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Questions for the employees from the Reatta Craft Centre


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I understand On Thursday July 24th those of us going to Flint, will have an opportunity to meet with some of the employees from the Reatta Craft Centre.

Has anyone considered questions that need to be asked (perhaps those discussion board members who aren?t going have questions we could present ? and post)

Any thoughts ??

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Guest Geoff Meador

This might be an appropriate thread to mention the following information:

I did my senior ecology term paper on the General Motors EV1 electric vehicle. I learned that it was assembled in the "specialty vehicle plant" that had been converted from the Reatta Craft Center soon after 1991.

At the time it didn't mean much, but after acquiring the Reatta I fired off a few e-mails to some of the men I had spoken with while writing the paper. Most of the e-mails bounced back as bad addresses, but one man responded who had worked at the plant through both the Reatta and the EV1.

Perhaps, with all the time that has passed, EV1 staff would be easier to track down than Reatta staff and it might yield several individuals common to both cars. Hope someone can use that bit of information.

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I am in transit to Flint and have made a rough list of questions. Not knowing who will attend, some of the more technical ones may not get answers. However, we may get some good names of engineers that can help and ask them the questions via email.

If you have any general questions, post them on line and I will add them to my list if I can get an email connection at the Wingate.

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In the front of my 90's Manual these are the names of the people that signed the

Reatta Craftsman Log

Sherman Avery - Paint Finish

Doug Hand (maybe Handy) -Body Panel Fit

Tom McFarlane (hard to read) -instrument panel/steering column/ Electrical Systems.

Gary W. Hartman - Interior Trim

M. L. Pickle or Picket - Drive train/ Brake systems

Don Montague - Approval to ship

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Hey Guys, if you want next week I can look up any names of folks that worked on the Reatta that might be still within GM and get you their email or phone numbers and we can send them an invite for your get-together. Send me some names email:buickracer@comcast.net also maybe we can get something together that can be put on the GM intranet about your meeting that all the GM world can see, maybe this is already in the works, Barney let me know, if you want to do this, I can help!

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Great idea, Roberta!

For those of us who did not plan on arriving until later the day of the meeting, has anyone planned to video tape the event?

I have begun trying to psyche Carol and myself into leaving earlier, and driving well into the previous night to land in time for the meeting.


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