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Frank Dialogue re: BCA Forums


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Hey All! I'm here, have read this thread, quickly and think there are definitely some possiblities in changes, but I'm just a Moderator for the BCA Forums, any changes have to be done by PeterG, so we all have to agree on what the next step is, which is very cool! I don't frequent the AACA boards much, but I see alot of Buick stuff gets brought up there, instead of here!

So let's see what folks want the most and then I can ask Peter to add forums, etc!

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Just wanted to bring this back to the top again to keep it in front of everybody. And certainly we can tweak and adjust later on if folks have concerns. I simply wanted to set a deadline for the initial changes. I'll respond to Brians latest suggestions tonight and hopefully anybody interested can get together over the weekend and hash it all out.

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I thought I would get back to this some time ago, but never did. I had thought that dividing different catagories by years might be good, such as "pre-war" and "post war" might divide some info, but then I thougt, I have learned quite a bit -enough to buy another Buick (Riv), in addition to me first ('32), so keeping all ages cars on all forums is probably best, as we can all learn better to appreciate the concerns of others. But I think some of the divisions noted above (with some guidelines) would work best.


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Guest 53and61

MrEarl, thanks much for the suggestions. I routinely clean out all cookies after every www connection. Tried defragmenting with no change. Just now it took forever to get back here after signing in, and that's on a lightning-fast connection. Same symptoms on 2 computers and 2 ISPs. Other forums are fast, as are other applications. I don't understand it, but if most members don't have this problem, it shouldn't affect our response to Brian's and others' ideas.

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I can understand the desires to have lots of nooks, cranies, and pigeonholes to put various vehicle classifications into, depending on what types or years of vehicles one might be interested in. Nothing wrong with that -- except -- that it might fragment things up and take away from the whole generalized forum as it is now. I've been into several of the "mega forums" (usually "powered by vBulletin) that have lots of places to look for information and posts. When you go in there, you tend to get the inclination (from all of the posting areas) that it's going to be totally "full" of information AND the information you might be looking for, all segmented out for easy finding. So you go into the area you "think" you need to look in, according to the title, and find that the last post in there was 90 days ago. Then you look other places and find that there really is not what you suspect might be there, but that many of the posts are not really that current. So, the reaction is that it's not that active of a site and you'll look elsewhere, somewhere where it's easy to deal with and such. In reality, there could well be some good archived information in there, but if you don't find it pretty quick, you'll probably go somewhere else. A somewhere else that appears to be more active. Strange thing -- "perceived activity" is somewhat synergistic, even if it's not the information you might be looking for.

In the General Forum, I think there are some preferences that can be set by the user, like how many posts per page and such are displayed. Perhaps it might be possible to code each main post with regard to year and model of Buick it might pertain to and then use that for some sort of search/sort function for the user when they login each time? Or some way flag each post with a symbol for that information? Then, if none of the flags were raised for the particular user, it would return to the default mode, which would be the forum as we have it now.

A few things that seem to be missed in the comments are some of the things I really like about the current setup. If there's something I've already looked at, when I click on that thread again, it goes right to the newest post since I last looked at it. No need to read the whole string of posts again--which is neat. Plus the "number of new posts since you last logged into the site". Really great--and something that few others I've seen do.

Email notification of new posts/responses to something you posted? It's a neat deal, but it's one of those things I usually turn off if given the chance. Clutters up the mailbox and then you have to deal with the emails and go back into the site to see what someone else replied. If I'm in a hurry, I don't need that sort of complication or diversion. Kind of like knowing you've got a new gift under the Christmas tree, you'll not rest until you find out what it is, even if there are other things to be concerned with. Just my orientation on that subject and I respect those that might like those things too.

There might be a few tweaks that could be done to the existing site to enhance it, but from what I've seen, it's pretty dang good as it is. It's easy to use and get acquainted with, which counts for a lot to me. It's what I might consider "an efficient setup" too, especially compared to others of its type.

I hope that Roberta (the BCA operative/moderator) and Peter (the HOST of this forum and the ones on the left side of the screen) can come up with something that will provide the desired enhancements without putting so much added complications into the mix that we lose the simplicity of the existing situation. Nor the perception of "activity" by others that might be checking things out.

Just as with different chapters of the BCA or different car clubs, there might be some general tendencies that are common with them all, but each entity has its own particular mix of personalities, demographics, and orientations. This forum and the other websites/forums mentioned in the earlier comments usually tend to be the same way--the same but different. What works for one and makes it great is not necessarily the way to make or expect the others to act too. Yet each one fills a particular need for the participants of each one and adds to the general orientation of enthusiasm for the Buick Hobby and the car hobby in general.

One website/forum might lean more in one direction than one of the others, but they all are part of a Buick Enthusiast Network of sorts. In the early days of the Internet, there were some main forums/newsgroups/websites that had lots of information and activity. Then as more Internet Providers and Portals came into existence, each one started their own version of "Yahoo Groups" or GeoCities "Communities" and each one has tended to attract a particular group of people that might not know what else is out there for them to investigate and enjoy.

As things have evolved, being involved in several forums can take quite a lot of time and energy--not to mention remembering all of the passwords and login identities for each one. It would be nice if the BCA website had scads of production information and other things available on Buick vehicles, as some other websites do, but after you have seen that information, you tend to go other places for other information and interactions--by observation.

So, some enhancements might be good, but trying to make this forum/website into something else than what it currently is--and have all of the desired features of other forums--might be not be optimum in the long run. I also suspect that whatever is done by Peter to this forum might also have to be mirrored in all of the other AACA hosted forums too--a possibly significant side issue. Not to mention the fact that the other forums' users might like what they have just fine "as is". Not to say that the enhancements/changes to this forum might or could be the prototype of formats for all of the AACA hosted forums to evolve into as things progress into the future. Several things to consider . . .

Personally and with all due respect, adding a "time frame" to the "implementation of demands/requests for changes" strikes me as being a little out of whack considering our "free ride status" from our Host. If the BCA was paying for this space, it might be a different situation--at least in my perspective. Let's let our Host, in concert with our Moderator, respond with a proposed time table for these things to happen. They are the ones that will be making things happen and know what it will take to get from Point A to Point C or D.



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Guest imported_MrEarl

Thanks NTX5467 for your input and I think you made some very good points, many of which have already been expressed by others. I definitely think we are seeing a common thread develop. And that is to "Keep it Simple".

Sorry you think my "deadline" was a little out of whack. I'm an engineer and that's the only way I can get anything done. Plus I just love deadlines!! I especially like the sound they make when they go whoooshing by. grin.gif

Actually it just looked like the thread and the initiative was beginning to fizzle out and I didn't want that to happen. I suggested giving more time and set a date in an attempt to prompt more feedback and input.And it appears to have worked.

I think there is still a lot to be considered,discussed and hashed out before we bring it to the powers that be(Roberta and Peter). I expect there will still be a lot of discussion and work once we present our requests to them. I know Roberta has been following this initiative and I assume Peter has. IF we are out of line here I hope they will let us know.

And actually as you spoke of, I wouldn't mind seeing our enhancements and changes however large or small they may end up to be, become the prototype of formats for all of the AACA hosted forums to evolve into as things progress into the future. BUICK HAS ALWAYS LEAD THE WAY, why not here!! smile.gif

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Hey all, thanks for all the good input, but we(the most frequent viewers) need to remember the 'other folks' that pop in and pop out, and sometimes don't come back if it gets too complicated. I think that's what makes this easier than some of the other boards that Willis mentioned. I check this board at work a couple times a day, but don't dare check some of the others, with so much content, that I may get in trouble for being on there too long, ya'll know, that work what that's about. But I'm open to ideas, that we can all agree on, so keep the ideas flowing, and let's continue to make this the best we can for the whole Buick world.

PS Lamar, I am an engineer too, well that's what my degree is in, don't do much engineering in my current job, but we still have deadlines, and the way I like to do business is on time, with no issues, and then have fun being on time with no issues! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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Guest imported_MrEarl

I guess it's kinda like goin out to eat. You can either go to a fancy restaraunt with a big menu where all the items are in French, the type is small and the lights so low that if you forgot your glasses you may end up ordering something you don't dare eat when you get it cause you don't know what the - - - - it was you ordered, or you can go to a Smorgasboard Buffet where the foods twice as good, the folks are friendly and you can just pig out.

So while I've got you... Is this going OK so far as far as you're concerned. Do we (as in you) need to carry anything to Peter yet or is he following it as it goes. I figured that we would get a draft together of the proposed changes and let you run it up the flag pole and see if it will fly.

Also I have a couple of questions. Do you know and if not can you find out how many "active" members are on the BCA forum?

Is there any potential problem with adding the Buick Photos Forum in regards to overloading the band width or whatevr the term is for that.That's one area that I feel we might all agree on to add so hopefully there will be no problem. In addition to that is there any way that the file size of photos can be increased.That seems to create more problems for people posting than anything else.

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This is for the all the AACA Forums:

Group Total # of users in this group

Administrators 11

Moderators 14

Users 20773

Guests 1

New users in past 24 hours 27

New users in past 7 days 148

New users in past month 650

And I sent Peter and email, to check this post out. RV

Users that have logged in the past 24 hours 220

Users that have logged in the past 7 days 720

Users that have logged in the past month 1741

Users that have never logged in 10310

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Hey all.

Truth be told, this is the first time I've read this threat. I long ago stopped trying to read every post in every forum. (It's impossible). Roberta emailed me to point out this thread. (thanks Roberta)

If you all want to create additional forums to address pre-war and post-war Buicks - them I'm game... just come to a concensus here and I'll do what is agreed to.

I'll wait for your input.


Peter Gariepy

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I, too, understand deadlines and concur with Roberta's orientation of getting there early with little stress. I also understand "focus" in making them happen, or desiring to make something happen.

I know that Roberta, and probably Peter, have been following along and will most probably do what they can to make some of the things mentioned happen, if that's possible in the current electronic architecture of these forums. I'm also sure that when they have something to be tested or evaluated, they'll let us know about it.

My only concern with respect to the desired "deadline" is that the tail (the participants in this forum) doesn't wag the dog (the moderator and host), so to speak. They might set their own deadlines or desired time frame to roll out any changes and enhancements, but I respectfully feel that is their domain and possibly not "our" domain (even though we might be anxious for it to happen). That's just my orientation on that issue and I also respect why others might not specifically agree with that.

In the "Powered by vBulletin" boards that I've been into, the ones that tend to take the longest to load have the most options for posting areas (many of which might well be empty!) and the most complicated graphics on the basic page. Others that load almost as quick as this forum have graphics that are less complicated and have a "clean" look to them, but still with more places to post. Therefore, keeping the graphics simple so the basic page loads quickly is, I feel, a good feature.

On a picture site, it might be good to put some sort of "watermark" on the bottom of the image with the website, owner's name, verified vehicle descripton, and posting date of the picture. Other than letting those that might download the picture know where it came from and how "old" it might be, it might also aid Google and other search engines in finding pictures of Buicks and leading those people to the BCA website. These things would need not be invasive of the basic picture image, though, but possibly listed along the bottom in a dedicated space.

Bandwidth issues might be an issue. Hopefully, things would not get so "bad" as they are in the various Yahoo Groups where only so many downloads from each group can be made during a certain time frame! Nor the archived pictures deleted as time progresses. Might need to consider a separate website (PictureTrail comes to mind) where you can browse the pictures on a left hand column and then click on them to enlarge them. PictureTrail also has capabilities for captions/comments for each picture too, which would take care of the items listed above. I mention that site just as an example of what might be done--no sales pitch for the site. There might be others that reliably provide the same things, if there might be a need to not have them hosted here.

Thanks for your work on this subject, Roberta and Peter G.

Just some thoughts,


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Guest imported_MrEarl

If ANYONE at ANYTIME has ANYTHING that they would like to be considered in this initiative to improve this ALREADY GREAT forum, PLEASE don't hesitate to voice it. OK

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Guest imported_Thriller

Seeing as there has been some discussion about bandwidth, I'll add something. I use a fishing forum site that has a forum dedicated to photos. If you put photos in any other forum, the moderators will send you a reminder and possibly move it. That would help those folks (particularly on dial-up) who want to read about stuff without having to wait for photos to download. If they want to see the photos, there is a specific place to go.

I think this was one of the options discussed earlier...my small but very active brain has trouble keeping some of these things straight, especially when time elapses....

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Derek...fishing eh, and you still have time for 5 Buicks tongue.gif Thanks for your input re the band width issue.

Peter, glad to hear there will not be a problem with bandwidth.Thanks

We appreciate your giving us a little special attention by checking in on this thread since Roberta let you know we have this forum improvement initiative going. To fill you in a little more....

After gathering input from members, the consensus was that we were not quite ready to break out into too many segments related to the different eras of Buick. It was however felt that we could possibly develop some new and/or change some old forum headings that might tend to attract more interest and ultimately more useage of the forum by the existing members and attract new members. Our charge however, was to do this by still keeping it simple and user friendly.

We certainly don't want to chance loosing the "community" culture of the General Forum that is present today. This is where the friendships and camaradarie is born and exists. At the same time we want to make it easy for folks to ask a question or make a comment related to tech and restoration without having to necessarily wade through the warm and fuzzy of the general forum to do it.I personally enjoy reading the AACA General Forum and have observed y'alls circle of friends referred to as the DFer's.BTW do you have a copyright on that term or would there be any objection to us claiming the title BDFer's. wink.gif

So...with all that said, Brian and I have drafted some proposed changes and plan to present them to Roberta for her perusal and redlining.I anticipate one more round of them being put before the members and then ultimately to you for final approval and installation.

Additionally, one thing we want to try is attaching a "Welcome" sticky to each Forum that briefly describes the content and guidelines and offers tips for posting etc of that Forum. Hopefully, this will help members to know where to post what and keep the monitors task of transferring incorrectly placed posts to the correct forum to a minimum.

Any ideas or guidance you have to offer will be appreciated. Your work at maintaining this forum is indeed also appreciated. Hopefully we have not exceeded our bounds by taking this initative and getting it to this point before bringing it to your attention. If so please accept our apology.

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Hi Christopher: I recently installed some more memory on my computer, now at a total of 640 (orig 128 + new addition of 512)and it has made a huge difference in the speed of my computer. You might consider this as a remedy for your systems speed. cool.gif

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I want to commend Mr. Earl for the effort and initiative he's shown. He devoted a great deal of time and energy through the weekend to draft the proposed forum re-structure and sticky notes. Mr. Earl, thanks for your hard work!

I think that the draft proposal that will be presented is a positive step forward for the BCA and the forum users. We know that the forum can be modified again down the road if some adjustment is needed, and I hope that we will all work together to help the forum accomplish its purpose.

A suggestion to Roberta and Mr. Earl: When the forum proposal is posted here for everyone to review, I recommend that a new thread be started for that purpose. I want to make sure that the new proposal does not get lost among all the valuable comments that shaped it.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Dangit Willie, you done exposed and spoiled my masterplan. How about if we make it a tri-five Buick Forum, would ya go along with us? All in due time doc, all in due time!! Now go back to your cat and dog mechanicin!!! cool.gifgrin.gif

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">FYI - bandwidth is not an issue... picts are fine.


Webmaster </div></div>

I guess perhaps I wasn't clear...I wasn't concerned with BW for the site, but for the members who have dialup yet. That way, if they click on something in, say, the general forum, they don't need to go away for half an hour while photos load.

I don't know if we should go that way, but it's an idea I thought I'd throw out since I've seen it elsewhere.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Derek...fishing eh, and you still have time for 5 Buicks tongue.gif Thanks for your input re the band width issue.</div></div>

Actually, I haven't really had time for 5 Buicks...they have been very patient with me, but having the National nearby in 1.5 yrs is incentive enough to get a second one on the road (unlike Flint where the Special wasn't ready by a long shot).

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hhhhmmmmmmm . . . . . . had not heard anything other than Chevrolets referred to as "tri-five" . . . . . . . and what's that dialogue "come along with us"??????? sounds like "somebody's going somewhere" . . . . . to return when?????????

yep . . . "masterplan" EXPOSED! Good work, Willie! Not to mention drawing out those "other signals" too! LOL



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Guest imported_MrEarl

NTX5467 and Willie,

Guys, I was being facetious. NTX, Sorry to disappoint but there is no real masterplan, just a desire to help this forum grow and improve. And Willie I'm sure you were being facetious too regarding the 54 Roadmonster Forum, However I did take your comment of leaving the forum as it is as serious as it was meant. And that may well be what becomes of all this if Roberta decides it is not worth persuing or the majority of the members are in agreement with you. If that becomes the case then I'll just jump back in the backseat and enjoy the ride, nothing gained.

Now, NTX5467;

I have always enjoyed and appreciated your commentary and well versed expressions of opinion and in fact recall expressing that appreciation to my good friend Brad54 several times when we were discussing this forum "off forum". However, it appears from your responses on this thread thus far that that feeling and appreciation is not mutual. Thus I feel compelled to ask, "Did someone tell you that it was "I" who pissed in your canteen?

If that is not the case may I ask just what have I done or am I doing that compels you to apparently distrust my intentions and set such a negative mood. I have tried to make my intentions clear and keep everything up front and in front of the members as I could.

But,even as strongly as I believe in the recomendations that have been presented to Roberta for review, if I see this going the way of even starting to create dissension and disunity among the members of this already great forum, I'll drop it like a ton of lead.

And by the way, you're right, I'm wrong. There is a difference in a tri-five Chevy and a Mid-fifties Buick. and that is, With the Buick you get twice the car for half the price, plus a bowtie in the rear view mirror.

yea, Enjoy!!

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MrEarl, thank you for your kind comments and thoughtful reply. Brad54 and I have also emailed back and forth over the past times--specifically on how to best orchestrate a Modified Class and keep all aspects of the modified class "well served" in the Buick segment of the car hobby.

When I made that "aaaaHHAAAA, now we know"-type reply, I was in something of a jovial mood. Hence the "LOL" at the end of it. Not quite the sinister "LOL" of a good detective finding the something "bad" that he knew was there all along, but a "LOL" more in a poking fun orientation that somebody had inadvertantly revealed something (which the reply to Old-Tank seemed to indicate).

I am not against substantive change, but we all know that "change for the sake of change" is not always best. Plus that the best type of change is somewhat evolutionary instead of "forced".

Perhaps I'm a little sensitive to deadlines being "determined" instead of implementation dates being "offered" or "requested" by those that will be making it happen. Hence, the "tail wagging the dog" comments. Unfortunately, that's one of the signals I saw from earlier comments. Did I misread or misinterpret those? If I did, my apologies.

Many of use have been in work situations where deadlines were dictated to us, sometimes seemingly out of whimsy, by those that might not have known what was really "doable in a quality manner" per se. Or a boss that wanted the employees to "stretch" a little out of their comfort zone. But we were being paid to be in those places that the dog wagged the tail.

In this case, perhaps I'm being a little too sensitive on that issue? Maybe I'm considering it from the possible perspective of our host and moderator that have numerous demands upon their limited time. Perhaps these sensitivities are the result of places I've been before? Kind of like the old "unanswerable" question that people in the parts business have to deal with--Do you serve the customer(s) standing in front of you or answer that ringing phone (of the person, either existing customer or potential customer, that can't see what you're doing AND can get a negative orientation toward the company you work for as a result of the unanswered phone call)? The person on the other end of that phone line just does not know that you are temporarily overworked and must prioritize your actions, yet they could easily feel neglected as their desires were not met. Some people on the other end of unanswered phone calls have different orientations and behave differently than others might. Perhaps I'm a little too patient if I was making that unanswered phone call to somebody that I really desired to do business with, but I know that all people might not react in that manner.

I feel sure that we all want these Buick-oriented forums to be the best and most user-friendly forums in the universe. I also feel sure that Peter and Roberta will let us know what they can do as they make those determinations and finalize the related executions of those changes/upgrades. There have been many good comments made and I look forward to see where things end up.

So, MrEarl, the canteen's still clean and full of potable drinks. I even have some clean and empty cups if you'd like a drink?



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Guest imported_MrEarl


As you know the written word is never as clear as the spoken. Without tone of voice and clear audible laughter things can so easily be misinterpreted. In that respect, it is I that will apologize. I anticipate some discussions are still to be had over the possible changes we have proposed and I simply wanted to go ahead and clear the air over any possible differences among us. I am a systematic type person with tendencies toward being direct sometimes. That's just how I am. It works for me in my job and at home but it is hard sometimes for persons on the other end of these type correspondance to know what I'm all about I guess. So dude, we're cool... cool.gif

and now, you said something about a drink


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For another reason to keep things as they are on the BCA Forum, we have only to look at the Kustom Car post put up by Tommy 27. Based on the responses, his opinion is NOT shared by many forum users, BCA members, or even some AACA members, for that matter. Since it was on the BCA General Forum, lots of people saw it, many responded. Most responses made it pretty clear that modified cars are welcome in the BCA, even though each of us has our own personal opinions about what cars should ( and should not ) be modified. If it were hidden away in a sub-forum that few read-one man's opinion might have appeared to be that of the entire BCA. That would be a BAD thing.

The BCA forum has been amazingly free of the rancor and disrespecting of other car enthusiasts that has appeared from time to time on other forums. I think part of this has to do with the fact that all the BCA regulars drop in every few days to see what's up. If someone crosses the line, then there's usually quite a few folks gently pointing that out.

Subdividing could also lead to certain forums being treated like the personal playground of one or even a few members. Another bad thing.

Buick is a little unique in that in every era Buicks were some of the finest, most roadable, most enjoyable cars to drive, of that time period. So, Buicks from every era are pretty popular with owners of cars from that era.

Thanks to Dan B, an AACA member from Cheyenne, my oldest Buick ride was in a 1914 Touring car through Rocky Mountain National Park up to the Stanley Hotel. What a ride! At a spry 88 years of age, the old girl ran up the mountain road like she was having fun--but then she probably was. Buicks WERE made to be driven!

Part of what makes the Buick hobby strong is that we ALL respect each other's love for their era of Buick and we ALL learn from each other.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Buicks Rule, thanks for your input. This is the kind of thought provoking posts I like to see for the benefit of discussion of this issuue.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Since it was on the BCA General Forum, lots of people saw it, many responded. Most responses made it pretty clear that modified cars are welcome in the BCA, even though each of us has our own personal opinions about what cars should ( and should not ) be modified. If it were hidden away in a sub-forum that few read-one man's opinion might have appeared to be that of the entire BCA. That would be a BAD thing.

Subdividing could also lead to certain forums being treated like the personal playground of one or even a few members. Another bad thing.</div></div>

Actually I'm sure ol Tommy would have posted on every "sub-forum" (btw I like your terminology in referring to them as sub-forums, that is simply what they are)until he hit one that got the results he was seeking. Honestly I always like to see Tommy's "original or die" posts. They always draw great responses and healthy arguments that only end up strengthening both sides of the argument. (and when I speak of argument I don't mean to infer negativity).

Actually divisions or subforums already exist (Performane Forum and Reatta Forum) that invite some segregation of topic. I think a subforum needs to be general and broad enough to draw and support a large enough group that there won't be the problem you speak of ie "playground of a few". I site the Reatta Group as a prime example. I would love to see the "Performance" group grow to that level. As it currently is however, "Performance" is oft confused by members (especially new-comers) to be the subforum for asking technical related questions.I was one of those "confusees" a couple of years ago. I understand now that it was originally established for use by those wishing to discuss and inquire about high performance Buicks. One of the proposals is to "modify" that subforum title to "Performance and Modified" or perhaps "Performance, Modified and Custom". (I can hear Tommy squealing from here)This would certainly leave no question as to what is contained in the forum and would hopefully draw more visitors which equates to more members which equates to more fun for all.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Buick is a little unique in that in every era Buicks were some of the finest, most roadable, most enjoyable cars to drive, of that time period. So, Buicks from every era are pretty popular with owners of cars from that era.


Part of what makes the Buick hobby strong is that we ALL respect each other's love for their era of Buick and we ALL learn from each other.</div></div>

Very well put! and for that reason I think it was decided we would hold off on breaking the subforums down into too small of groups related to different eras. Hopefully though as we grow this might be an area for reconsideration.

Again thanks for bringing these good points up.

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Another bit of history--as I recall, the Reatta group already had a very active discussion forum prior to the BCA even having a web page. Original Reatta buyers tended to have fairly high incomes, often working in fields where email and the internet were a common part of daily life much earlier than for the traditional Buick buyer/hobbyiest. I can't remember whether the original Reatta forum migrated here or if it's still out there somewhere.

I really don't like the idea of splitting the forum into small year/era groups. Some slight rearrangement might be worthwhile, but we need to keep the Buick community together as much as possible.

After all, hearing about how much lighter a Buick 455 is than a Small Block Chevy is might cause a modified person to put a Buick 455 into their modified car. Or even rebuild the Nailhead in their early Riv rather than make it perform like a Chevy--a huge step backward.

Because all of us look at most of the posts, we have NOT had the problems with certain individuals that AACA, or CCCA, or PAC has with people dis-respecting others. It simply has NOT been tolerated here.

Like all families, members of the Buick family may disagree but we ALL do it with MUTUAL RESPECT for the other family members participation in the aspect of the BUICK hobby that they enjoy.

Tommy--register for a BDE event. That's where almost all the cool people in the BCA hang out. A dose of BDE cool might actually help you enjoy your 27 more.

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Guest Roadmaster

Here is my 2 cents: I wouldn't mind seeing a few more sub-forums in the forum. I like what v8 Buick does also. It would be cool to have a nailhead sub-forum, a straight 8 sub-forum, restoration sub-forum, or something along those lines. As far as Buicks, we all love them here and for the most part the responses are in line. I myself have had a bad day and visited the AACA site and spewed some venom shocked.gif, on more than 1 occasion. We all have our bad days, but we learn from it and move on. Sometimes people even apologize. I hope I've never offended anyone on this forum, but if I have, I'm grown up and so is the offended one, and we all just move on. Too much good stuff happens here to let a little bad crap "git yer panties in an uproar". Later fellow Buick lovers !!

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Buickman67


I thought I'd through my 2 cents in as well.

Personally, I would like to take the BCA Buy/Sell Forum and break it into two forums.

Cars Buy/Sell

Parts Buy/Sell

The current Forum is so huge it takes me forever to search through it when I am looking for cars and not parts. And the Search does not work this way.

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