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Would like to ID this car- photo is c1922 Dallas TX


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34 minutes ago, nlbt said:

thank you both. is the attached the same car?

1920c TC Jessie family car.jpg

Nope. That one is a Model T Ford. It is what they call a "center door" T. Here are some examples....https://www.google.com/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=Center+door+T+photo&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii-Mat4vjsAhWGv54KHYH1A1kQjJkEegQIChAB&biw=1428&bih=779

Edited by keiser31 (see edit history)
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The second picture does appear to be a model T center-door sedan, but it has a couple unusual features. first, those are not Ford fenders. They are an early after-market offering supposedly to update the old Ford into a newer style car. Unfortunately, the edges of the fenders, and door, are blocking details to be more certain of the year of the car. The wheels are also after-market demountable rim wheels. This suggests that the car most likely would be 1918 or earlier. 1919 center-door sedans had demountable rim wheels as standard equipment (except for the earliest ones built in late 1918 because the new wheels weren't ready yet). Those fenders were mostly used on the late brass era Ts because of their outdated flat front fenders. I cannot see enough details to tell for sure if it could be the early 1915 center-door sedan? Or maybe the more rare 1916 variation? Or maybe the much more common  1917 or '18 models.

Interesting car regardless!

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