able to report back then. I guess maybe I'll have to see what it is like next Thursday or else perhaps the 29th.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imported_Thriller

I stopped in on Friday to make an installment and to see the car. The driver's door fits nicely and the trunk is done - it isn't really pretty, but it is functional...I'll need to find a mat or something to put down. The painters all agreed that with the amount of work done on the car that it should receive another coat of primer, so it won't be done until the middle / end of this week now. I have Friday off work, so that may work fairly well.

I did take a couple photos, but don't think I'll bother to post as it looks essentially the same as last time around.

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Guest imported_Thriller

Just a quick follow up after I spoke to my body man on the phone today. The car has been primed again in colour build (it was something like that he called it) and most of the sanding is complete. Wet sanding will take place tomorrow and it gets painted Monday. With getting bumpers and trim and such back on, it should be done at the end of next week in the body shop...just a few more tweaks (carb adjustments and generator light is on) and then I'll be breaking her in <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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