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leaky tikki 39 Buick Saginaw steering box

buick looks fine for 39

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After restoring the Saginaw steering box in my 39 Buick, I'm the proud owner of a nice puddle directly under my steering box. The grease appears to come from the packing located between the steering lash adjuster and the steering box end plate. During restoration I removed the felt packing and reused it after cleaning it up. In addition I used  a total of 2 felt packings plus an o ring to make a tighter packing seal. Also I used new gaskets throughout the steering box. Long story short my idea for a good seal failed. I used an excellent Penrite gear box grease. In the past I've tried STP but it dosen't flow well and I ended up galling the bronze bushing in the steering box sector plate. I could use a thicker piece of felt or leather for packing but I thought I'd get folk's opinion before I made another attempt. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has experienced this problem.






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Have you "over filled" it? I am not familiar with this box but any gears moving around will act as a pump - especially with the Penrite semi fluid box lube. If there is no air in there to allow for a pressure build up as parts move around then it will have to find a way out.

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Thank you for your reply Fordy, The steering box was filled and the filling plug kept loose. The car has been sitting since the box was filled and not driven. The only place that appeared to be leaking was at the steering box end plate.




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I have fought this same problem with my "38 Buick Special. The only thing I have accompllished is to slow it to an acceptable level by several sealing trys and just thick oil.


In actuality, it probably spent most of its life without oil anyway


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I put Penrite in my 29 Cadillac, some seepage but I can live with it. 


On my 1960 Ford I used “Corn Head” grease. Strange stuff, it’s thick grease until it is squished then it becomes an “oil” like viscosity.  Returning to grease when it’s not squeezed. 

The 60 Ford steers easily and there are no leaks. Of course a steering gear that new typically doesn’t leak.  

Since old prewar steering gears are notoriously difficult to seal, perhaps switching lube would help slow down the leak? 

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Thanks guys for your imput. I believe it's a common problem for all Saginaw steering boxes of this design. Probably the steering boxes stopped leaking when; A they became empty , B when they accumulated so much road gritt they sealed themselves or C the owner put in  road tar. I don't like either way and I'll do my best to fix or minimize the problem. The Corn Head grease does  sound interesting. Whatever I find out I'll make sure to post it.




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If it makes you feel any better, the box in my 1939 LaSalle drips once every few weeks. I use the Penrite Semi-Fluid Steering Box lube also.

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  • 5 months later...

I took a while but I solved the problem with my steering box by adding an Ace Hardware neoprene washer in addition to a thicker O ring. The original felt seals had lost their compressibility and no longer provided a satisfactory seal.




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