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New Editor Question

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I'm the new editor of the Davy Crockett Region newsletter. I have downloaded the 2014 AACA Editors Manual and the current Rummage Box both look like good resources. I don't have any particular interest in the NAAP awards program, at least not right now. Does the National want copies of our newsletter for any other reason, other than the award program? Previous editor said he never sent any to National and someone at the meeting thought he was suppose to.


I have heard a lot of editors use MS Publisher, my computer of choice is Mac so that is not an option. My first edition was  produced with Publisher Plus, which worked pretty well but is pretty limited in ability.


Any suggestions are welcome.


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Welcome aboard as an editor. There is no reason to submit copies of your region newsletters unless you want to participate in the NAAP. I use MS Publisher on a PC so I can't help you with your software question. The editor's manual is woefully in need of an update for compatibility with changes in the NAAP, but that really should not matter for you unless you change your mind and decide to participate in the NAAP. It still has a lot of good information in it. Hopefully it will get updated soon.


Be sure to ask any other questions you may have. I will certainly be happy to help in any way I can. 

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Thanks Matt, been getting some pointers from a friend (Buick/Crosley guy) that does a Buick newsletter in MN.


I have lots of old car photos that I have collected over the years that I plan to use for filling some holes as needed. With the very complicated copyright laws, do you think it is ok to reprint new car ads from 40s and 50s?

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Typically, I think most of those are probably in the public domain but I am not an expert nor an attorney. You might what to do a quick Google Search on Copyright. I have seen a very easy to follow flowchart online in the past but can't seem to find it right now. Here is one similar link that might help: http://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm

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Welcome, Jim, to the world of editing!  Any job is

what you make it, and I'm sure your region will benefit

from your fresh insight and enthusiasm.


Your question about using old car ads in a newsletter

has, thankfully, been answered before, and it's an answer

you will like.  Here is a thread from 2012 titled,

"Use of Old Car Ads in Newsletter."  West Peterson,

a professional newsman, formerly an editor with Cars & Parts

magazine and for several years our national A.A.C.A. editor,

wrote, "As long as you aren't using the ad for monetary gain,

you are perfectly within rights to use it."

You'll see such historical ads reproduced throughout

professional publications and small newsletters alike.





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Thanks John. I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to enforce a copyright on an ad for a car long out of production but these days who knows.


So far I have been collecting interesting fill, I hope to get some contributions from the members but I know that can be a hard sell. I will be warning them if they don't supply articles they will get a lot Crosley and Ford truck articles. :-)

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One piece of advice I learned from this forum:

If you get a good article written by a member,

give it a prominent place in the newsletter, where

it will be easily seen.  Then give the contributor

a few extra copies of the newsletter as keepsakes.

People like to see and save their own work!


Newsletter editors often don't get contributions,

so I'm always prepared with articles of my own.

Occasionally, it's on one of my own cars;

or an interesting car that someone else owns.

Sometimes, it's a bit of automotive history--especially

things that are little known or haven't been found elsewhere.

Occasionally, I'll interview someone--whether locally or

3000 miles away--for the special automotive knowledge 

he can share.  I really love to reprint a long-forgotten article

(with permission when needed) on some aspect of decades ago--

written by people who lived then and had first-hand 

knowledge that no one has today.


We strive for excellence.  As editor, feel free to edit

the contributions of your members, for style, grammar,

length, and so on.  Editors edit!  And that enhances

the quality of the newsletter for everyone to read. 

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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As far as copyright goes, anything printed before 1923 is in public domain. After that it starts to get complicated. A good rule to follow  is not to reprint anything published after 1923 with out permission or 95 years have passed.



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  • 1 month later...
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I suspect that car ads are not copyrighted 

because the manufacturers WANT to spread

the information about their cars!  They PAY to have

their ads included in magazines, so they should be

thrilled when car fans spread the word for free.

They put out press books, news releases, ads, and so on,

so would they want to limit people from publicizing

their products?!


"Hey, you, stop telling people about our new model!

We wanted people in only a few locations to know

about our car!" 

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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     I am editor of the Ontelaunee region newsletter Tin N Brass.  I have gotten a lot of good stuff trough the newsletter exchange with over regions.  Would be happy to put on my monthly list if you like


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Yea I remember you telling me you were going to do it.


How does the exchange agreement go. If you see something that you want to use ask or is it implied if you exchange it can be used?


With the upcoming move are you going to try doing it long distance?

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10 hours ago, Jim Bollman said:

How does the exchange agreement go. If you see something that you want to use ask or is it implied if you exchange it can be used?


Jim, if other newsletters are exchanging with you,

reusing their material is sort of implied.  Some regions

put a notice to that effect in their newsletters, saying

that other clubs are free to reprint material if proper

credit is given.  If you don't see a notice like that,  it's

appropriate to phone the other editor, and he'll probably

be honored that someone wants to reprint it.


If material in a newsletter is copyrighted, then you'd

have to get permission to reprint it.  For example, we

reprinted a cartoon once and got permission, and had

to pay a modest fee;  a couple of times, respected authors

wrote pieces for our newsletter, and we offered them

the copyright.  But even then, phone the newsletter editor,

and he can give you all the contact information you need

to ask permission yourself.


Actually, talking to other editors, and other people throughout

the hobby, broadens your horizons.



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