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Two basket case Briscoe touring cars,1918 &1920

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These are out of a Colorado estate,according to the fellow selling the stuff,one engine and one transaxle rebuilt. One radiator and shell,looks recored,three hoods,one good,looks like all body sections and a pile of wood patterns. No top irons.Some electrics. Some lower rustout. Boxes and cans of nuts,bolts and parts. $4500 all. Delivery is possible particularly towards Houston in the next week or two.









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  • 2 months later...

I totally missed these two posts by George. But the truth is,I'm going to sell the old bldg these parts are in either this year or next and I just can't contribute to the pile now. A lot of this has to go. If I still own these when the bldg sells,it's likely I will donate them to that museum in Michigan that Frank Gannon is connected with. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

if you can not sell them you can donate to me 😀 i would try to get them running . i would try to get them running 

i can not get into the usa at this time as it is closed to us up here .i would look into a shipping container 

i have tried to sell my car before and no one is willing to pay for it .

i do like driving my briscoe

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Right now I'm running water,power,gas and alarm to my shop bldg at home plus putting in a second septic tank for it,no time to scatter Briscoe parts out for more pictures. When that is all done and the floor poured,I plan to sell my storage,shop bldg across town and will need the writeoff to donate the Briscoe stuff and a lot more junk to a museum. Maybe you can buy it all from them if you haven't bought it from me first.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 1 year later...

I am in need of the 1916 chassis and drive chain to complete my 1916 brisco with a almost perfect body  (actually I need from the flywheel back if possible as your other stuff doesn't seem to match your 1916 chassis thank you for any consideration  vin cassidy cell 978-758-0834  

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On 1/27/2021 at 1:04 PM, sagefinds said:

I do still have all the parts but I would be shooting myself in the knee and the foot if I sold a motor separately.

Steve, FYI just quoting you so you'll see the recent post before mine from Vin as he seems interested in some parts you have.

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