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Had her out today

Guest Dans 77 Limited

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

It was nice weather today, Im off work with whiplash, the battery was charged & my son needed picked up from preschool,life is good smile.gif" border="0. After spending the last couple of months beating around in an old Cavalier , I forgot how nice the Electra really is. Rode & drove like I had her out yesterday. Its hard for me to believe that this car was built in the late 70s when quality control was supposedly at its worst. Can hardly wait for spring !!!!. Sorry I know its not much of a topic but I had to share it & I figured the place on the web where Buicks are appreciated the most would be the most logical choice !!!<P>Dan

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Ya know, I haven't gotten to my Buicks yet, but have the old '67 "ford" shocked.gif" border="0 (..I know - DUCK !!!) that IS drivable at this point - every time I get her out for the first time every year - I just start laughing and smiling as I go down the road. Its a feeling you just can't get with the newer cars. I'm hoping to get my Caddy on the road this summer so I can then start on my '49 Super. Now THAT is really the car I'm looking forward to getting on the road. It WOULD have been next except for the fact the Caddy in in the garage now and the '49 Buick is still back home in storage in a barn. Hey, the driving and the high that goes with it is the main reason to have the cars to begin with grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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It has been unseasonably warm here in TN lately and all of this talk of cruising is making me antsy. Unfortunately all of my old cars are either in storage or under restoration. My 72 Electra and my 66 Fleetwood limo are in storage about an hour from my home. My 72 Sedan Deville is in the garage stripped and getting ready for a fresh coat of paint and a new vinyl top. My 65 Eldorado is recieving some mechanical work in my garage. Therefore I have no old cars to cruise in. I am tempted to get the Electra out to drive but as soon as I do we will get winter weather. I guess I will just have to be patient and wait for spring. frown.gif" border="0

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