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board of directors ballot


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I just got my latest Bugle and included is the ballot for the board of directors with biographies of the candidates.

I donnot know any of these people and was just wondering if any are regulars (or occasionals) of these forums. Also do any of the regulars know any and have any campaign plugs for any.

To me these forums ARE the BCA today and those that aspire to lead should participate. Also others in important positions such as judges should be here to lend some help.


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Guest imported_MrEarl

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">To me these forums ARE the BCA today and those that aspire to lead should participate.</div></div>

BRAVO, BRAVO!!! you're dead on Willie

I hope we see a response from one of the candidates VERY VERY soon. And if so it will be interesting to see their registration date and how many posts and even do a search and find out even more about them. That could go a very long way toward getting my vote. It will be very upsetting if no one does respond or even campaigns a little via this forum.

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Dick Sweeney frequents this board as "Mr Riviera". I have known him for a few years now and he is a great guy as well as a Buick nut. He loves his Rivieras and is also in the process of restoring a 61 convertible. He is being so meticulous(sp?), I keep asking him when he'll be done with my new convertible!

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Guest my3buicks

Probably shouldn't say, but I am voting for the 3 fellows that are currently on the board - The board seems to be working together well right now so status quo is a good thing. John Ball, Paul Meyer, and Dick Sweeney. All 3 board members take their position seriously - I have been fortunate to be able to sit in on some BCA Board meetings and have seen all 3 in action and have been pleased with their thoughts, ideas and participation. grin.gif I have the utmost respect for all 3 of these gentlemen.

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I thank all of you for your kind words and hope that you see fit to vote for me again. I do take this job serious and when issues come up to vote on I vote for what I think the members want - not what is good for me or the Board. I dont say to much but when I do I usually get my point across! I am a big backer of all the Divisions and really shy away from tunnel vision. There is a lot of work to be done with our Judgeing system - it is far to complicated to a point where no one wants to be the Head Judge - that must change ! I could go on and on but we all know what needs to be done and with your help - we will get it done. Thanks for listening ! Dick Sweeney

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First off, thank you for responding. It is nice to be able to talk to some of the candidates 1 on 1 (such as this is. I have a question or two for you:

You talk about the judging being too complicated, do you mean in the administration or do you mean in the way we judge cars ? Do you see us "dumbing down" the judging system so that it is easier to win an award ? How do you propose changing the system ? Can you explain your comments a little more please ?

Nice looking Shepherd, are you in the K9 unit ? What is he trained for ?

Thanks for your answers

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Thank you for responding Dick.

Dick has been a regular poster on here since 1999 with 104 posts. And upon pulling them up and reading some of them I see that yes , he may be a man of few words but his words have meaning. He is very personable as is witnessed in his response and help when Doug Badgerow passed as well as his kind words when other Buick members have went on to "Buickland in the sky". I think his work with the judging issues is definitely needed.

He's certainly got my vote.

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Improvment needs to be made on the Administrative side. I dont pretend to have all the answers but the Board needs to work together to lessen the work load. We are looking now for a new Head Judge and an Assistent (new position). I enjoy the Judgeing methods that we have and in fact always work as Judge or Team Captian or whatever at the meets. I remember when the National Meet was in Phoenix and it was right after I had a major operation. I had been out of bed for 2 days and walking with a cane but still flew into Phoenix on Judging Day, Judged the 63-65 Riviera Class and went back to the airport and flew home. Thats how important the Judging is to me however - I think a little too much emphasis is placed on Judging and we need to work toward making the meets more friendly to all.There are a lot of Members who could care less about Judging and it is their Club also! The whole thing is all about FUN - not points.

Cisco ( K-9 )is not on the Dept. . He is a 110 lb LoveBug. We do have dogs on the Dept.however. smile.gif

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I could go on and on but we all know what needs to be done and with your help - we will get it done. Thanks for listening ! Dick Sweeney </div></div>


I must beg to differ with the statement that we all know what needs to be done. I joined the BCA just over 2 years ago, attended the Centennial in Flint (no car though as it wasn't ready frown.gif ) and hope to have 2 cars get the driven award in Rochester next year (my wife and I would each drive - misbehaving kids get to ride with me, I guess - just kidding...if the Wildcat is ready, they'll all ride in that as it has seat belts). Anyway, all that fluff just goes to say that I don't know what needs to be done nor really what issues face the BCA. All clubs have issues such as $$, membership decline, aging membership, that sort of thing. There's a nearby thread with a bit about what some of us thirty-somethings think.

My reality is that the Bugle is the lifeblood as there aren't many members near me and two chapters are about an 8 hour drive (one of which I have joined). The other big thumbs up is for the Technical Advisors. Compactbc has helped me out a lot with my '62 Special and I got a call the other night from Lind regarding a '29 I am considering purchasing (btw, he sent me his phone number and asked me to e-mail his - I did, but asked him for a good time to call so that the long distance would be on my bill...my phone rang later that evening and we had a good chat). These folks are a treasure. If anyone has good ideas as to how they can strengthen the TA program, they'll have my vote.

This forum is the other primary contact I have with other BCA members.

Well, that seems like a lot of blathering...it just kind of gets my knickers in a knot when I am told I know what to do / needs to be done, when really I don't. grin.gif

I do sincerely want to thank you and all others who have volunteered for the club - I have been on club executives (on a much smaller scale mind you) - your time and talents are appreciated, even when it may not seem so.

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Hi Derek, Perhaps I should have said "many of us know what needs to be done". You to will perhaps have some constructive ideas on how to improve our Club after you have been a member for a while, participated in some of the Judging Programs and things of that sort. One thing for sure, The Club needs young folks like yourself to participate at all levels! Your input is always welcome by the Board and The Bugle is always looking for articles on your prize Buicks and related topics. Thank you for your support and glad to have you as a fellow member! Hope to meet you in Batavia! Dick

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Guest imported_Thriller

No problem on the support. I have nowhere else to turn to be able to get good technical info on my cars. I did get published in the Bugle already (photo piece on Buick engines at the Sloan while I was there for the Centennial). I don't think I've submitted any work in progress articles as I'm not really getting much done in terms of progress (I may have submitted something on my '66 Wildcat which I hope to have ready in a year for Rochester - pretty ambitious).

Timing and finances prevent me going to Batavia, so you won't be seeing me there, but I am definitely going to be in Rochester.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest imported_MrEarl

Got my ballot in the mail this am. I think only one candidate ever posted on the forum. So Dick Sweeney, you bet you got my vote.

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