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After my bad experience with gmpartsdirect.com I did some research and came up with a dealer in New England called Puritan Buick Pontiac. Their Web site is newgmparts.com Their Web site is good which permits you to get a instant quote on the part number. They ship UPS FEDEX ground and USPS. Their shipping charge is 10% of price. Minimum $6.99. Maximum $19.95. Return restocking charge is 15% no sales tax out of state. THEY HAVE A 800 NUMBER AND TAKE PHONE CALLS!

I have not ordered anything yet but I am tossing this out to see if anyone has any experience with them or comments.


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I have never bought anything from gmpartsdirect but use them all the time to check prices and availability of parts. I put the part number 16510108 which is for the headlight actuator/crank package and I came up with a price on gmpartsdirect of $ 70.56 including shipping. Newgmparts.com was $ 74.75 and with 10% shipping would be $ 82.22 Both listed the retail at $ 99.66

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Thanks Jim for your information, I just tossed out this for some feedback. Think I will try them next time. Still HOT over the way gmpartsdirect treated me! Think spending a LITTLE bit more may be worth UPS FEDEX OR USPS SHIPPING. Plus a 800 number with a real person to talk with is invaluable when you have a problem or a question. Will advise if I buy from them, NO MORE GMPARTSDIRECT for me!


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I buy all of my parts at my local GM dealer. I do get a discount but very often anyone can get a discount at the smaller dealers. Even kiddingly tell them it is for Joe or Bob or Dick's auto repair and you will get a discount. Most of the time the guy behind the counter doesn't care and when you tell him it is for XXX auto repair he will give you a better price particularly if you come in and ask for a part and have the part number with you.

Usually if a person asks for a part number on this forum someone will respond almost immediately.

Buying at your local dealership there is no shipping which is particularly nice on large items.

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May work in Minnesota but in Florida, if they do not know you they will look up in their records to make certain they have a tax number on file otherwise they are liable to get into real trouble with the tax office.

Of course once you have a tax number then the discount is automatic (but you have to file a record of the items and submit along with the tax due every month).

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Guest Buick Mike

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">May work in Minnesota but in Florida, if they do not know you they will look up in their records to make certain they have a tax number on file otherwise they are liable to get into real trouble with the tax office. </div></div>

I don't understand why the tax office would be concerned with what price a vendor charges for his product.

I'm not in FL but, for what it's worth, I've received the discounted price just for having a big order. Without even asking. Depends what kind of mood the counter guy is in, I guess.


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Guest EDBS0

What I do is request the "business" price but say that it is for my personal car and I will pay tax so as not to bug our accountant and auditor. Usually works at all the dealers.

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we place orders every week with gmpartsdirect, and have for about the past eighteen months. we must have been particularly lucky, because we have never had a single problem. we are not really happy with DHL, but even their service has improved dramatically in the past few weeks. this is certainly no solace for someone who has had a lost order with DHL, but as I mentioned, we've apparently been very lucky.

even though I do not live remotely close to Winston-Salem, I am going to make a stop there in August when I am reasonably close, and see the general manager of the dealership. not the parts guy, not the service guy, but the guy who oversees the whole place. I have made copies of all these posts, and I am going to take them with me. at that point, the ball will be in their court then, won't it?

I have only been computer-literate since October of 2001 (and literate is even questionable!) and I feel that gmpartsdirect has the "wizard of oz syndrome".

its that "don't look behind the curtain" thing, because there is just probably some little inept nerd back there. and for those who think gmpartsdirect won't change their tune, I don't agree. with the increased competition from these other dealers, they will have to look at having an 800 number, at least for problems. I can certainly understand their dislike of the phone for orders; they would probably have to dramatically increase their staff, as a parts person is a lot more knowlegable (and expensive) than someone going thru a huge warehouse pulling parts from shelves.

obviously, there are some other gmaprtsdirect "clones" out there, like Van Devere, Lambert (funny, these two dealers are less than 10 miles apart) and now this Puritan group in New England. the gmpartsdirect system, with all its flaws, must be worth copying. the one unquestioned advantage to gmpartsdirect is their uncanny ability to get parts that no one else can. I don't know how they do it, but don't ask any questions, either.


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Is not the only thing to be copied - their parts finding (particularly now that they are teamed with partsvoice) and ordering system is seamless. Not certain how much that means to anyone but it they have either their own or a really high powered supplier database behind the scenes. My guess would be Oracle. (Not a WAG but a SWAG based on some of its characteristics).

Guess I've never mentioned it by I grew up with computers playing tic-tac-toe on an Eniac in 1957 and all downhill from there (that is scary, three more years and I will have been a nerd for 50 years) and my job is making Really Big Systems work for my employer and their customers.

Was a little late getting into web, didn't have my own site until 1997 though learned HTML 1.0 some time before, most of my work involves microcoding, assembly language, and network protocols (so why am I taking so long deciphering the ECM ?)

In any event, GMPartsDirect does at least the computing part really well and was doing it before most companies got into the act which means something to me. Besides, they are south of the Mason-Dixon line.

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I have been using GMPartsDirect for a few years now, and have had no problems (so far). I have yet to find a source with better pricing, and as far as I know neither has anyone else. Their unwillingness to talk on the phone IS a pain in the a**, But given the differential in pricing, I'm willing to roll with it.

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Best prices, Best web site, Best parts Availability.. NOTHING COUNTS UNLESS YOU CAN DELIVER THE PARTS TO THE CUSTOMER!

I sent a FEDEX letter to the general manager along with copies of various complaints from this and other web sites along with my own tail of woe. no response, it seems they do not care!

PERHAPS THAT 800 number just for emergency's would help? Please let us know if anyone will meet with you!


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Guest kennyw

tried the site [Web site is newgmparts.com] for my vibe. The part was not listed. I sent an email and received almost instant response. The part I inquired about was an [accessory] item and not listed. I was given the correct part number and about 18% off list. All of this with a $6.99 shipping cost. I really like the site and resopnse time and the 800 number......ken

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