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1927 128Wb Speedometer for sale on E-Bay

Leif Holmberg

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Not mine,I think this`s a very rare not working speedometer for sale on E-Bay,it will fit all Ser 50 128" wheel base.Don`t think I ever seen such 1927 speedo with that "face"on E-Bay before.(last 10 years)

Leif in Sweden



1927 ser 50.jpg

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Thanks Leif:

 I had seen the gold face ones but not this color face. It does not make much difference since the unit itself is junk. That is unless you need to salvage the face to match the other instruments in a car. I have 3 Master AC units that were cracked like that. Which means that they are swollen enough that they could not be removed from the case without destroying what was left. We have discussed the Standard AC versions which are just as bad. As you told me years ago that if my speedometer was working at all DO NOT TOUCH IT. Every AC unit I had seen at Hershey over the years when asked about.... has it been tested? The seller said it was a good unit. Then I would pick it up to give it a gentle shake to see if the mph drum would pivot. Most of the time you would hear a rattling sound as if there were loose gravel inside. I am going to adapt a Stewart Speedometer(Brass internal works) to replace the Die cast AC junk.

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I am not aware of any models that are survivors, they are all pot metal as far as I know. 


Mine are pieced together with some custom gluing work! 


The 27 masters had the vertical trip reset, my 27 standard has the trip reset horizontally out the front face. 

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