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If I interpret you correctly, the "Arrow" in the left column indicates a post was moved to the appropriate subject area as this website was designed. If you click on a thread that has an "arrow" within the left column, you will see a memo as to why and where it was moved.

Reference your post: "Carburetor Advise 56 Pontiac".

It was moved to the Tech Questions area for obvious reasons: It was a query for assistance to a technical matter. The General Discussion area is for general topics.

We moderators are simply keeping the forum within the guidelines, of which, the AACA webmaster and Internet Committee set forth.

As to your comment "...too organized". I fail to see what you mean.

Since 11/3: I moved "22 posts" from the General Discussion area to the Tech Questions area. Also, left a memo (arrow icon) with my reason.

Since 11/4: I moved "7 posts" from the Forum Questions (meant for forum navigational questions) to the Buy/Sell area and Tech Questions area.

That's only November for an example. It is a constant every month, every year.

Open for criticism to better this site. The Internet Committee has been working on improvements and continues to do so. The whole site is being scrutinized.

Please be patient. I would venture to guess it will be a few months for changes, but, like you, I can only deal with what the current guidelines spell out.

Please do not feel that your carburetor question will get buried. The majority of participants on this forum read many more subtitles than just the General Forum.


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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I appreciate that. I fully understand why you want to have separate areas for different types of questions, but someone should monitor the effect on the main board, and the overall AACA board to see if it improves or detracts from the general "give and take" of the board. Something to keep an eye on.

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Guest Indiana_Truck

Man must have his self one of them educations with all them big words. Think I might go out to the barn and dust off my tractor and think on this a spell. grin.gif


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Hi, jaxops...

You are quite welcome. Thought I would better explain where I am coming from and taking the liberty to speak for the AACA Headquarters and Forum Moderators.

If I read you correctly, analyzing the results of moving posts to the appropriate "file, or, subject area", and how such moderating "affects the General Forum title block" would be laborious. My opinion is time constraints. Know I have no more personal time to contribute. Could you do it?

As Bob and Wayne posted, it was somewhat confusing.


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hi, Bob...

Yepper, bud, go check the tractor. Good therapy! You amaze me with all your interests in trucks and tractors.

Said it before and saying it again. To anyone reading this, do yourself a favor and check out Bob's site: My Indiana Truck page


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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