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Forum Representitive on National Board

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_MrEarl

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The BCA National board is feverishly looking for folks to contend for positions on the National Board. Currently there are two people running for three positions.

If you are interested please contact Mike Book for details.


His contact information is also in the Bugle every month.


John Harris

1970 Electra 225 Convertible


SoCal GS Club


San Diego Chapter

BCA#37854 </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Let me see what other information I can get from the board to post here (like the itinerary!). I think they should be posting all of that stuff here before they meet so we all know what's going on and could email any questions or viewpoints in to our respective Board members to carry the torch for us. I know I had a short discussion with Pat Brooks about the Internet and on-line items and it seems they are still hedged towards the view that "alot of members are not on-line". I pointed out that this is the future and it grows every day so they need to address it now, not after the fact...we'll see how it all goes, but we can always bug Roberta to post things for us for the on-line community to share!


John Harris

1970 Electra 225 Convertible


SoCal GS Club


San Diego Chapter

BCA#37854 </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I personally think that the cross-section of the members on the this web-board are probably not a good representation of the entire BCA membership at this time. While I think using the board more is very important, and your idea's are sound John, I again don't think this board would speak for the whole of the BCA. I do think it certainly would be good for the web-board to be able to a least have an avenue for input until such time that more and more BCA members come aboard. A large portion of the current BCA membership just are not computer savvy yet. All we can do is keep pushing the site and hope slowly but surely we pull in more members. I still think this site is the best kept secret in the BCA.


Keith Bleakney BCA#11475,AACA,Lambda

BCA Regional & Chapter Coordinator

1967 BCA Tech Adv

Director-"Greater Pittsburgh Area" Chapter </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What is sad Keith is that when you go to a board meeting the cross section represented is far less than what is on the internet sites! I think we both agree it's time for the web to be included in alot more stuff because it is a real way to communicate and it's growth is outrageous. I agree that at this point soliciting things from the internet may not be a good idea but the information to keep us informed should be here. They already pay for this so it's no additional cost to keep a nice size chunk of the membership informed, especially since most of us here are the "active" members in the BCA! As I stated, we share the info here and if a club or individual has issues with it they find a board member to chat with. Same thing we do with gov. representatives.

I know the board and what they did was just a mystical thing to me until this meeting in San Diego as I have never seen anything published from them besides the snippets in some of the writings that come out here and there. This would be a great avenue for distribution since I would think that all of the clubs have some representation here and they could carry information back to the rest of their group at no cost to the BCA as opposed to mailings, etc. :-) I know that is what we are about to start doing. We know folks cannot all be online so we're going to harvest information from here and get it to our members that are not online or Internet savvy.

I also think they need to revisit the option of paying dues online :-) but that is another whole thread!


John Harris</div></div>

John , thank you so much for stepping up and reporting on the meeting. Your and Keiths discussion is very thoughtful and brings out a lot. I would like to bring this discusion into a thread of it's own that hopefully will bring more response and is dedicated to a subject I have often felt needed some consideration.

Given the above discussion, would it not be of great benefit to the BCA to have a Board Member acting as a dedicated representive or liason for and between the office and this forum. I have always wished there were more participation on this forum by the board members. If they are not going to come to us why don't we take the forum to them. Given the fact that they are "feverisly looking for folks to contend for the Natonal Board" I want to encourage the BCA Forum members to give serious thought to running for a seat on the Board. There are 4-5 and a couple in particular that I feel meet the qualifications of the posts and are very frequent and regular contributors to the Forum. When I say contributors I'm not only referring to folks that reply to posts related to their interests but they go out of their way to welcome new members aboard and try and refer folks to where they can get help. They bring up items of interest that make this board interersting and keep it alive. I won't go so far as saying of whom I am speaking or "nominating" them but they hopefully they will hear the calling and if any way possible will step up to the task. I realize the job is a big one and perhaps no one on here has the time to dedicate to it or perhaps just don't wsh to enter the political arena. If that is the case and we can't vote in one of our own perhaps it would be good for the Board to seek or appoint a committee of one to act as this person.

Thoughts/opinions on this or other responses to the above discussion between Keith and John ??

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Guest my3buicks

Lamar, is this your way of throwing your hat into the ring? grin.gif This site is just such an overlooked jewel to BCA members, I agree that a forum rep would be a good idea, maybe not even a board member, but someone that frequents and uses the board in the manner in which you outlined. I also can think of several people that could step up to the plate take the plunge.

I do plan on including the website for much of my Coordinator work and also plan on pushing it's use in newsletters to the chapters. Idea! I am going to start a thread to see what chapter/divisions are represented here!!!

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Greetings, everybody --

Re: BCA Board Agendas

Funny thing is that I was thinking this morning (Sunday, 11:00am CST) of how it seems that some things that used to happen in prior times, with all due respect, that seem to not happen anymore. One is the annual chapter survey that was sent out by the BCA National Office (which also included a request for a current chapter roster) in December of each year.

In that same orientation, as there is obviously some cut-off date for submission of items to be on the next BCA Board Members' meeting agenda, might this date be somewhat modified to have sufficient lead time for some document (printed or electronic) to be sent to Chapter Directors to share with their membership. We usually get a copy of what happened (after the fact and the Minutes are approved), but what about a copy of the agenda that's getting ready to happen? And also probably include items that are or will be placed on future agendas too? No full agenda packet would be needed to be sent to the Chapter Directors, just a synopsis or short explanation of each agenda item.

Complying with this proposal would take a little adjustment of dates of when the agenda is finalized, I suspect, but could possibly be implemented for the BCA National Meet's Board Meeting this year. To allow for comments from attendees, there could be an agenda item for that activity, which could only be reported in the "after report", yet the main agenda items would be known prior to the meeting by somebody other than board members. If this information is already available somewhere, I am not aware of it (at this time).

RE: BCA Forum Rep on the BCA Board

I believe that many Board Members already read/monitor/participate in this BCA Forum. In that respect, I suspect we are already making our thoughts and orientations known to the BCA Board Members. The key thing is just how many of the Board Members are monitoring these forums (with respect to items that might appear on their current/future agendas) and if they acknowledge/consider OUR input on those issues with the same "weight" as somebody that might appear in person at a Board Meeting.

One advantage to having a Forum Rep at the Board Meeting or sitting as a Member of the Board per se, would be that input from the Forum could/would be part of the minutes of the meeting (i.e, part of The Record). Perhaps instead of an elected member, it could be something in the same orientation of what I understand the Head Judge operates under, where he can vote on issues pertaining to his function. In that orientation, the Forum Rep could offer input (as already stated in the forums) for "The Record" and vote the majority orientation of the forum responses on these particular agenda items.

In some respects, the BCA Board of Directors is already big enough as is. Adding another full-fledged member might make things a little too cumbersome to deal with. It could also result in more tie votes and longer meetings, possibly.

I would hope that, as our ELECTED representatives, ALL of the BCA Board Members would be periodically monitoring these BCA Forums and considering (without adding their possible own orientations/spin into the mix) the comments of registered forum participants (whether these participants are or are not BCA members might be a side issue to consider) in making their respective votes on the issues before them. They would need to "vote their conscience" but ALSO be cognizant of what "the members" might think on these issues. We elect them to not only continue the proud traditions and orientations of the BCA, but to also lead the evoluational transition and progression of the BCA into the future. Therefore, whether a particular Board Member is designated to reasearch/monitor these forums or if a designated Representative of sorts is elected to as a sitting Forum Rep on the Board would be open for discussion. I can see where another sitting Board Member would be advantageous, but I can also see where it might overly complicate things from what they are currently.

In the mean time, I'd be happy to see an advance agenda (either electronic or print) of the board meetings. There might be some lead time issues with getting this information to the general chapter memberships and then relaying comments (as necessary) to the Board Members, or just getting input (inside a specified time frame window before the meeting) from the Chapter Directors/officers. This would be in addition to the "after report" that we already get.

It would also be nice to see the agendas for other related entities. For example, the Museum and Archives Foundation and the Buick Heritage group. Mainly as "awareness" issues than anything else.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Willis Bell 20811

Director, North Texas Chapter BCA

Newsletter Editor, North Texas Chapter BCA

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Nupe, don't wear a hat.

Seriously, I'm certainly not qualified for the Board. I think there would be a lot of value in that person being a Board member but if that's not achievable then yea someone that could communicate CLOSELY with the board.

Good idea seeing who is (and who isn't) represented here. I certainly hope to see my chapter represented.

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This would have been the report reviewed at the meeting.

Info from 1/25/05

BCA Discussion Forms Threads Posts

BCA - General Forum 8291 45559

BCA - Collectible Tech and Restoration 78 275

BCA - Performance/Modified 1455 7445

BCA - Reatta Discussion 10533 56572

BCA - Buy/Sell 12771 30267

BCA - Me and My Buick 44 312

BCA - Events, Business and News 7 12

The Discussion Forum was expanded with input from the users and approval of Board Members on 12/12/04.


If you would like to see how many more posts/threads in the last month go


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and I don't think they read this at that meeting...I remember them mentioning you on the agenda and saying "she is not here" and maybe "we have the report from her" and that was about it! Unless it went down while I was out of the room... </div></div>

That's nice <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Here's the official agenda for the past meeting, in the future if the BOD allows, I can post it before the meeting for all to see.


>Welcome to the audience and introduction of Board and attendees.


>1. Approval of Hershey Board minutes. Phillips

>2. Treasurer's financial report/monthly financial report. >Bodden/Gauthier



>3. National Office report Book/Brooks

> a. Report on advertising rate increase

> b. Report on State of Incorporation issue

> c. Report on Board election status

> d. Report on publication of Roster

>4. Bugle report Snowden

>5. Regional/Chapter Coordinator report Bleakney

>6. Internet report Vasilow

>7. Technical Advisor report Eaton

>8. Chief Judge and Judges Training reports

> a. Review of 2005 National

> b. Chief Judge and Chairman of Judges Training successors


> report

> c. Update on Judging Manual revisions Brashares

> d. Revision of Senior Award system

>9. National Software Coordinator report Faries

>10. Newsletter Award Committee report




>11. Report on communication with Non-affiliated Clubs Book/Brashares

>12. National Meet Advisory Board report Eaton/Brashares

>13. Report on 2005 National planning DeGroff/Kniffin

>14. Report on 2006 National planning

> a. Logo approval Syrdal/Darrow

>15. Modified Division report Horsfall

>16. Attracting younger members Bodden

>17. Bugle/BMD ad Phillips



>18. Venue for future traveling Board meetings Brooks

> a. Central Ohio Chapter

> b. Florida Chapter

>19. Website communication system for BCA Board Eaton

>20. National Meet funding Darrow

>21. Executive Meeting-Business and operating issues Brooks

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Thanks for that immediately-past agenda post, Roberta! It might be nice to post the future agendas in here somewhere, but it also might be necessary to password-protect that particular area so it would be available only to BCA members.

Thanks, again, for all of your contributions to the BCA in the past too!


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I for one agree that this web site and its content need to be better tied to the board of directors. While the official means of communications is the Bugle and official correspondence from the national office, this web board could be used effectively to communicate information in a timelier manner.

A case in point...we have a new Regional/Chapter coordinator. This is the combination of the old posts Regional coordinator and Chapter coordinator. I don't recall seeing any posts regarding the consolidation of these two functions. I prolly didn't read posts that week. I don't even know when it was mentioned in the Bugle...I must have missed that issue. When Judy and Ron stepped down from the old positions, I saw no post traffic regarding candidates being considered on the newly formed position. This also was prolly mentioned in the issue I missed. Prolly in the same set of posts on-line too. This reveals a problem in that I was a chapter director at the time this all happened.

How to solve the problem? Yes, we'll get many opinions on this, I offer one here.

What if there was a forum where official club business was posted? This would include board agendas prior to board meetings; officer announcements; position changes; policy changes; rules changes...basically encompassing any official correspondence from the top (board or national office) down to the local chapters and membership. All members on-line could read the posts in this forum with read-only access. Each local chapter would elect a new position in their chapter; let's call the new position "Web-News Representative? or "WNR" for short. The WNR for the chapters would be responsible for gathering the web posts in this forum and making sure the information got to the local chapter meetings for membership review and discussion. The WNR for each chapter would have posting rights to post official feedback sanctioned by the chapter they represent. This would allow chapter members to argue the points off-line and determine an official position, pro or con that the chapter would like to relay to the board. These official positions would be posted for all to see where the chapters stand on the issues. The board would also have a WNR appointed and that board member would have rights to post official news as deemed appropriate by the board. This would be the beginning of posts to this forum. The head of the national office, currently Mike Book, would also have posting rights, and at the discretion of the national office, posts would be made to convey information. Either the board WNR, or the national office WNR would collate chapter input to be discussed at the board meetings.

The result is the board or national office can drive changes from the top down. Local chapters can file official responses for all the chapters to read and consider, and the reply is made to the board or national office from the bottom up. Keeping things on a chapter level helps solve two big problems; one, the input of hundreds or more members would be overwhelming, and non-productive. The input of chapters as a whole would mean discussions are held off-line and the consensus only is delivered...not the entire argument behind the final decision.

If an individual member is not in a local chapter, that member could write a personal letter to the board or national office directly, as they can now. Or that member could join a local chapter and have their voice heard among other members.

Any chapter unable to appoint a WNR due to lack of computer access, which would be unlikely, would simply continue as they do now, relying on the official notifications as they exist. Chapters that can take advantage of the new WNR?s would be able to act in a timelier manner, and this would be an incentive to have chapters represented on-line.

This is just one opinion, consider it, support it if you think it's a WiNneR of an idea, shoot it down if you think it's a WeiNeR of an idea...but just make yourself heard on the matter.

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Guest my3buicks

Dan, the Chapter & Regional Coordinator position was combined in 2002. Also the last Regional Coordinator at the time it was combined was Phil Strausner not Ron, so you did soemhow miss a bit of info somewhere. The term is up every 5 years -no secrets there. If interested my term will expire in 4 1/2 years. It really helps to know lots of people and to be VERY ACTIVE in the BCA for a good many years to do the job well - as you are dealing daily with BCA folks from all over the country.

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Guest my3buicks

Dan, your idea has some good merit - the logistics of it may be tough.

I believe the BCA office is at or about at full capacity as far as time is concerned and it sounds like this could be a major undertaking.

Many chapters are NOT wired, I have found this out just by trying to get the Chapter Inquiry Letter info up to date. It is a MAJOR undertaking just keeping updated info on chapters for contact info and current Chapter Directors, let alone adding another "password" protected representative for each chapter to keep us updated on.

MANY BCA members are not chapter members, and while we would like to promote members joining chapters this would give a great bias against members that don't belong to chapter and are not "wired". We have to remember much of our membership are not in the "computer generation".

Now I do think that posting important info or items the BOD feels they would like to get feedback in the Events, Business & News forum wouldbe a great idea.

We also need to remember that we elect he BOD to guide and make decissions for the club. Most if not all are pretty in touch with the membership as they belong to chapters etc. If they posted everything that they ever make a dicision on the MUD to wade through to get anything done would be well, a bogg.

Again, some of the important issues would be good to throw out for ideas and concerns.

I agree with you Dan that we need to be more informed, but I think the solution needs to be a little less cumbersome.

Won't say it's a weiner of an idea, showed lots of good thought and some solid idea's.

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Guest John Chapman


While I note your objection to Dan's idea, I believe your objection to be without merit for the following reasons:

1. The vehicle to use for disemination of information from the BCA office or the Board already exists on the <span style="font-style: italic">BCA Events, Business and News</span> forum. It is really a simple matter for the BCA Office to start a topic for any number of items and then post the same text that would be used in developing the Bugle or other correspondence. The leverage gained by timeliness would far outweigh any administrative burden.

2. Many Chapters are not wired. True, but this situation will change rapidly in the next several years. It will change even faster if the Chapter leadership has a valid reason for using the web site. That valid reason is having access to useful information in a timely fashion. On the other hand, we can't lose sight of the fact that there is a substantial 'legacy' population of members that don't have, don't want, and won't use the internet for email and web access. These members will continue to need the support system we have now, whether chapter members or 'at large' BCA members.

Bottom line: The BCA has to grow and modernize. The current approach significantly underutilizes the tools available to leverage the resources of time, money, and effort.



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Guest my3buicks

John, you might note that I said that the BCA Business, Events & News forum would be a good place to post items the board thought they would like to get feedback on.

I also am not sure why you thought I objected to Dan's idea, I have concerns with the logistics of it - I do think some parts of it will not work, but I also said that it had good thought and some solid idea's

I DO think that the board would have to remember to keep in mind that the feedback from the forum would NOT possibly represent the feeling of the BCA membership in general.

The thread I started asking members to post the Chapters & Divisions they belong to will help us get an idea of just how well the forum is represented across the country by the various chapters. Hopefully we will learn that we have forum members from a majority of the BCA Chapters & Divisions.

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Hi Roberta, I was thinking that your report is very important in order to demonstrate acceptance of the Web for BCA activity. Is the count of activity for viewing threads available? This is probably just as important as information on "posts" to threads.

I know many times I'll look at threads but not reply due to lack of any specific opinion.

I also like the idea of posting agenda's in the News and Events forum. While the list you posted was light on the details of what would be discussed by each committee member, it also caused me to step back a bit and think how lucky we are to have such a dedicated BOD. That's a lot of stuff to discuss and this meeting must have lasted for hours!

As to a forum rep on the BOD, I think this would be a full time job. Look at the number of forum threads. How would a BOD representative figure out what is important to add? I would think reporting of the approved minutes is a valid forum topic, and all that's needed. But of course, considering the approval happens at the board meeting following the one in which they occur, they would already be old news too.

The real solution is to get members to read the minutes (approved or unedited) before the following meeting so that we are up to date on the club issues before hand. But it is a fantasy to think this would ever be accomplished. Many members just want to be a part of the organization, and enjoy the benefits there-of.

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Hello All: Am at a condo office sending this email and with a 15 minute time limit. No one is waiting at this time and I am already over the time limit. As soon as someone comes in I am history. Therefore, this may be short.

First, I very much like the idea of posting the Board Agenda on the web as soon as it is final. It is usually final about 3 weeks before the meeting which gives the office time to assembly, copy and print the Agenda packet for shipping to all Board members. This arrives before we leave so we have time to review it's contents before leaving.

Second, remember the Board minutes are already posted on this site and you can find them on the Home Page for review. You will find they contain a brief summary of the discussion and the final decision/vote.

Third, while I routinely participate in web discussion others on the Board do not, but still monitor what is said. The office reviews the website routinely as well. I very much agree we have to continue to expand the role of the website but realize most of our members are not web literate.

Fourth, we do need candidates for the Board. We are presently meeting three times a year. At the National, recently at Hershey and at a traveling meeting at changing locations around the U.S. We are now paid $400 for expenses to go to each meeting and this usually does not cover the cost of transportation leaving us to cover between $200 and $300 (or more) for lodging, food etc. Those who are still working use their vacation and some simply are not paid if not present to do work if self-empolyed with noone to cover for them. The Board meetings usually last from 5 to 6 hours or more. The final agenda in San Diego listed 25 items with many of these individual items containing several sublistings. The San Diego meeting lasted five and one half hours and those in attendence can tell you there was no time wasted.

Hope this information adds to the discussion. Thanks for listening. Patrick W. Brooks, President, BCA

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I thought that you, and I am sure Keith will read this, so for him too, and other Chapter Directors, or officiers who use the forum might take note.

I have taken, as part of my job as Assistant Director, to take the approved minutes of this site, when posted, and condense them for publication in our newsletter, to allow for comment at our Chapter meetings, as members feel necessary. This is much faster then seeing info in the Bugle, or waiting for a hard copy to be received by the Director. Please understand, it is not anyones fault, but that is a slow process, but that is how any national organizations function. For example, I am not sure when the Hershey minutes were first posted, but I am thinking it was December, maybe even November. I think we had the summary in our Newsletter the next month and the Director only received the mailed copy in January, and we did not have our meeting until February 27, when they would, by "snail mail", first be reviewed by the members. If anyone wants more detail and not have access to this site, the Director will make and mail them a hard copy. Maybe we should have someone central do the summary and distribute, but there is a danger, reagrding official and interpertation of "drafts". I guess, individual chapters should just do a brief summary distribution as soon as possible when the material is ready. I where necesary members can review and respond to the official document as demed necessary.

I hope this makes sense. If any clarification needed, let me know.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

On the other hand, we can't lose sight of the fact that there is a substantial 'legacy' population of members that don't have, don't want, and won't use the internet for email and web access. These members will continue to need the support system we have now, whether chapter members or 'at large' BCA members.

Bottom line: The BCA has to grow and modernize. The current approach significantly underutilizes the tools available to leverage the resources of time, money, and effort.


JMC </div></div>

I agree with John on the above. The BCA is very concerned about loosing members faster than getting new members. At the San Diego BOD meeting it was pointed out that most of the members that do not renew, are the more recent members (those with a higher membership number). tongue.gif Perhaps having more info posted on the Forum would make these more recent members feel that membership in the BCA is more valuable to them and thus renew their membership. smile.gif

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Guest my3buicks

chances are that the newer members that do not renew are yonger or more apt to be computer oriented.

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That is exactly my point! Younger members are generaly more flexible to new ideas, thus are inclined to be on the internet and the BCA Forum. We need to cater to them if we are to have a chance to get and keep new members. smile.gif

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As webmaster for the BCA web site since '97, and a previous VP, Pres and Treas, and BOD, I am on the agenda to pass news, good or bad on the web doings, so I don't really know that another specific person is necessary. I guess I should have asked Mike Book to do my report, instead of having it passed by cause I wasn't there. BUT, on the other hand the BOD had the 'book' agenda with all attachments/reports before the meeting so, hopefully they all read it and had no issues with my report.

If you want to see what the posts and threads are number wise, for all the hosted clubs, and the BCA wins hands down in numbers, go to

web page

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My .02 is that we ( with the Buick Marquee) are at a distinct disadvantage to attracting younger members to the BCA.

Consider what you see today in old cars on the road. Most of what you see are hot rods, customs and modifieds. These things are flashy, with custom colors and polished components that make the sun look dull. They have aftermarket sound systems which, as powerful as they are, probably cannot be heard over the custom exhaust! And these things are expensive.

And what do kids do to their cars?

Wild paint jobs, extensive ground effects, oversized spoilers, loud radios, and fat coffee can exhaust tips to get some noise. So the kids today building "ricers" are modeling their efforts after hot rods, not stock appearance vehicles.

And all of this is driven by an industry which makes it's living off the aftermarket parts they develop to accomplish these goals. Since they make a living on volume, they are not about to spend inordinate time developing parts for a marquee that wants to remain original. If more stuff was available for Buicks, would more people own them? I don't think so. Those that did build them, would they cherish them? Like we do? I don't think so.

Part of their satisfaction comes from building the car to their interpretation of cool, but if the car can be sold, they do so and move on to the next car, because that is where their satisfaction is derived.

But how does that apply to us? Sure, we now have a modified section division which is a big step forward for this club. But the BCA still looks for originality first and foremost. And that's not bad, just out of synch with what is happening in the hobby/ industry today.

As long as the custom industry keeps pushing the custom stuff, we will go crazy trying to get and keep younger members. So I for one would like to see less pressure on ourselves to stalk and retain younger members. I think it detracts from the club and causes undue stress. I still believe that the younger members today can very much appreciate a stock/ restored car. Plus when I saw the crouds at the centenial meet, I was a lot less concerned about younger members. There were lots of them.

Instead, we should do what we can to embrace all Buicks, Antique, Classic, Custom, Hotrod, New, Beat or just driven. Our cars are solid. They will be around probably after we are gone.

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