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Electrical Problem Detected Problem


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I am getting an engine control has detected a problem message flashing up every few seconds on the CRT on my 1989 Reatta. I went into diagnostics and the only code I am getting is E041 in ECM which is for the cam sensor circuit - at least for the 1988 model year. However, the mechanic believes it is a problem with the air con and wants to replace the whole unit since earlier I was getting a low a/c refrigerant message and then ultra low messages (which disconnects the compressor) even though the levels were fine - I believe that is a problem with the sensor after changing over to the new refrigerant. The a/c seems to be cooling and no errors are being reported after resetting the codes.

I am very inexperienced in any of this and would hate to shell out the money for a new a/c when there is another unrelated problem.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Do not, I repeat, do not shell out the money for a new A/C! I'm not a mechanic or an electrical engineer, but I believe someone on the site may have the answers to this one. But what I do know is that mechanics are usually wrong about these things and make up just about anything that sounds like it may be the problem. What better way is there to charge you for something that isn't needed? Not that they really want to do the work in the first place. But in any event, if nobody here responds, take it to a GM certified mechanic. One who has worked on Buicks before and may understand the problem better than the regular lay-mechanic.

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Continue on in the diagnostics and in the ECM section go to near the end and it will ask you if you want to reset the codes. Say yes. The run the car again and if you get another E041 then you do have a problem with your cam sensor. Actually it is common for them to go bad. This code is totally separate from the AC on your car.

Just above the crank shaft pulley mounted in the timing case is the cam sensor. On the timing gear inside the case is the magnet that operates the sensor. The magnet is held to the timing gear by a plastic holder and the magnet deteriorates and falls off. You will need to replace the magnet by taking off the timing cover. I and some others have also replaced the magnet by going through the hole and using JB Weld, glued the new magnet to the old plastic holder.

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  • 6 months later...


Thanks very much. In reading your message from a few months ago, it suggested that I clear the codes and then check the condition again. It worked!

I had the problem of Very Low A/C Refrigerant cause the compressor to remain off. Replaced the low pressure switch, had the system evacuated and recharged, but the error message was still preventing compressor operation. The A/C shop wanted to replace the ECM, but I held off. Clearing the code solved the problem.

By the way, the '89 shop manual page 1B1-4 Figure 3 incorrectly reverses the position of the low refrigerant pressure switch and the high refrigerant temperature sensor.

Thanks much --

Chuck & Les

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Don't panic and don't be stampeded into anything. The car will run fine without the cam sensor magnet. Mine was missing for at least a year before I did the JB Weld fix, and I can tell absolutely no difference in performance or economy. It was comforting to have the Service Engine light extinguished, though. You have all the time in the world to shop around. (Captain and Tennille? You Better Shop Around.) grin.gif

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Shouldn't. When you replaced it, did you repair anything else? Correct me if I'm wrong - I frequently am - but wasn't the camshaft position sensor eliminated from the 3800 in later years?

My 2nd favorite bumper sticker was "I could be wrong". (All time favorite was "It don't matter".)

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Guest F14CRAZY

Odd. I could for sure tell that something just wasn't right (besides the CEL). Replaced both the sensor and the magnet and it went away.

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