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Scam....please be aware....1930 Chrysler Imperial...Been discussed before


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This car has made the rounds.   Been advertised for several different prices on different sites.

Here is the latest listing:


On another entry...the original seller weighs in about NOT knowing what is going on.

Prices have ranged from 35K to 22K and now 26.5K.

Neat car...too bad...but then...the best lure catches the best fish eh ?

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I saw another ad for this same car on that same website just a few days ago for about ten thousand less! That ad had more pictures and some description, showing the car apart.

I would like to think the website could watch this sort of thing at least a little bit? Someone should be able to verify if ads are legitimate or not?

There is a dealer in Cadillac Michigan advertising a lot of cars. I would think this one car makes all his ads suspect? Even if this one isn't his? Especially since little is said about his business in his ads? I would think it in his best interest to check this car out?

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The very best way to find out if it is a scam or not is to ........contact the seller and  find out where the vehicle is located, and say that you are in that same town... and when could you come over and look at it... with cash in hand.... Then watch the response... and see if he truly is the seller with car in his possession..?? 

... or is there a bunch of excuses why , he cant show it to you in person.....

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