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Dash vaneer 1929 Buick


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I would have posted in Buick but figured adding a vaneer is something applicable to many different applications.


The dash on my Buick was missing a gauge, the surround was complete but warped.  As I am changing the carburetor the heat controls are not necessary and we're broken as well.  There were also punches in holes that needed repairing.  I made the decision to keep the radio and while it was a little undersized could fit where the missing gauge was.   All of this led to the conclusion I would try adding a vaneer as it was the most economical!


Making a pattern I was able to trim the vaneer ($35 on ebay) as well as cut a plate to clamp (leftover wood). 


Everything was sanded to bare metal and the trim sprayed black (epoxy $10), glued (leftover epoxy) and clamped.  Once dry the clamps were removed, holes cut, and a dry fit done.


Last night got the first coat and another dry fit.  I'll wait a couple days and give a final coat.

IMG_2023-08-11-09-08-44-844.jpg.d229947eb8cb9998aebd6d36fd408ee2.jpgEverything is glued so for the purists it could be blasted off an returned to original.

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2 hours ago, mrspeedyt said:

if I didn't know better (from the first picture) I would think it would be stock.

Thank you, I'm doing my best to get the car back on the road without spending a fortune.


34 minutes ago, Leif in Calif said:

Excellent work! Where did you get the veneer? 

I got it off eBay, I just typed in "1929 Buick dash vaneer" and it pulled the vaneer right to the search along with 10 million other results lol.  I forget what wood it is but figured if Buick ran walnut and ebony another wood wouldn't hurt.

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