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Geneva Motorshow 2020


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"Pro-active"? I'd call it over-reactive. "Abundance of caution" is just another way of saying "no common sense". This is lawyers run amok. The six deaths in the US is equivalent to the number of people who died in auto accidents in the last 90 minutes. Have we closed all the highways and banned driving? And even that pales in comparison to the number of deaths from obesity-related diseases. If the goal is to save the maximum number of lives, maybe we should re-think priorities.

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Maybe I used the wrong word, But I wont get on an airplane any time soon.

This virus killed four people in an old folks home near me this last weekend.

It takes old people very quickly and I am one of those.

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My wife is a Health Care System Professional ; 30 years as a Nurse then last 5 years as a program Coordinator { Head Nurse in the old days } who unfortunately has an underlying moderate immune system deficiency. 

She is taking the situation very seriously as is her employer.

A good friend has a strong microbiology / biochem background, although he works as a Marine Biologist . He is advising to take the situation very seriously.

There is more to this than butt covering by legal advisors.

Greg in Canada

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1 hour ago, 1912Staver said:

My wife is a Health Care System Professional ; 30 years as a Nurse then last 5 years as a program Coordinator { Head Nurse in the old days } who unfortunately has an underlying moderate immune system deficiency. 

She is taking the situation very seriously as is her employer.

A good friend has a strong microbiology / biochem background, although he works as a Marine Biologist . He is advising to take the situation very seriously.

There is more to this than butt covering by legal advisors.

Greg in Canada


Obviously people with underlying medical conditions need to take extra care in anything they do. People with peanut allergies should avoid peanuts. People with lung problems shouldn't smoke. Only you can decide what are acceptable risks for yourself and what are not. Given that you are thousands of times more likely to die in a car than from Coronavirus, have you stopped driving?

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Joe, I am definitely not suggesting people react irrationally to this situation. A clear , well thought out appraisal of each one of our situations will suggest the prudent action to take. 

The underlying gist of the situation is that the virus has a 1% - 3% fatality rate, that it can have a  comparatively long period of asymptomatic infection. { making it a very likely condition to have high transmission rates }

And that it is quite likely that no one has a natural resistance or immunity to the virus. 

Your analogy about driving does not hold water. If driving was 1% - 3% fatal I doubt any of us would drive.


Greg in Canada

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6 hours ago, 1912Staver said:

She is taking the situation very seriously as is her employer.

He is advising to take the situation very seriously.

There is more to this than butt covering by legal advisors.

Greg in Canada


How does one "take this situation very seriously" other than the usual flu/infectious disease precautions?  What specifically should one do, or should one just "Scream and shout and dash about"?   From some of the popular media commentary I've heard in the last week, their bottom line is that none of us will survive this virus.  Of course one must remember that the media gain attention (circulation and $$) by sensationalizing a situation.  Some media outlets are saying that if the virus doesn't get you on the initial infection, due to the opinion that it will not furnish the host organism any degree of earned immunity, the virus will continue to re-infect until all host organisms are dead.  If one believes that, it's time to bend over and kiss one's backside goodbye. 


I personally do not subscribe to the "panic" pushing but intend to go about my usual business while exercising some common sense precautions.


Thus far, the most upsetting thing I've learned about this COVID-19 deal is that some 80% of all the pharmaceuticals used in the U.S. are manufactured in China.  Now THAT makes me nervous.




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The immediate effort should be ensuring the ability to comfortably survive a 2 to 3 week "self isolation" should it become necessary.

The medication situation has the potential for real trouble.  I don't think anyone has a solution to that in the short term.

I personally think the actual death rate is unlikely to exceed the current 1% - 3% estimate and may indeed get closer to Influenza's  .1 % death rate. 

However it is still a definite possibility that it will be a number of times more fatal than influenza. Unless the virus mutates to a far more fatal form 95% or more of the worlds population will survive.

The medium term disruption of normal supply chain activity is a real wild card.  Stuff ; including much of the food we eat , is often transported long distances. A very good chance serious problems will arise regarding long distance transport.


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