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Buick Club Roster

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

Jeff,<P>I do really appreciate recieving the new roster, however, I do not like the fact that is was substituted for the May issue of the Bugle.<P>Especially without asking the membership what WE wanted.<P>Missing the May issue is not only unfair to all the paid advertisers, but the for sale and wanted ads must now wait another month, as well as the events calendar<P>It's bad enough they have a two month lead time already, but this makes it longer.<P>Why did you not insist that Baker Press print the Roster and the May Bugle, with no added cost?<P>I thought that is what was in the new <BR>contract. I also thought that when we replaced the former printer, the services and prices were to be the same, or better.<P>What did you decide to do about the Judging Handbooks?<P>Thank you in advance for your response.<P>Scott Mich <BR>Assistant Director<BR>Chicagoland Chapter

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Guest 70 Electra

With all due respect to Scott, I am glad to hear that a roster will be issued--and at no extra charge. As a new member, I was very concerned and disappointed when it looked like there might not be a roster.<P>I think the idea of substituting the roster for an issue of the Bugle is a good compromise to ensure that the roster is sent out at no extra charge. I suppose the alternative would be either to charge for the roster, or to raise prices (dues). Neither of these ideas would be likely to meet with much approval!<P>As far as asking the membership, there wasn't a "formal" survey---but there was MUCH discussion about it on this website, and Jeff solicited input on several occasions. I believe it was also mentioned in the editorial comments of the Bugle and in the meeting minutes from the club meetings that the leaders attend.<P><P>------------------<BR>Greg Cockerill<BR>BCA #36864<BR>1970 Electra convertible

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Greg is correct. When I took office I asked the membership for suggestions and received many e mails, letters and calls. There was overwhelming support for the issuance of an up to date Roster-even if it meant substituting a Bugle. This is what was done in previous years and this (the issuance of a Bugle, Roster and Judges Handbook)is what got the Club in financial trouble in 1999.<P>Rick Schick is updating the Judges Handbook with the proposals he made in Tucson at the Winter BOD. These will be an insert to the Handbook used in Buffalo at the National and will be free to members who wish to help judge.<P>------------------<BR>Jeffrey R. Brashares<BR>President<BR>Buick Club of America

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Guest John Chapman

Jeff,<P>Just out of curiosity, what would it take to get the BCA out of financial purgatory?<P>If this amount were prorated over the active membership, what would the amount be per member?<P>Cheers,<BR>John

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John,<BR>If you go to <a href=http://www.buickclub.org/BCA%20Board%20minutes021701.htm>the February BOD Minutes</a> <BR>and read the report you will see that as of 1/31/01 the club is $ 4795 in the hole.<BR>You can also find out other good information by reading the BOD minutes that are posted at <a href=http://www.buickclub.org/BODminutes>www.Buickclub.org/BODminutes</a>.<BR>Bill<P><p>[This message has been edited by Bill Stoneberg (edited 04-13-2001).]

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Guest my3buicks

I say raise the dues a bit and lets get out of this mess and put our club back on track. Really, when it comes to our club what's a couple extra bucks. <P>------------------<BR>Keith Bleakney BCA# 11475<P>1967 Technical Advisor<P>1 - 1967 (3517)

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Guest John Chapman

Bill,<P>Thanks... I should have thought of that myself. <P>Jeff,<P>As a note, I went and looked at the BCA homepage, and there is no link to the BOD minutes and I couldn't find one on any of the other logical pages.<P>After reviewing the minutes of the BOD and teleconferences, I'm not clear if the $4795 deficit is from the purchase/distribution of past rosters, etc, or if it is an accumulation of ongoing operational losses. From the minutes of the October meeting, it is implied that it is an ongoing operational loss accumulation. I'll have to go dig out my copy of the Bugle with the financial info in it.<P>It's pretty clear to me that nobody is getting rich from being on the BCA board and that a lot of effort is being put forth in the highest interest of the club's financial condition and the best service to members.<P>I can't speak for other members, but I'd be willing to ante up a bit of my Buick hobby money to resolve an outstanding shortfall and get the club headed back to true financial health.<P>If it's from an ongoing operational loss related to membership services/publication and operational expenses, we as a club need to come to the table with more dues for the long run, including those of us with multi-year memeberships.<P>There has been considerable bruhaha about the Bugle -- cost, delivery time, etc. I'd like to say at this point that I'm quite pleased in general with the quality of the Bugle, given the relatively small audience it has as a periodical. I think it is a very professional effort put forth by dedicated hobbyists. My wife's business publishes a monthly newsletter (not nearly so complex as the Bugle) and I'm only too familiar with the gremlins that can wreak havoc with publication and mailing schedules...yep, right down to incorrect postage on one letter or the cat that walked on the galley proofs for the cover ruining them. Murphy was right... and he was an optimist. I encourage other members to keep in mind that the Bugle is not working with the resources of Time, Newsweek or National Geographic, etc. that arrive like clockwork -- but have a huge staff, multiple print sites and distribution networks dedicated to that end.<P>Ya'll keep the banner high.<P>Cheers,<BR>John<P>------------------<BR>John Chapman<BR>BCA 35894<BR>1965 Skylark Convertible (Some Assembly Required)<BR> jmchapman@aol.com <BR><p>[This message has been edited by John Chapman (edited 04-13-2001).]

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Jeff - Thanks for the information about the roster. I very much appreciate how you work to keep us informed, and your passion for the BCA.<BR>On this issue, however, I have to agree that the Roster should not be substituted for the Bugle. The biggest objection I have for the substitution is the disruption it causes in advertising. For example, our Iowa Hawkeye Chapter is hosting the Heartland Region meet this August. We do not have an unlimited advertising budget, so we planned carefully where we would place our advertising for the show. The May Bugle was a big part of our strategy - only now do I learn that there will be no May Bugle. It means less time for poeple to learn of our meet, and less time to get registrations in. <BR>Our meet notwithstanding, I simply don't agree with the principle of substituting the roster for the Bugle. <BR>Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion.<BR>Alan Oldfield<BR>#15140

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It is disheartening to find out that publicity for our 9th Annual Minuteman Buick-Pontiac show, sponsored by Tulley Buick-Pontiac of Nashua, NH (Sunday, June 10)will not appear and be seen by BCA members in the Bugle "Coming Events" section until the June Bugle even though we had submitted by March 10th for the May Bugle Events section. This is totally unacceptable and should have been considered. <P>Using the May Bugle as the Roster mailing is inconsiderate of the start of the show season, which chapters rely on the Bugle to spread the word.<P>If the June Bugle is late like the April Bugle, for whatever reason, this announcement is now worthless for members of sister chapters. We will have to resort to show announcements/flyers in sister chapter newsletters and other publicity venues.<P>We have been a member of the BCA since 1982. The roster has traditionally been published every two years and in years past was mailed in place of the December Bugle, which we never had a problem with since that is what the BCA could afford. <P>The most current Roster is for 1999 and was received in addition to a December 1999 Bugle. We would not have expected a "new" roster for 2001 until December 2001 when it could have replaced the December 2001 Bugle without jeopardizing any chapter/regional/national show publicity as it currently is doing in May.<P>Hopefully, a "Coming Events" insert can be placed in the May Roster mailing to help chapters, regions, and the National with this oversight.<BR>

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Jeff:<P>I received my April, 2001 Bugle on Wednesday. I read the comments that the new Roster would replace one regular issue of The Bugle and have no real problem with that. Yet the commentary from our Minuteman Chapter associates is a valid consideration, nonetheless.<P>I do remember the previous comments in this forum when you first solicited input from the membership on how to best do the Roster. This was several months ago. If the individual chapter administrators are still receiving the quarterly BOD minutes, then everyone should have been aware of what was going on after that particular meeting where the roster issue was voted on.<P>As I recall, the printing of the Roster this time might be a transition into another method of distributing that information in the future. Something of a blending of high tech capabilities with those who still desire a hard copy. Obviously, modern technology provides us with more cost effective alternatives than a bound volume of information (plus mailing costs) and I look forward to those alternatives being further investigated and implemented.<P>I appreciate your time, energies, and expertise in working on BCA issues. I believe it is great that you use this forum to communicate with the membership.<P>Willis Bell #20811<BR>NTX5467@cs.com<P><BR>

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In 25 years of association management, working under contract to a number of associations, I have always, ALWAYS, gotten advertisers to foot the bill for a membership directory. I would sell the advertisers on the fact that the directory was something special, a annual or bi-annual reference source that members would consult again and again. I found that there were a number of firms that wouldn't advertise regularly in a magazine but would take a one time ad in a directory. In one case I got one sponsor, a biggy like Buick, to foot the bill for the entire directory. The problem I had there were others who wanted in but couldn't because of the exclusive arrangement with that sponsor.<P>I used to enjoy selling directory ads, much easier than monthly ads in magazines.<P>My experience is not unique, other professional association managers and management companies have the same success. The directory should be in addition to the magazine, not replacing it. With BCA setting up to change management in the near future, perhaps this can come to pass. It certainly should be a major subject of discussion with any individual or firm being considered for mangement services by BCA.<P>And just to head off the inevitable question, no, my company has not bid on the BCA management contract. If I did then my hobby would become my business and that has happened to many times in the past. Takes all the fun out of the hobby.<P>Our exper

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Let me try to answer all the weekend questions at once.<P>As to the financial situation of the Club:<BR>In 1997, the BCA should have taken a dues increase. They did not as the Board was concerned about the ramifications (loss of members due to higher rates).<P>When the accounting firm of Plante-Moran looked at our financial situation, the recommendation was a $15.00 per year increase. We took a $6.00 increase and even with that small amount, I got many negative letters regarding the cost of membership.<P>As to selling advertising to pay for the Roster, this was and is a great idea. Unfortunately when it was broached numerous times at the BOD meetings, no one volunteered for the task. In fact, advertising could pay for the Bugle. While we do have more advertising than we had before, it is a somewhat limited market. Most of the efforts continue to fall on the shoulders of the various Board members. More volunteers are always needed and welcomed!<P>As to printing the Bugle, the Handbook and the Roster in the same year, this Club does not have the financial resources to make that happen. The Roster is being issued PRIOR to the National to aid in that effort. It is a tremendous resource for anyone going to or hosting a National and I spent much time updating incomplete registrations by using the Roster as a resource guide during the 99 National in Columbus.<P>In previous Roster years, the Roster substituted for a Bugle. Only in 1999 did the Club do both (before my time) and that year was a financial diaster on the balance sheet.<P>The finger may be pointed at me for the elimination of the May Bugle as it was my recommendation to help cut cost. As I have stated before in the Bugle, there are two ways to improve our financial situation: increase income and reduce cost. I am open to any suggestion to make improvements on both and to move the Club forward in a positive direction.<P>Thnaks for your understanding.<P>------------------<BR>Jeffrey R. Brashares<BR>President<BR>Buick Club of America

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I think we should applaud the efforts of our board! This club has had growing pains for some time. The membership numbers have not kept up with the growth in our expenses. This board is trying desparately to get a handle on things,and it very refreshing to see the person in charge step up and tell the membership that they have numerous choices, none of which they will like. We as members should look at the situation ,and try to understand that unpaid ,overworked people are trying to help this club, and we should help them by letting them do what must be done without griping about raising our dues. I am sure that everyone of us has wasted more money in an evening than it would take in an increase to make our organization solvent!!!

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Jeff,<BR>My comments were not meant to be critical of the board or any member, just the observation that most associations get their directories paid for by advertising. Your observation tht no one volunteered to sell directory ads shows one of the faults in BCA you are trying to address related to paid staff. I aplaud your effort.<P>"I am open to any suggestion to make improvements on both and to move the Club forward in a positive direction."<P>1. Hire professional association management. Avoid someone who has grown up in the group or is now retired and thinks it will be fun. Hire an individual or firm with significant experience in providing management services to small/medium size assoications. Have a clear contract that describes duties, responsibilites, goals and means to judge performance.<BR>2. Set Dues to keep the club solvent. There will always be those that complain if yoy raise dues a nickel, but few of them actually leave the group no matter what the dues go to. Most people are reasonable and can read a balance sheet, if the case is clear the dues need to be raised to stay healthy the vast majority of the members will understand and go along. Develop a budget, based on past history not optimistic hopes for the future, that allows for solvent operation AND starts building some cash reserves. Charge dues necessary to carry that budget. Don't worry about the complainers, they are a small but vocal minority. If the Club is delivering quality products/services the majority will stay with the group and be happy.<P>3. Enhance Revenue Streams I am shocked by the areas BCA does not generate income where it should. No significant income from the annual convention where that should be a major money maker for the national organization. Unsuccessful in making money off of BCA products. Little or no return from items produced and marketed by chapters with the BCA logo. Little or no income from insurance related business. The list goes on. This again is an area that professional management should fix or at least bring to the board's attention how to fix it if the board desires.<P>You asked for suggestions. There are three to get the discussion going.<P>Regards,<P>John Frank<BR>

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Ok! Here is your chance to help make a decision. We cannot insert a separate page for Coming Events because this is going to be mailed like a catalogue.<P>However, we can take a page or two in the Roster and publish these events.<P>It's your Roster. You decide. Tomorrow noon we'll decide by the comments posted today and tonite.<BR><P>------------------<BR>Jeffrey R. Brashares<BR>President<BR>Buick Club of America

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

Jeff,<P>The Chicagoland Chapter has a June 23rd event at Woodie Buick in Bensenville, IL that we would like to promote in the May issue. Rick Schick is the chairperson for this event.<P>We would loose the advertising if the Roster is sent rather then the May issue of the Bugle.<P>I would like to invite anybody else that regularly advertises in The Bugle, especialy a business, to encourage Jeff to run "The Ads" in the Roster as well.<P>What happened to the discussion of either supporting the Roster with advertising, or making it available online to our members only, thus reducing the cost. If the club is that short on cash, with the proper plan and explanation, I do not see how if an individual really wanted a Roster, a simple $5 charge would not be out of the question.<P>Thanks for all of your efforts, Jeff.<P>Scott Mich<BR>Assistant Director<BR>Chicagoland Chapter<BR>

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Jeff,<BR>I think you need to tak the page or two for coming events and publish them in the roster.<P>Any Buick club that is having a show needs the advertising to help promote their event.<P>I too wonder what happened to the ideas of having the roster online annd available.<P>Thanks for listening and joining the Forum.<P>Bill Stoneberg<BR>Director <BR>Lone Star Chapter

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I agree with Joe! Put a couple pages in the Roster with the coming events & put it right inside the front cover. It won't make everyone happy, but then I don't think you can EVER make everyone happy! Nice job, Jeff, in giving some quick response options. Kudos to all the board members for their time, energies, and commitment to the BCA!<P>Mike Book BCA # 9202<BR>Reatta Club # 407<BR>BDE # 109

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I find Mr. Franks' suggestions interesting and somewhat "normal" from a person in his profession. <P>On the issue of dues increases, they will obviously be needed at certain times in the life of any club/organization and must be administered just ahead of when they are needed to prevent any problems--not after the fact when the organization is trying to dig itself out of a deteriorated situation.<P>On the issue of "whiners", if you happened to be at the post office on the day before the postal rates went up last time, even for one mere penny, there were typically lines out the front door of people who wanted to mail something at the old rate. The observed demographics of these people were what I'd classify as being right smack dab in the middle of "typical Buick owner" age group. The "older" demographics GM is trying to distance itself from in some respects.<P>Yes, The Roster is a very special and "keeper" document to BCA members, but it is also sees a very limited market as such. The size of the market might affect the rates which advertisers could be charged. As it is stated "for club uses only", it will or should not be passed around as the regular monthly magazine might be.<P>As for "revenue streams", the National Meet is the responsibility of the host chapter in all respects, up to and including financial loss/gain. Other than in an advisory capacity, the BCA itself is not involved other than advice and a limited amount of seed money.<P>In the past, the BCA tried to market all of the chapter projects in a unified situation. For various reasons, this did not work. Even as neat as some of the club projects are, they are not big sellers.<P>For example, our North Texas Chapter had some computer mouse pads produced as a chapter project. You would think that something of that nature would sell well, but they did not, even at the national meet that year. One of our members said an older BCA member came up and asked what they were. He was told they were "mouse pads" for his computer. He replied that he did not like mice and would not furnish them a place to sleep in his house. Then he walked off.<P>As for insurance, I know the NSRA has vehicle insurance their members can buy for their cars. This is neat as it has some additional coverages, but not that even the main stream companies are now involved in the antique vehicle market. Obviously, in this instance and other similar ones, the NSRA is only brokering the policies for someone else.<P>In conclusion, the BCA situation, with regard to other groups Mr. Franks has been associated with, is somewhat different in demographics and orientation. I haven't seen people go out and buy something just because it had a BCA logo on it or put money into the BCA treasury--even the reasonably priced items. I believe the BCA MasterCard is a great way for members to help the BCA, but I also suspect it has received limited acceptance by the membership as a whole. I know that I have one.<P>He does have some good ideas that might be investigated by the BOD as possibilities of future income.<P><BR>Thanks,<BR>Willis Bell<BR>NTX5467

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