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Condolences - terrorist attacks


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I don't know where X SLAVE comes from, but if he is an ex slave from the United States, as he seems to want to infer, then he is one really old bugger. Probably those petrified fingers limit him to caps only. Be patient with him. rolleyes.gif" border="0

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FFNitro ~ R Alberts might just have a valid point. The post dated 9-13-01 - 9:28PM, which was there when I just came on, relates to hot rodding [engine swap] a '65 Buick. Please don't everybody jump all over me for stating this honest fact. ~ hvs<p>[ 09-13-2001: Message edited by: hvs ]

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rolleyes.gif" border="0 I apologize to all, if I've been out of line. I'm just a naive Native American who wishes we could get on with life. Let us learn from our mistakes, take care of ourselves and quit throwing someone elses dirty laundry in everyone elses faces to excuse our prejudices. <B>No one is perfect!</B> Except....you know....<I>women</I>! (lol)<P>SteveElectra I agree with you, let us grieve our lost ones, remember and celebrate the good memories. Celebrate your heritages and cultures, for each of us have something to be proud of, as well as an embarrassing time in the past. We need to learn from those sometimes criminal pasts! As well, grow and move on! <P>Let us rejoice in our freedoms and opportunities this Great country offers. When I deliver a baby, or rescue someone from a wrecked car, when I do chest compressions on a core patient, or put out your house or car fire, I don't stop and concern myself if your a Muslem or Hebrew, whether your Mexican or Slavic. I am helping a fellow human. <P>I just deleted about 150 more lines cause I got started again! rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>To the families and friends of our fallen brothers and sisters, I pray. I pray for understanding and strength from your GOD. Be strong, for you are not alone!...We are Americans and we will never foresake their memory! I also pray for a swift and final justice to the heretics who did this, so we and the world can move on!<P><B>Never</B> deny yourself the pride of being American. grin.gif" border="0 Represent your country and be the best you can be! God Bless America! smile.gif" border="0
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hvs .....You're an honest but <B>FUNNY</B> Guy!(lol)<P>Oh, and SteveElectra sorry about the use of caps....when I'm wrong, I'm wrong! (hehe)<P>Keep laughing too, guys! wink.gif" border="0

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There's a lot of hurt and bitterness out there. I caution you, especially the frustrated, hate-filled, Anti-Semite who commented earlier, to mourn, grieve, but watch whom you lash out against. You might be hurting another proud and productive American citizen. Thank God, cooler heads are prevailing in our nation, and we have the right mix of strong people in the President and his cabinet.<P>Think about where our families came from, and how our forefathers devoted themselves to defending and protecting their adopted country, and many died for it, making it safer, and more free for us today. God forgive us our trespasses, and free us from hate and anger.<P>For the victims of terrorist murders in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania: let us pray-<P>"Jesus, I live for you; Jesus, I die for you; Jesus, I am yours in life and in death. Receive, Lord, in tranquillity and peace, the souls of your servants who have departed out of this present life to be with you. Give them the life that knows no age, the good things that do not pass away; through Jesus Christ our Lord." Grant them your rest oh Lord, "May perpetual light shine upon them."

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R Alberts - If by the term 'odd' you mean the people here have a wide variety of opinions, than yes, we are 'odd'. Hmmm, that must make all of America 'odd', wouldn't it? If we all thought the same, did the same things, had the same opinions, and so on, what a boring and thoughtless place this would be. Thank god we are all free to experss our differences, what ever they are. Open up your mind, R Alberts, and realize that we are not and never will be exactly like you. <BR> May we continue as a fantastic nation, and with every 'odd' fiber of mine I wish Tuesday never was. I can not put into words how badly I feel for those killed, injured, and affected, and for us as a nation. Matt

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Guest nailswede

Today whe people in europe had tre quit minutes for the victims of the terrible terrorist attacks in USA!<P>even the train stoped then here in sweden!<P>I just wanted to mentioned that your not alone over there...<P>It was an attac against the hole civilized<BR>world frown.gif" border="0 <P>Swedish airforce (SAAB J39) flying low over the cities to scare potential terrorists..<P><BR>Anders

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Anders-<P>Thank you for the information. Your (yourself and entire Europe) thoughts and support is deeply appreciated. Strong support and resolving conviction to stand against all terrorism is necessary by all!<P>Thanks, again!<BR>MIke

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For clarification only. By the use of the word "odd" I was referring to some of the vitriol I read in a couple of posts on this thread. Nothing more and nothing less. I felt that it was a relatively non offensive term and used it in place of much stronger words I felt. Reasonable persons should not feel offended. Thank you. RMA

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The past two days have been the most difficult on me. For me, as well as most people reality is starting to sink in the tragedy has really happened. I was saddened by the fact that no motorists had on their headlamps as they drove today, as this usually symbalizes recognition. This is such a terrible, terrible tragedy and I feel so sorry for the people who have lost loved ones, as well as the ones who lost their lives. I am sure we all will never forget this tragedy as long as we live. May our great and mighty God be with each and everyone of us.<P>Tony<p>[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Shaffer ]

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since this tuesday i've become pretty addicted to cnn and keeping track as events developed, and i've seen most of the footage that they've shown and although horrid and unsettling i wasn't truly emotionally moved until what i saw today. cnn showed moments of silence being observed worldwide, from berlin to belfast, england, france,spain, etc. to see the whole world giving their condolences and respect to all of america is truly an amazing thing. this event has touched the world and the gravity of the situation at hand has been realized. watching the british sing our national anthem and hearing the remark "today we are all americans" come from the mouth of a french woman moved me to tears for the first time since my grandfather died a year and a half ago. special thanks to all of our international comrades, your patriotism means more then you may think, at least to this american.

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When I woke up this morning a free American and watched on TV that at the changing of the guard in Great Britain they played the U.S. national anthem at the Queen Mothers request I knew then that we, the citizens of the United States were truly not alone.<BR> Hearing that anthem so familiar to so many of us played abroad at the request of one so looked upon by the citizens of Britain and performed as great as ever I heard it and the applause from those present there left and leave me now at a loss for words.<BR> <P> God Bless America....OUR Home Sweet Home<P><BR> don55

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X SLAVE, I cannot believe you would mention that the Jews have not suffered. Does Hitler ring a bell? I fear you are suffering from cranial rectosis. Also, I'm sorry about the chip on your shoulder, but if you really are that old, as others suggested, I understand blindness comes with old age, it can even snuff out the wisdom one is supposed to aquire.

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Hello Everyone,<BR>I have been very silent these last few days, as alot of us have. My family deeply mourns our horrible loss, as 99.9% of us do. We are ready for the long road ahead of us, standing where TOO many generations have stood still. Myself and many others have lost loved ones in previous wars & like them I will give my life for what I have here. Patriotism has been like our faith, we carry it DEEP inside, sometimes not talking about it, but when someone crosses it; or questions it LOOK OUT! I am sure with GOD we will endure.<P>America keep your head held high.<P>Duane

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It is events like this that make grown men cry and many who only thought they knew what the Spirit of America is truly realize the the IMMENSE effect one horrid act can have on this world....I have not seen anybody who after this who is not a true diehard American....The French lady saying we are all Americans today....That one simple statement alone says volumes upon volumes of we are all feeling.....<BR> As we gear up for the much overdue erradication of the acts, hopefully, remember this one thought...this applies to EVERYBODY worldwide....<P> "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"<P><BR> I am of a pretty good feeling we are truly united, and we are all under God....what could be better save for crossing through Heavens pearly gates....<P><BR> Steve...I agree with you totally....the silence was a monumentous moment in time....I also never thought I would say this, but I really missed the constant roar or jet engines.

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While I'm not to terribly old, I have still felt the recent generation gaps between the baby boomers, the gen-xers, and the latest generation of teens. However ,despite the differences, I am still extememly PROUD of the younger folk from college to grade schoolers, that have been asked their opinions of the recent events. Despite the gaps (..which weren't of that big a severity given how they were in the "ancient" 60's...), I am so pleased and moved that our country's ideals are still being passed from generation to generation. While I may still not agree with Rap and the Boom Boom coming out of younger folks cars, I have found that we still have the same "basics" in common (..ok, so I guess I'll quite my griping about their music and buy a pair of ear plugs... .<P>Another note....still also proud of our American brothers and sisters of middle eastern and Islamic descent....a very tough time for them to go through just as it was for those of German, Italian, and Japanese descent during WW II. While I very much recognize that much of what will happen in the near future will probably be racial profiling (...don't think this can be helped in light of the source of the troubles..), I do hope that things are done in a more civilized way than the Japanese internments of WW II. I would be very interested in hearing from American Citizens of Islamic/Muslim background and Middle Eastern descent and hear their feelings on how we can quickly contain the remaining dog-terrorists that are still left and not have racial profiling or bigotry involved. I guess the profiling can't be helped...as long as the bigotry isn't included - I suppose there is actually a difference between the two. While I recognize we DO have terrorists of Eurpoean and other descents, the current situations would deem, unfortunately some type of profiling since there aren't too many European descended Muslims.... Again, sometimes there are necessary evils that must accompany doing right, but we must as a nation, find a way to do this without ostrasizing those who ARE faithful and loyal Americans that have origins from the Middle East and Arabic areas.

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...I ask Zorro some questions about slavery...whom did we BUY the slaves from in Africa, in addition to the white slave traders capturing them ? (.....dominant African tribes of course, who had the slaves to begin with.....) / Who had slavery besides us ? (...the Africans...who do they think owned the slaves we bought, in addition to the ones that were caught by white slave traders...) / Who else were slaves in the PAST...emphasis on PAST ? (....my Viking/English/Irish/Scottish ancestors and almost every other European society...) - who is going to pay ME for restitution for my slave ancestory that surely existed..... confused.gif" border="0...oh whoa is me !!!!!!! LESSON LEARNED : WE ARE NOT A PERFECT NATION AND HAVE MADE MISTAKES, AND WILL MAKE MORE...BUT WE ARE THE BEST THING GOING...MAKE NO MISTAKE OF THAT.......

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i agree that our relationship with isreal played its part in the events of last week. however, it doesn't seem that anyone in the world has the right to tell us who we can and cannot give our money and support to or hold us accountable for our global position in middle east politics by <B>killing a bunch of innoscent americans.</B> so go ahead and blame it on the jews, hide behind your mask of ignorance, and make your excuses, but i'll stick to holding the terrorists accountable.

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It's okay BuickNut, getting a little ticked off mad.gif" border="0 and venting sometimes helps! shocked.gif" border="0 It can be therapeutic! rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>As you said, "LESSON LEARNED : WE ARE NOT A PERFECT NATION AND HAVE MADE MISTAKES, AND WILL MAKE MORE...BUT WE ARE THE BEST THING GOING...MAKE NO MISTAKE OF THAT......." <P>Be STRONG AMERICA, We are Diverse, United and ONE! smile.gif" border="0

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I never said anything about slaves kido. I am telling you just what the news people are saying (not on CNN though). If you are unhappy with Islam hating us as Americans then try to find out why. The reason why is because of our close support - weapons, money, etc... - of Israel. Is it good? is it bad? Is it a mistake or not ... I can't answer for all ... that's obvious ... but I can tell you that the last thing we should want on our hands is a holy war with Islam because of a country that long-dead politicians vowed to support. If you are really upset with the loss of American lives than turn your anger to toward the politicians that provoked the attack - our politicians. I believe that there are more on their way .. let's face it they crippled us in a day - have you seen the stock market. What are we doing about it? Talking, suggesting, flying our flag high, and debating about proper wording on a document that will give the Commander In Chief enough power but not too much ... that's what we're all about anymore ... talk.<BR>Heck, the USSR killed a million Afghans and lost tens of thousands of soldiers over 10 years and they couldn't win. We on the other hand want to fight not only Afghanistan, but also Lybia, Iraq, Syria ... why don't we just occupy the whole damn Middle East ... gas would be cheaper ... I can stand to pay 15 cents a gallon of gas, I don't know about you guys. So are you ready to send your son or daughter to die for this "New War" with no clear enemy? I know I wouldn't want my kids - the ones in the military at least - dying for an unknown cause. We can't win. I'm sick of this forum ... I think I'll go have my apple juice and drive my Buick and to hell with politics and world events. Whatever will get you will get you ... no use hiding.<BR>We can't live forever.

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Face it Zorro, YOU miss the point. The faction of Muslims that support Afghanistan and Osmana the dog, is a MINORITY of Muslims. The vast majority of Muslims are denouncing what the terrorists did, are doing, and probably plan to do, as well as denounce the METHOD by which the PLO is fighting Israel. We are the target of this minor faction due to, among other things, our support of Israel, along with the morality and way of life we "decadant" Westerners are living - which is NOT by their view as dictated by their narrow interpetation of the Koran. Most Muslims are tolerant, though they may not agree, with our way of living - just as we in the West are tolerant to other ways of life to which we do not agree. But both sides DO agree on a major fact - by ANY STANDARDS AND ANY RELIGION...this was an IMMORAL and COWARDLY act, against all humanity and against anybody's conception of the term "GOD" ! <P>Again you miss the point....we have the CHOICE of talking to our politicians via the vote (no matter how imperfect it is as shown and AIRED OUT TO THE WORLD this past November...) and having them do, in general, as we choose.....not dictated to us by a narrow interpertation of a religious text. We TRY to use religion as a means of finding our morals to create our laws.....not using religion to create the laws to dictate our morals......THAT, my misguided fellow, is the thin line of separation of church and state to which our wise forefathers based our nation on, which we have numerous debates and difficulty in resolving and coming to terms with, between the various groups of our nation - and while we all do not agree, we LOVE THE COUNTRY that allows us that freedom of debate. <P>We are having this other debate, on the proper action to take, which you seem to think is a bad idea, instead of rushing in and blowing the whole area up (..which we have the capacity to do..) because we want to do the moral and right thing...not vent our national frustration on Afghanistans' civilians as the terrorists have done to us. We don't stand there and yell "JIHAD" before a defenseless, bound, female airline attendant, slitting her throat, kill families by including them in a sensless suicide mission, and then scurry into the darkness when armed soldiers come looking for a FAIR fight. No...I think you have your point of view all screwed up. If they hate us...so be it, I can accept the MINORITY of Muslims holding that point of view...but their METHOD of expressing and showing that hate is cowardly. If we are so hated by the Muslim and non- Christian world, them why do we have so many immigrants from those areas ? If I may digress, I can't swing a dead cat in my neighborhood, or at my workplace, without hitting someone not "Western"....so don't tell me we are so hated by all the world. Your hatred for our system holds no logic and your arguements fall apart. I suggest you have a long, deep talk with your conscience, your God, and your morality. I can accept someone disagreeing with me - let's debate in a civilized, albiet passionate fashion. But if you start including hate and bigotry in your arguements....THEN I will say "America....love it or leave it". I don't mean "America, AGREE with it or leave it" by any means.....you are entitled to your opinions as am I, but somewhere your view has become blinded by hate and bigotry. Protest, debate, discuss all you want - its your freedom of speech to do so...but don't discuss hatred and bigotry to try and get your point across..don't tell me violance against a civilian population is a just way of fighting and trying to get your way, or even defending your homeland. OUR nation grieves when we inadvertantly kill or maim civilians (note the missles off course during Desert Storm, how we took responsibility, and how our population felt sorry for the incident...) during the course of a war....we don't yell and scream in approval of the act. That above, is the sign of a moral and just population of people and government.<P>The terrorists also miss the point, they missed THEIR target. True, they caused some chaos, and a lot of financial pain and trepedation in our country...but at what price ? We could sweep the problem away in a second by loping some crucial, bombastic nuclear weapons....but WE don't....at least right now we don't ! ...because that is TOO high a price for our enemy to bear - having THEIR innocent countryman die at the hands of war.....and too high a price for us to bear as a sin committed by people, our government, and our culture. Should our enemy come in the form of a State or government...and they decide to use chemical or biological weaponry against our civilians...then that price of sin we WOULD pay...a thousandfold !

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Zorro....you were correct, it was not your reply about slavery - you did not mention that in any way shape of form. Guess I should have taken more time (..HINT, HINT...) to properly determine where to direct my anger and "projectile" comments. In that instance, you were falsely accused and "shot" at. My apologies for including you in anothers' very misdirected comments.

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All hate, blame, recrimination, prejudice, intolerance, etc., both which resulted in these childish acts and which resulted in reaction to them, is a pointless waste.<P>There is one simple, clear fact to keep in mind. The intentions of the perpetrators of this calamity will<I> <B> NEVER </I> </B> come to fruition. (Be they legitimate or otherwise.)<P>They've already lost. And, with a great deal of sacrifice, they soon will be no more. They'll be their own worst and last victum. Pity them, but without mercy! mad.gif" border="0

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A quote from ZORRO;<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I know I wouldn't want my kids - the ones in the military at least - dying for an unknown cause. We can't win. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Unknown cause? How about not living in fear for the rest of our lives? Can't win? I guess if we can't win we should burry our heads in the sand and the terrorists will go away!!!<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I'm sick of this forum ... I think I'll go have my apple juice and drive my Buick and to hell with politics and world events. Whatever will get you will get you ... no use hiding.<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I guess world politics and world events don't matter unless maybe they cause you to spill your apple juice. Who is hiding anyway? confused.gif" border="0 <P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> We can't live forever. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>True, but we don't need terrorist terds deciding that for us! mad.gif" border="0 <P>You are unbelievable Zorro.<BR> confused.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0<p>[ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: caGSxlr8 ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope all you that defended Israel and the Jews can live with yourselves ... you are blinded by the media which might as well be called Jew-News. Oops we after the wrong guy alltogether ... you are all blind as sheeps ... read this you yellow bellied cowards<P>Theories say Israel did it<BR>By James Cox, USA TODAY <P>ISLAMABAD, Pakistan ? In their quest to solve what one Arab newspaper called "the Great Who-Dunnit," Muslims the world over are<BR>pointing an accusing finger at their archenemy:<BR>Israel. From Cairo to Kuwait and Damascus to<BR>Dushanbe, Muslims have singled out the<BR>Jewish state as the unseen hand behind the<BR>Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that felled the World Trade Center towers, ripped a fiery gash in the Pentagon and shook the American psyche.<BR>In casual conversations, newspapers and Internet chat rooms, many in the<BR>Muslim world are endlessly chewing over and recycling unsubstantiated rumors<BR>that implicate Israel. They're saying, for example, that:<BR>Four thousand Jews who worked at the World Trade Center were<BR>mysteriously absent the day hijackers crashed two airliners into the<BR>towers. <BR>A group of five Jews was arrested shortly following the attacks after<BR>being spotted videotaping the crashes on a New York rooftop and<BR>dancing in jubilation. <BR>Typical is an editorial in the Syria Times. It named Israeli Prime Minister Ariel<BR>Sharon as the brains behind the Sept. 11 horror. "Sharon is known for his<BR>experience in masterminding and carrying out massacres and collective killings,"<BR>the newspaper said. "The recent attacks are actually acts of professional<BR>criminals like Sharon and his ilk."<BR>Conspiracy theories have been ubiquitous in the Middle East and Central Asia<BR>for centuries. Wherever there are conflicts, enemies conjure up complicated<BR>scenarios blaming each other for evil deeds. Israel is a frequent villain.<BR>This month's attacks spurred conspiracy talk outside the Muslim world as well.<BR>Immediately after the attacks on New York and Washington, there were<BR>rumors in the USA that hundreds of Arab-Americans in New York had been<BR>warned and didn't go to work in Manhattan that day.<BR>Some of the fuel for the current conspiracy talk among Muslims comes from<BR>their religious beliefs. On the streets of Islamabad, many people point out that<BR>the killing of innocents violates the teachings of the holy Koran. That<BR>proscription is so central to Islam that many Muslims simply refuse to believe<BR>the perpetrators of the attacks could share their faith. They are ready to<BR>exonerate even professed enemies of the West, such as Osama bin Laden.<BR>"I believe Osama would not do such a thing because it is against Islam," says<BR>Zafar Mahmoud Sheikh, a consultant to one of Pakistan's main Muslim political<BR>parties.<BR>For others, the simultaneous hijacking of four American airliners was something<BR>even the cleverest of Middle East terror groups couldn't pull off.<BR>"I can smell Israeli fingers behind this," Salim Abu Sultan, a Palestinian<BR>diplomat, told the Gulf News, a daily in the United Arab Emirates. "The scope<BR>of the attack was beyond the capability of Arabs ... Only the Israelis have the<BR>ability to do such things."<BR>In the shadows, many Muslims believe they see Israel's vaunted Mossad spy<BR>agency pulling the strings as puppetmaster.<BR>"The most popularly accepted theory," Gulf News reported, is that Sharon's<BR>government engineered the event "to fuel American anger against Arabs and<BR>obtain a 'green light' for Israel's ongoing persecution of the Palestinians."<BR>Within days of the attacks, rumors of Jewish involvement had sped from the<BR>Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East to Muslim nations of<BR>Central and South Asia, even reaching the world's most populous Muslim<BR>country, Indonesia in the South Pacific.<BR>But Muslims in the USA clearly are generating much of the anti-Israeli vitriol<BR>on the Internet, says Rasul Bakhsh Rais, an economist at Quaid-e-Azam<BR>University in Islamabad.<BR>"I'm getting these e-mails every day. Who are these people? I never gave them<BR>my e-mail address," he says, scrolling through the electronic bile.<BR>The accusations directed at Israel have taken on a crude flavor.<BR>An editorial cartoon in Wednesday editions of the Pakistani daily The Nation<BR>depicted Israel as a pig, the USA as a salivating wolf and the Muslim world as<BR>a lamb. As the pig defecated upstream, the angry wolf blamed the downstream<BR>lamb for "making the water muddy."<BR>An op-ed piece in the same edition repeated the rumor that 4,000 Jews escaped<BR>harm on Sept. 11. It quoted a Canadian "intelligence expert" as saying that U.S.<BR>intelligence agencies have found "links" between the attacks and the Mossad.<BR>The "reported absence" of Jewish fatalities suggests "word had come down to<BR>them through some mysterious grapevine simply telling them not to go to work<BR>that day," wrote Kaleem Omar, a commentator for Pakistan's The News, a<BR>daily.<BR>The grieving father of suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta, interviewed by<BR>Egyptian news agency MENA, wondered why U.S. media outlets had chosen<BR>to ignore reports that U.S. authorities "seized a number of Jews while they<BR>were dancing in celebration over the incidents."<BR>The answer to that question was obvious to Ismail Abu-Shanab, a member of<BR>the militant Palestinian group Hamas. U.S. news organizations "are largely<BR>controlled by the Zionist lobby," he told reporters from a pro-Hamas Web site.<BR>Not all the accusations are reserved for Israel and its U.S. ally. The willingness<BR>of moderate Arab nations to aid a U.S.-led coalition against terrorism only<BR>proves "Arab rulers are stooges of Americans, who are always being used by<BR>the Jews, our real enemies," says Sheikh, the Pakistani political consultant.<BR>The Jewish conspiracy notion enjoys wide credibility in Pakistan, which risks a<BR>popular backlash if U.S. forces assault Afghanistan in an effort to capture or<BR>kill bin Laden.<P>Keep flying Old Glory nice and high and fight 'till your bottoms drop but for Pete's sake at least know your enemy. And whatever happened to innocent 'till proven guilty .. we're ready to kill that guy without any trace of proof. You could be next.

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Saw this coming ... we all give up ... you're right Zorro ... you got us man ... we did it.<BR>Now what are you gonna do about it? <BR>Just like your gov't ... nothing!!!<BR>Just send cash baby.

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Zorro, since you are so hating of the Jews - talk to Mr. Arafat...I'm sure he can use you...quite your bellyaching and DO something about your complaints. YOU LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT LIFE, DEATH, AND FREEDOM from your supposed stint in the military......GO BACK AND TRY AGAIN!!!

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A Nation that builds a car that will run for 36 years in a row (like my 65 sportwagon)is in my humble opinion not defeatable by anyone who can only do bad by misusing stuff that they did not design, invent, produce, or maintain. I have never heard of any car designed and produced by any of the nations that support and feed terrorism.They do not even have the energy to plant a tree....<BR>I am proud of the way Americans react to all that has happened, and I wish them good-luck <BR>Arthur, The Netherlands<BR> cool.gif" border="0

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hey Zorro,<P>seen Elvis lately???<BR>You must also know the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa, and who really killed Kennedy. <BR>You remind me of a radio broadcast in France that I heard some years back, when Khadaffi from his tent in the dessert said that Shakespeare was not english at all, but an Arab called Shah Spirou, and his tales where really Arab tales.<BR>I know that Americans liberated my country 56 years ago, but I do not think this experience has taught YOU anything worth writing down...

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Zorro,<P>we all feel your pain buddy, but you gotta put the blame where it belongs. the germans made the mistake of blaming the jews for the treaty of versailles, but your problems are a lot closer to home than that, aren't they? i immediately think of the closet homosexual from the movie "american beauty." surely you're not a cultured man so i won't elaborate, i'll just privately manage my pity and disgust for the tormented mind of an ageing closet homosexual who had a bad "relationship" with his father and spends way too much of his time dreaming of sweaty judaic adolescent's. <P>seriousely though, no hard feelings...just find another outlet for your repressed desires and for the sake of all of us; stop calling yourself an American...oh, and watch who you're callin' a yellow bellied coward. i take offense as i'm sure many on this forum do. step out from behind the dainty mask and we'll show you the fury...<P>if you're not with us, you're against us...and that's not a cool place to be.<p>[ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: SteveElectra ]

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Arthur from the Netherlands:.....Thank you.<BR> From a guy that may have to go and lay it on the line.<BR> Keep the american dream alive!!<BR>Good luck and God bless all<BR>Tom H. <BR> frown.gif" border="0

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Just a reminder to All...(This means you too, ZORRO, the unknown mouth of hatred)... We are in a war against terrorists. bin Ladin is just the main terrorist in focus. There are more out there and there will probably always be more. <P>We, the USA are not alone in this fight! Where-ever the search for terrorist takes us, may justice be served, in tenfold! <P>If you, Zorro, ever had a reasonable thing to say or offer, you lost us all when you started generalizing everyone in one lump sum of hatred, and started spewing venom on everyone. No one can hear you, you can say nothing that will reach our hearts, cause you immediately spat in our faces. <P>Like the school yard bully, you have a chip on your shoulder. You put up a big bad front, hurt everyone around you...even the ones who, without even knowing you, would give up their lives to save yours. <P>If you, Zorro, really cared about America, if you had real credible information to share with us, and you really wanted to be heard, you would have sanely shared the information with us. Since you did not chose to be sane and civil, I can not hear you! <P>By being so vile and offensive you are playing into every terrorists trap! The joke is on you. You already said once, you were tired of this forum...Go into your little make believe world, drink your prune juice and leave us alone!<P>I never did like BULLIES!! <P> mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0 <P>Thank you Arthur for your support and kind comments! smile.gif" border="0

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In July, 1969, while Apollo 11 circled the moon prior to their historic landing, I was in my Dad's backyard listening to my new short-wave radio. While flipping the dial around I was suprised to hear a "live" english broadcast of the successful first landing on the moon from Radio Bulgaria. They were describing a "successful landing" of an unmanned Soviet probe! <P>Actually the damn thing crashed, caught in the moon's gravitational pull.<P>There are people in the world who will not accept information contrary to their world view, regardless of source or evidence. Sometimes these people rant online for no apparant reason. Sometimes they build Zyklon showers. Sometimes they march around in uniforms and/or sheets. Sometimes they use their TV ministry to gather support for their prejudices, blaming victums for their "failings". rolleyes.gif" border="0<P>And sometimes they blindly crash airplanes into buildings to make their point. frown.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0<P>The age where intolerance of <I> <B> any </I> </B> kind can be tolerated (if that sentence makes sense) ended 9/11/01. <P><I> DO NOT DELETE ANY WORTHY RESPONSE TO HATE! SILENCE IS FERTILIZER FOR THEM. </I>

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