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2 stage refers to a base color and clear coat. MY PERSONAL feeling is old cars with metallic paint do not look right in base clear. I like urethane. All paint gets hardeners put in it now. The mixing ratio will be on the can of paint. Unless you are painting it yourself this really doesn't matter, just get your wallet filled up ahead of time. 

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As Doug said you don’t need to use a clear over base (COB) system. A solid colour 2k automotive paint will work for you just fine. Using a2:1 ratio of paint to hardener is usual, and then 10-20% reducer (thinners). 

Using a 2pak undercoat is also best as your single pak undercoat can fry up if sand though’s and to much top coat is applied to quickly. 
We can give you as much help as you need if your attacking it yourself but if your getting a painter to do it just let him go at it. 

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1 hour ago, trini said:

Thank you mates. I intend to paint it myself. I am not a painter but I bought a good Italian made paint gun . I have the garage walls to practice on. This is my retirement project.



Good on you for giving it a go, that’s part of the enjoyment of restoration. We are all here to give a hand so if you need it just ask. 

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