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1925 DB Cowl Lamp Disassembly


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OK, continuing to go through the new roadster little by little.  I need to remove the cowl lamps (which appears to be a straightforward operation... disconnect wire, remove nut and pull lamp assembly off car???).  The next step is I'm planning on changing the single contact socket to a double contact for turn signals.  The problem I'm having is getting the plated rim off of the lamp housing to access the bulb/socket.  I've removed the little screw at the bottom and now the rim will rotate through about 1/4 of a turn, but will not come off of the housing.  I don't want to go prying on it for fear of cracking or breaking lens/rim.  There's nothing in the owner's manual regarding this so I'm hoping someone here can lend a hand.  Thanks.

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It sounds like you have turned it far enough to release the pins (it's a bayonet-style mount)  The rim is actually a 2 piece assembly; the outer, nickel plated part and an inner, part soldered to the inside of the outer rim.  The inner part can rust since it isn't nickel plated which can make it much more difficult to get things apart.  They were rusted pretty badly on mine.  I had to carefully pry around the circumference to get them apart.  

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Franklinman, Before you get too involved in attempting to convert the single contact socket to a double contact you might check and see if there will be room inside that smallish lamp housing for the larger double filament bulb! Been there!

Rodger "Dodger"

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I had to completely dis assemble mine recently to get them chrome plated. It was a knightmare getting them apart especially getting the glass lens out. I eventually got them all apart but had to go carefully prying the inner out. They came up like new though. 

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Thanks guys for your input thus far.  I have played with these things now for a week with no luck.  Maybe I'm just not prying hard enough or in the right places, but I really don't want to damage anything at this point.  Does anyone have a pic of one of these things apart?  Maybe if I could see exactly where the bayonet pins are located I'd get a better idea. Oh, and Roger I had thought about the bulb issue.  I've located an LED type bulb that appears should fit.  I'll let you know once I get one apart.  Thanks again.

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