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I just cannot take John treating all of you like slaves to handle his every whim on the forum.  I have sent this to him today.  I have moved a few of the improper buy-sell posts lately myself.  Please watch for them. 


John, this email is a long time coming.  We appreciate your concern about our site.  It is a reason we asked you to consider being a moderator.  In the time it would take for you to email all of us you could have fixed things.  You chose not to accept the offer as you said you were too busy.


We have now added a substantial number of new moderators and we all need to let them do their job.  It will take awhile for everyone to get up to speed though. Please ease up on all the requests for minor infractions and let the moderators get their sea legs.  If something very egregious or harmful hits the forum we need to react immediately and will appreciate your notification but simple moving of posts should be automatically handled by the moderators. 


Thanks for the concern but the number of emails from you at times is overwhelming for all of us.  Your email goes to everyone who is a moderator!  Thanks for your cooperation. 



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Hmmm, I feel like a Maytag repair man now. But brotha I ain't complainin. 


Hey Annie, welcome aboard. While I mainly look over the Buick crowd, I try to also knock out the spammers forum wide as soon as possible to keep their posts from growing exponentially. Happy also to help with anything else if needed, just ask. 

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