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Brake Line


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After the first summer of cruising (only put 200 miles on) it's time to inspect and tighten all those gasket bolts and gear clamps over winter. Trouble is it's so dang cold up here, (today -15 fahrenheit with a windchill of -26) I feel the garage should be much warmer to snug things up. Things are pretty cold on the floor level. I'm going to wait somewhat more until the weather warms up but I did discover one thing......it appears my left front brake hose has been rubbing against the hub when ever I make a sharp left turn. I would have never thought THAT would have happened. The other side is fine yet looks kinda like in the same orientation. Guess I'll have to order and install a new one again. Try to change the bend? Better safe than sorry.  Oh, at night our temps are going to -25 f with a wind that makes it feel like -40 f.....I always remembered from school....-40 is -40 no matter where you live! 



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I think you should change it again.


Once attached to the cylinder, you should be able to choose which "notch" to put the hose in at the frame/body/bracket end, to introduce a little twist to keep the hose out of harm's way.

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If you would like to change the length of what you put in there -- I can help you with that --- "someone" might have given you ones that are too long --

and are "forced" to make too steep a bend -- and, hence, tore...

I can tell you what is stock length by the book , and you can see what

you were given, and we can adjust from there...


Always best to simply call me --- Craig  516 - 485 - 1935... New York.

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Right. It. It could be too long. You could dig up some specs and take the ones you have to a place that makes these types of lines. We used to do the same thing with old a/c lines that busted. Cheaper than buying a new one from a parts dealer

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17 hours ago, mobileparts said:

"someone" might have given you ones that are too long --

Thanks for the offer Craig and an idea....I never got around to throwing out my old parts last summer so I still have the original hoses. I thought maybe I mixed up the lines but I couldn't. There's one flex line at the back that's around 16" long. The 2 front ones are around 12" long. I took a piece of string and traced the new installed line to get a length. Front hoses seem correct. It must be the way I installed it. The other line is fine. The line didn't "tear" from bending. If you look close at the pic you can tell the worn spot is from the rim and the cut part is from the hub. Thanks again!


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The other side may hold something more interesting, the plate that holds the pipe to the chassis isn't bolted up on mine.


I'll measure this line, but even held back like that it's rubbed through to the cords.

A number of my previous cars have had sacrificial helical rubber pieces wrapped around the potential rub points.


Don't forget also that my suspension is lowered, so the angle of everything will be different to a car at standard ride height.





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Also thinking about that, you may need to set the pipe up on a ramp with the weight of the vehicle on the suspension.


With the car jacked up, can you make the brake hose touch the wheel or brake drum?

I'm betting mine doesn't, the thing most likely have been fitted with the vehicle jacked up and the wheel off.



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14 hours ago, mobileparts said:

I can "adjust" your requested length of brake hose

That's great to know as an alternative. But my thinking is if the replacement hose is same length as the original, then the rubbing is an installation issue. The originals had no rub marks.  Pontiac made it work in '54 so one should be able to make it work in 2019. Until I replace the hose only then can I compare lengths more closely. I know one thing for sure.....next time I'm visually checking for any contact when wheels are turned before hitting the road again!


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  • 2 months later...

I changed the brake hose today. The hose doesn't really have a "notch" to make it change orientation but a little twist either way can be held in place by the hard line. I did it with full weight on the steering arm and after everything was tight I double checked by turning the wheel full left/right. I would have never thought of checking these hoses for clearances but learned yet another lesson.


Here is wheel in the straight position. Notice the hose doesn't sit with an outward bend but more downwards. 




Here is the wheel turned full left

hose now moves away from the hub instead of into it. 








Edited by Summershandy (see edit history)
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