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Needs a clue part 2


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Guest my3buicks

I emailed him and tried to nicely give him som guidance - he sent me an email back telling me that he has seen Chevy's of this vintage sell for 18K (right,I often see Caprices of that vintage for 18K crazy.gif, he thanked me and said he would come down as needed as the car is subsequently relisted.

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Guest sintid58

Yes that is just what we need some more over inflated ridiculous prices driving even marginally collectable cars (at best) out of the reach of the young people that may in time make up our hobby. That is definately what we need.

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

Whoa there Sintid ....... you need to recognise humor when you see it. And as far as "marginally collectible " goes , thats kind of in the eye of the beholder dont you think. Im not sure I particularly care for you insulting my taste in cars. The simple fact of the matter is despite what all you GS guys want to believe most people think of luxury when they think Buick .. not performance. So to call a luxury car "marginally collectible" on what is basically a luxury car forum , just because your particular car isnt a luxury car is just a bit self serving IMHO. So now with your insulting words, what started out as humor is now fact ... I do hope he gets it it makes my car worth that much more , "marginally collectible" or not.


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Just to give a little perspective here. Sintid is pretty close in his assessment. Old Car Price Guide, April 05 puts a #1 78 Electra Park Ave 4 DR at $4200. And OCPG is known for being optimistic. A #3 car is about $1800. 4 door big cars have a very small following. I know, I've owned them. I can't think of any GM built non convertible big car from the late 70's that you could call "collectable". According to the guide a 76 in #1 cond is worth about $3000 more than the 78. This is the market speaking not anyone individual. Could an ultra low mile car in pristine condition get more than the $4200, possibly. Is this car with 140000 miles that car, No?


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Ouch !! shocked.gif! Dan I agree with you. I hope all these guys start getting their rediculous prices. I need some cash and would like to start getting my rediculous price as well.

As for young kids getting into the hobby, There are plenty of cars around for them to get into the hobby today. They are not doing it because; why? Because everybody's idea of a "kid" is just as different as everybody's taste in what is collectible.

All three of my kids, are into Buicks. The 30 year old wants a nice 84 Park Ave, again. He also longs for a nice 69 Electra like the one he learned to drive on, once he has a garage for dry storage.

My 28 yr old wants a few buck of disposable income to buy a Buick some day. But he looks for a 84-87 GN. And my 25 year old wants more 88-89 Lesabre T types, which he fell in love with when I made him test drive an 87 to get him out of Chevy Berettas.

If we describe "kids " of today as in the 16 to 20 year bracket, they have what they want in their Honda's and other ricers. And that's fine too. It's what's collectible to them.

But that doesn't mean today's youths can't appreciate a 50's - 70's car. I had lots of compliments on my 56 Super and my 69 GS last summer. I thanked them all with sincerety. And I made it a point to compliment a lot of kids on their ricers too. That's what will keep them interested in cars for years to come.

Further, if you think logically about it, what I like about Buicks is they are understated and mis-understood. They appear to be a much better quality car than others and much more reliable also ( except for my one 1978 Electra, which I think must have come down the overnight shift Chevy line and been bastardized with cast aside Buick parts). And that's what these kids like about their ricers too. The Hobby snubs them just like the hobby snubs us Buick guys. So if we spend a little time appreciating what they collect, when those ricers crumble into ash, they will know who to ask about full frame cars and this person will point them to Buicks for sure. grin.gif

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Guest sintid58

Well I have a beautiful 1958 one owner low mileage Buick Special 4 door sedan with three speed manual tranmission. I am smart enought to realize that is and always will be only marginally collectable. My dad has a one owner 20,000 mile Electra 225 4 door hardtop and we also are realistic enough to understand that it will most likely be at best marginally collectable. I love my 58 and when I walk into my garage if I pick a car to drive for the sheer joy of driving it this would be the 58. But as much as we can argue about this, truely collectable cars are those that have a big following or that a large group of people are interested in. My 58 will never be in that catagory and neither will my dads Electra. However if any of you disagrees with me and has a big Check book we would be glad to part with either of these cars for 10 grand. I would consider that an outrages price for either of these cars and I would deliver them to you front door for that price.

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Guest sintid58

Buy the way while I am standing on my stump, I would love to own a nice clean 77 through 83 electra or a 73 through 77 regal but dont have the garage space and I very seldom see nice ones priced realistically for their following. However if I had the money and wanted one I would pay what it took to get one. My cars all are very well cared for garaged and I have had my GSX since October 1977 and although their are minor things that should be fixed. (the driver seat was ripped when I bought it and still is) It is better condition now then it was when I purchased it.

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Just because it's a mass-produced, relentlessly average, poorly constructed, mass-market 4-door sedan with waaay too many miles on it, doesn't mean it isn't worth a <span style="font-style: italic">big</span> pile of cash.

You'll recall from your <span style="font-style: italic">Car Guy Technical Manual</span> that any car that survives for more than 20 years is an instant <span style="font-weight: bold">Collector's Item</span> (note caps) and is automatically worth 3-5 times more than it cost new, regardless of year, make, model or condition. This guy's sitting on a gold mine, and all we can do is look and be envious. So sad. Just imagine what we'd be saying if he had something <span style="font-style: italic">really</span> valuable like an '81 Chevy Citation! And once that baby hits 25 years old, the <span style="font-weight: bold">"Antique Car"</span> (note caps again) multiplier goes into effect, making it worth a cool six-figures. Sorry, but that's the law.

You're all just jealous of the big money pile this guy is sitting on, wishing it was you. Go on, admit it: you wish you had had the foresight to save an '82 Pontiac Catalina or a '79 Ford Fairmont.

Remember you rubes: <span style="font-weight: bold">OLD = VALUABLE</span>


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I find it quite funny that "MotoExotica" is auctioning off a Chevy Citation, heh-heh! These E-bay clowns are a riot.

I think I've seen that same car on E-bay at least a year ago. It's hard to forget a low-mileage Citation car like that (did you notice it had power windows?!). It's probably worth a couple grand to someone that really wants one. I personally like them, but it'd take someone a lot more "special" than even me to give six grand for one.

People are so d#$% greedy.

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Guest sintid58

I used to own a 83 Citation with a 2.8 v/6. It was a very good car but I paid $400 dollars for it. If I found another one for $400 that was in good shape I would probably buy it for my son to drive when he gets his license.

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