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2003 Bugle Bid information

Guest imported_BCAOffice

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Guest imported_BCAOffice

The following numbers were presented to the BCA Board of Directors for review concerning bids received for the Bugle magazine with the glossy pages as currently used:

Bid Company......RegularBugle...Nat.Issue...Roster....ProductionTime

Baker Press.........$19,525.00..$22,652.00..$32,994.00..15 working days

Bayport Press.......$21,479.00..$27,123.00..$36,577.00..did not quote

Doug Bartholomew..$22,097.00..$27,092.00..$33,464.00..10 working days

Car Graphics........$22,483.00..$27,245.00..$36,265.00..3-5 weeks

WordMaster.........$19,124.00..$20,848.00..$32,515.00..40 days

Submitted by:

Mike & Nancy Book

BCA Office Managers

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Guest imported_BCAOffice

We seem to be getting a lot of viewing, but only Skyking has commented. We would be happy to answer any questions that anyone has.

Mike & Nancy

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I think the choice was a good one! Baker has improved in the last year, which was a learning year for them, and is giving us a magazine we can be proud of. The quality is excellent, and the lead time is great. It is nice to see what is happening in our Buick world without having to wait 3 months <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />.

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Hi all,

I have always wondered about this. Is it possible to have the featured car in in color inside the magazine as well? They always look so good in color on the cover but then the article is in black and white and in my opinion it takes away from the car. I know nothing about publishing and I know that color adds to the cost but how much more I guess would be the question. Other than that I think the printer is doing a fine job. Always on time and always looking good.


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There is tremendous value in staying with an organization that produces our publication. For the most part I have never been disappointed with the quality and service we have received over the years. If Baker sees us as a repeat customer we add value to them which will encourage them to stay competitive. The win-win. I am a printer (not this type) so I understand a lot of the ins and outs, if you shop on price alone you may see a surprise or two. My vote is for Baker, and no I don't have any ties to them. Basically, if it isn't broke why fix it.

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Guest imported_BCAOffice

Thanks to Skyking, Joe, Crin, and Bruce for the comments! We are looking into the possibility of adding some color to some of the articles, but the inside front cover will always be reserved for Buick Motor Division and any ad they care to run! The BCA's relationship with Buick Motor Division is better than it's ever been, as you will see when you go to the Centennial in Flint this summer. There were many considerations prior to the Board of Directors voting to award the contract to Baker Press, but one of the major concerns was the production time needed. Flexibility in that production time from the printer was/is a critical element. Those members who attended the Tucson Board meeting can attest to the time and energy the Board members spent discussing all the bid particulars. PLease keep the comments/questions coming!

Mike & Nancy

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Hello Mike, I'm not a member of the Buick club, but than I enjoy your forum guys. I'd like to know how many members/magazines go out each month. I've always wondered what quality printing costs. Wayne Burgess, Editor---Northern Neck'N Antique Auto News

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Guest John Chapman

I think Baker is the logical choice. They've produced a very nice magazine and appear to have been very responsive to input from members. There is much to be said for developing a long-term relationship with a quality vendor that goes beyond the absolute bottom line cost.

Ya'll keep up the good work!



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I think that the current Bugles are the best that I've seen in my 28 years of BCA membership. The color photo presentation of the cars at last year's National Meet in Kokomo was excellent. Given the pricing and schedule proposals that you have received, I agree that sticking with the Baker Press makes sense.

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R W, over 9,500 members that's how many go out all over the world! We have extras printed for new members and others that may want extra copies, especially if their car was featured. Unfortunately, it seems with alot of car clubs the articles are hard to come by. We need members to send articles about their cars, and/or other stories about Buick stuff, like why they like Buicks, tech articles on things they had to learn how to do the hard way, or like Norbert's story about working for Buick,etc. Everyone loves to hear about the history of Buicks! If you don't feel comfortable writing a story, have a friend help you or call Robert Snowden the editor for some hints or help, he is more than willing. If you need help with photos, look for a friend that can help you find a cool place to take some pictures of your car or cars. Light colored cars look better out of the sun, dark colored cars look better in the sun, look for some background that won't distract the pictures. Email the article and pictures to the Bugle, the email address is BuickBugle@thebakerpress.com Also remember the Bugle articles are as any other newsletter are only as good as the articles received from the members! If we don't get any articles, there's nothing to print! Remember this is our club, you should not feel that you can't promote yourself to seeing your BUICK, in YOUR club newsletter, in fact it should be a thrill of a lifetime to see your story and Buick in PRINT!

Just some thoughts, glad everyone is commenting, it's important information for sustaining interest in the BCA!

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Mike and Nancy --

Thanks for publishing this information! It certainly clears up a lot of things I've heard about on this subject!

As was unanimously mentioned in the last mention of the type of paper in the magzine, we've moved forward quite a bit from the previous publication with our current magazine provider. As always, to regress to the uncoated paper was viewed as a step backward (even though it's less expensive). Any additional expenses for coated paper should be viewed as an investment in our future growth and prosperity, therefore, thanks for putting in the relevant information on the coated paper.

We ALL know how beneficial it is to find and maintain a working relationship with a vendor or supplier (provided it is not too costly compared to others). I look at the renewal with Baker in that orientation. From the figures listed, it appears we are getting a pretty dang good bargain and total package situation with them too.

Thanks again, Mike and Nancy!



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